Three Guys Launch Campaign to Become Playboy Mansion Pool Boys


Seemingly unassociated with any official Playboy promotion, Pool Boys at the Mansion is a site created by three guys Sam Rush and two other guys referred to as Denman and The Swede. The sole purpose of the site is to get the attention of Playboy and get hired as pool boys at the Mansion. Prior to setting up the site, they contacted Playboy through normal channels and were told, "pool boy positions at the Mansion, however, are likely to go only to trusted referrals."

Undeterred, the three launched Pool Boys at the Mansion. A quick Whois search confirms (well, as much as Whois can which isn't saying much) no official association with Playboy. Let's hope this is, in fact, the case, and not another sad attempt by a corporate entity to get jiggy with the bloggy thing. Good luck, guys.

by Steve Hall    Feb-23-07    
Topic: Good, Social, Weblogs

Wrigley's and Wii Get Cozy on Candystand


It was only a matter of time before Wrigley's Candystand, whose candy-tagged games get progressively better, would start testing waters in real gamer territory.

Candystand and Wii just joined forces in a bizarre cross-branding where Wii web games are peddled on Candystand and Candystand is totally accessible through the Wii browser.

The relationship isn't exactly low-key - within 24 hours of launching on Wii's Internet Channel, drew 6000 visitors and a ton of positive reviews. That is, according to Scott Tannen, Wrigley's director of global digital marketing.

This is the first branded site to link to the Wii browser, which will definitely get competitors sniffing at the door to be next in line. Candystand's content offerings are also formatted for television instead of computer monitors.

Kudos to Wrigley for creating a series of branded offerings that seem able to stand alone in gaming world. It hasn't been an easy trek, considering Candystand was first introduced in '97 - building this kind of recognition takes time. Just ask Target.

We still harbor doubts that our Socom buddies would be deeply impressed to hear we destroy the competition on Altoids Sheep, though.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-22-07    
Topic: Brands, Games, Good, Online, Sponsorship, Television

Hardaway Actually Is Irresistible to Gays, to His Chagrin


Tim Hardaway chases his recent anti-gay remarks with an apology that's feeble at best. Meanwhile gay comedian and activist George Takei makes a judicious retort, assuring the paranoid Tim he's not only liked by gays; he's liked by gays.

An apt response. There's even a bit of rubbing, and who can do without maniacal laughter?

by Angela Natividad    Feb-22-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Television

Guy Spews ESPN News Out of His Ass


We don't have confirmation that this is a sanctioned ESPN commercial but we don't really care. It's funny. And that's all that really matters. We think we may have seen this before too so go easy with those "Dude, this shit is old" emails. That, or we've seen so many ads they all look the same.

How may times have you told someone they're talking out of their ass? Well, the guy in this ESPN News spot gets so much information from ESPN that he spews sports news out of his ass. You have to admit, that "problem" is a lot less smelly that what usually comes out of your ass.

by Steve Hall    Feb-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Video

Perelli Debuts New Film Staring Uma Thurman


Following last year's The Call, Pirelli has a new film called Mission Zero which stars Uma Thurman who begins her day driving a yellow sports car when she passes a kid who, apparently, is helping a group track her down. At a stop light, she is attacked by some killers who chase her through the streets, over bridges and around lots and lots of corners. She ends up in a diner, makes a call and then realizes the people in the diner are after her too. She escapes and hits the road again only to meet up with a telephone worker who turns out to be a sniper. After much more tire squealing and bullet wholes, Uma then...oh...just watch the film to find out. We don't want to spoil the ending.

It's nice work. It's watchable. It's certainly better than your average television commercial.

by Steve Hall    Feb-21-07    
Topic: Good, Video

Load Lost Without Tie Down


Now here's a spot that's so bad, so cheesy, so predictably poor in it's use of t double entendre, it's actually good. It's an Australian spot for Tite-Tie, a product that helps tie things down in tandem with rope. And yes, we know this isn't new. See it here on the Tite-Tie site or a director's cut here on YouTube.

by Steve Hall    Feb-21-07    
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Good

Human Skateboard Sells Shoes


OK, this looks like it really really hurts. But, it also looks really, really cool. Using stop motion pixilation, PES, working with Margeotes, Feritta Powell, created a spot for Sneax Shoes in which a guy rides a skateboard that's actually a person. It's just weird enough to be cool. Though we wonder just how many times that skateboard guy had to move an inch at a time so they could piece the whole thing together.

by Steve Hall    Feb-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Interactive Installations Spice Up Brand Experience


To liven up the boring auto show and to provide some customized interactivity with an automotive brand, Mindflood along with experience marketing company George P. Johnson teamed to create some very impressive consumer experiences for Acura and Scion. We can remeber going to auto shows and thinking it was cool just to touch the car ans sit inside it. That's so yesterday. The Acura Interactive Oracles and the Scion Mix it Up Experience give people so much more to play with including complete vehicle customization, t-shirt creation and a complete interactive experience of the vehicle.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb-21-07    
Topic: Events, Good, Point of Purchase, Trends and Culture

Sheikh Mourns End of Oil Heyday in Tale as Old as Time


It's no secret that the US's slow divorce from oil dependence is a transition frowned upon by some. But to joke about it? Publicly? Quel faux-pas.

That's why we dig Toyota Prius' ballsiness. This ad, put together by Saatchi & Saatchi in Poland, throws an ice breaker into the discourse. It doesn't make the Prius any prettier, but it certainly makes the brand more appealing.

Something about the sheikh's despondent expression brings to mind those sad westerns in which ways of life get torn asunder, and natives cruelly displaced, by the new guys in town. Oh sheikh, don't mourn too long for the past. We'd pat your shoulder, but we probably wouldn't recognize you through the tinted windows of the gold-encrusted Hummer.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-20-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Magazine

German Ad Makes Words Spit Flames


TJ "I Told You So" Swafford dropped a link to this interesting ad in our Soflow group forum this morning. It's a cross-promotion with Eragon in which words flow out of some suspiciously iPod-looking earbuds and smash together, giving phoenix-like birth to a dragon.

The copy reads "Lebendige Worte" or "living words." We're not sure what the narrator is saying but dragon visuals and German-speak have a way of demanding one's strictest attention. We also like the gobbledygook mash-up of disconnected letters that turn into a fire-breathing monster. We shoot for the same type of effect when we throw together scathing diction.

Do we now want to watch Eragon? No, but that's because we were burned by Dragonheart, which ruined live-action dragon films for us forever.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-20-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions