Marketing Tips Offered to Movie Studios


Chris Thilk who writes the Movie Marketing Madness weblog has compiled a list of five tips movie marketers should heed when launching a movie marketing campaign. Chief among the tips is the recognition that the studio is not nor should be the sole source of information and content about a given movie. Thilk suggests studios should acknowledge and link to other sources of information about a movie rather than pretend the studio's website is the only place for movie info. He also says studios should make use of RSS to push out updates and deliver added information rather than require a movie's fans to remember to return to the site. Thilk also says studios should take an active role in joining the ongoing online conversation about a movie by searching Technorati for mentions and responding to what's being said about the movie.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 1-06    
Topic: Good, Online, RSS, Word of Mouth

Legitimized Software-Install Ad Channel Introduced


Hoping to stand up as a model against software-install spyware, Santa-Barbara-based onCommercials has introduced a formalize revenue share model with aims to "official-ize" software-install advertising. Software developers can use onCommercials code to display commercials during the loading process of their software. Each time the application is started a commercial will be shown, dynamically chosen by onCommercials serving technology.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb-28-06    
Topic: Desktop, Good, Online, Tools

42 Below Promotes Vodka With Russian Bride Contest


Cheeky New Zealand vodka marketer 42 Below is at it again. This time the company is highlighting its Stil vodka with a "Win A Russian Bride" competition complete with video and print ads. Geoff Ross, chief executive of the 42 Below company, explains the promotion thusly, telling the Sunday Star-Times, "For the single Kiwi bloke who might not be an All Black or very good looking, this is a chance to get hooked up with somebody pretty hot. The ideal woman for the Kiwi bloke is one who keeps him fed and looked after all day and meets all his needs."

Of course it's all a tongue in cheek joke but, predictably, not everyone is taking it that way. View the video/ad here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-28-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Strange, Television

Giant Foosball Table Attacks Venice Beach


It's All Advertising caught a glimpse of the gigantic foosball table Adidas erected at Venice beach in association with a World Cup promotion. The game is actually playable with giant steering wheels at the end of each rod. The table accompanied an event at which junior soccer games were played on small fields. Not a bad way to grab attention.

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

Make A Disgusting Product. Get Publicity, Revel in Revenue


If you can't get publicity with a great product, create a crappy one and get lots of publicity. This has been Jones Soda's tactic for quite some time. Bt creating flavors such as Brussel Sprout, Broccoli Casserole and Turkey soda, Jones Soda found itself featured on Good Morning America and Jay Leno. Jones Soda Founder Peter Van Stolk thinks he has the key to publicity saying, "I've been in business 10 years and launched 80 flavors, and none of the great-tasting ones ever got on Jay Leno." While it may be stunt marketing, it's paid off handsomely with revenue jumping 18 percent to $24.7 million in the first nine months of 2005. Perhaps Hanes should sell underwear with celebrity skid marks. That's get them on Stern and the likes of Fark in no time.

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-06    
Topic: Brands, Good, Guerilla, Strange

McDonald's Launched Bi-Lingual Filet-O-Fish Game Site


Dallas-based Moroch Partners has launched a bilingual, interactive gaming site, called Shark Bait, for McDonald's centering on the Filet-O-Fish and Double Filet-O-Fish sandwiches. In the first level of the game, the player has to keep the sandwich away from attacking sharks and the walls of the tank. There are two additional levels for which unlock codes can be obtained by forwarding the game to a friend viral-bribe style.

The effort aligns well with the rise in online gaming and players who interact with a fish sandwich for a while just might succumb to the power of suggestion and go buy a deep fat fried slab of fish between a bun slathered with some kind of special sauce. Mmm. I'm lovin' it!

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Viral

Dread and Shock Used in Canadian Drunk Driving Commercials


Like the emotion felt while watching the UK Department of Transport cell phone ad, these ads, which have been floating around since late 2005, from DDB Canada for the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia's long-running CounterAttack don't-drink-and-drive campaign fill one with dread. Following the same sudden-shock approach the UK DOT ad used, two of the three commercial feature kids in a car driven by a drunk and a third features a guy talking about the negative aspects of drunk driving. All three ads have endings that while somewhat predictable, still shock. The ads are said to begin airing this summer. See all three here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Bouncing Breasts Demonstrate Benefits of Sports Bra


Adland points to a promotion filled with bouncing breasts that actually serves a purpose rather than to simply titillate. U.K. sport bra company Shock Absorber has created a site where woman can choose her cup size, a level of activity and then see the "activity" her breasts undergo in three side-by-side scenarios: nude, regular bra and sports bra. It's certainly a convincing argument for buying a sport bra unless you're the sort of woman that enjoys neck to stomach bouncing action.

by Steve Hall    Feb-27-06    
Topic: Good, Online

Annoyance And Humor Tackle Debt, Home Foreclosures


To counteract American's love for credit and denial of debt, the Homeownership Preservation Foundation had to demonstrate just how annoying debt can be in the only terms Americans can understand - annoyingly humorous television commercials. Addressing the 2.9 million home foreclosures that have occurred in the last five years, Minneapolis agency Colle+McVoy created two public service announcements that use annoyance to demonstrate just how annoying debt and it's result can be. The two spots, Loud Mouth and Annoying were directed by Brendan Gibbons of Los Angeles' Hungry Man Productions.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

The Hills Have More Than Just Eyes

hills1.JPG gets pitched by Fox Searchlight for its upcoming horror flick, The Hills Have Eyes, with a styrofoam-encased delicacy most, other than horror movie fans, would rather not see. See what's inside here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-06    
Topic: Direct, Good, Guerilla, Promotions, Specialty