JWT Asks Ad Industry to Help 'Christmas Story' Doofus Detach Tongue


Simple, brainless fun. That's what's so special about this year's JWT holiday card. For a while there, we thought the ad industry had decided to forgo the annual rite of creative passage known as the holiday card but now we have so many submissions we just don't know what to do with all of them.

We like this one because:

A. It arrived via email with a single URL in the body of the email. No lame sales pitch.

B. It's actually good in the most simple of ways. You get to hlep that A Christmas Story doofus detach his tongue from the light pole with various items like a blow dryer, a spatula and a chain saw.

C. You don't have to log in.

D. Even your buffoon on a boss who still refuses the Internet will amount to anything can work it.

by Steve Hall    Dec-19-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good

Promotional Hack Loses Footing, Stumbles Across Snapple Site


[16:55] meeboguest722271: Hi there.
[16:56] meeboguest722271: I'm trying to get the word out about a great site redesign I stumbled across and as an avid reader I thought this would be a great place to start. How do you recommend I do that? The site is www.snapple.com

Why do people do this? Do they think we are dumb? Are we to believe someone actually "stumbled across" the website of a tiny little company called Snapple? By accident? Do they think we are so stupid as to not see through their lame promotional efforts? Is it so hard to simply say "we were involved in the redesign of" or "we are helping promote" Snapple's new site and we'd love to take a look at it."

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by Steve Hall    Dec-19-07    
Topic: Bad, Good, Online, Opinion

Picnicface Bitchslaps Us with Powerthirst Rocket Edition


If you, like every other college student suckling from Facebook, enjoyed the first Powerthirst ad -- a spoof on testosterone-rich energy drink ads that make ridiculous promises -- then you'll be marginally interested in watching the spot for Powerthirst Rocket Edition, brought to you by Picnicface and College Humor.

Now your favorite non-existent drink comes toting new flavors (MANIMAL! FIZZBITCH! GUN!) and new words for your lexicon like "beveryman," "preposterone" and "douche-fag."

And not only will you be preposterously good at sports, you'll win at irony, art and "everything forever!"

Testimonials added for effect.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-07    
Topic: Good, Spoofs, Video

Ed Byrne Says Recycle Christmas Cards, Glass ... and Sleigh Carbon?


Recycling is the last thing most people think about over Christmas. Unless you're Ed Byrne.

The above video is worth watching for reasons besides the green guilt-trip, though. Looking for lame ways to mask your holiday alcoholism in the face of nosy and judgmental neighbors? Push play. (We took notes.)

This multi-use message is brought to you by Team Rubber for the Recycle Now group.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-07    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Good

Journelle Lingerie Creates Visual Feast of Beauty


For Journelle's new "lingerie concept" concept store at 5th and 17th in New York City, WIKA Director Gabriel Winer shot five soundless films featuring New York women alluringly move about their apartments showing off their lingerie and their beauty. The films are being projected on a flat glass wall which separates the dressing rooms from the rest of the store.

First, we have Sam, the auburn-haired, freckled, girl-next-door modeling simple, white, tame underwear. Then, we have Aslin, an exotic looking brunette slowly going through her morning routine while offering us beautiful views of herself and the lacy black booty-barring lingerie that leads one to believe there's still a man in her bedroom.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-18-07    
Topic: Good, Point of Purchase, Video

Converse Grateful For Mindless Sitcoms, Pointless Pageantry


Continuing its Anomaly-created Disruption campaign launched last month, Converse, in two new spots debuting tonight (Grateful, Pageant), attacks the idiocy of beauty pageants, American Idol, democracy, mindless sitcoms, reality shows and video games. While it seeks to set apart the viewer from the idiocy it highlights and, perhaps by disassociation, elevate the viewer in some way, one has to wonder whether or not calling everyone else an idiot is smart marketing.

For sure, the above-mentioned items are idiotically mindless but in a capitalistic society such as the one in which we live, nothing gets created unless people want it. Even if they are idiotic and mind numbing. As current culture indicates and as Converse points out, perhaps a lot of people are suffering from some form of idiotic mindlessness. Or at least the creators of this so-called mindless stuff are.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-17-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good

Virgin Mobile Canada Celebrates Birth of Jesus Breaker-Style


Virgin Mobile Canada likes to think a great battle took place between the breakdancing angels, shepherds and wise men of the east, in the barn where Jesus was born.

And we don't know why, but now we like that idea too. Does this mean John Travolta is God?

Back on-topic, the ad -- put together by zig in tangent with Virgin Mobile -- is a far cry from Virgin's belief-neutral Christmahanakwanzakuh effort.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-17-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Wonderbra Supports Huge Mounds of Water


OK. Ha, ha, fuckin' ha. Maybe Wonderbra is running out of ideas or maybe we're just bored (bored with breasts? is that even possible?) with their whole "we hold big boulders" approach to bra advertising. Did we just say that? Bored with bra ads? Damn. Excuse us for a minute while we go stare at our intern's 34G breasts...

OK, all better. We love bra advertising! bring us more! How about little placards placed in between the balloons you seen hanging on people's mail boxes when their kid has a birthday party or they're trying to clear some shit out of their basement? how about two giant hot air balloons floating aloft next to each other with a giant Wonderbra over the top of them?

How about a girl jumping up and down like a gorilla while playing the drums. Oh wait. Been there, done that. OK, here it is. How about an Asian chick playing tennis proving the power of the Wonderbra?

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Agent Provocateur Brings Lingerie to Kinky Manor Life


Perhaps we missed Adventure Number One (oops, no we didn't) but Agency Provocateur, in its never ending quest to be as provocative as possible gives us Adventure Number Two, The Lady of the Manor, a full blown storybook-style glimpse inside the world of Manor living, the lady that runs the house and the maids who do her bidding. Of course, this isn't a story about your average manor living. It's a tricked out, male fantasy-focused version complete with lingerie-clad maids receiving spankings and morning frolics in bed.

We, of course, have absolutely no problem enjoying this creation to the fullest extent. However, we wonder what its appeal is to women. Apart from the few women who enjoy watching other women prance about in lingerie, we're curious how many women really want to witness the day in the life of an objectified, subservient maid. [Ed. Oh shut up you idiot. This is advertising. Can't you just leave a good T and A campaign alone?]

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Racy, Video

If Free Condoms Can Stop AIDS, We'd Damn Well Like to Hear About It


For World AIDS Day, Escala Comunicacao e Marketing unveiled a self-standing billboard with AIDS spelled in yellow condoms. The client was the Health Secretariat of Rio Grande, Brazil.

Something like 500 condoms were distributed. All told, this promotional collage says more than 8000 pedestrians "interacted" with the poster.

We always get a little sketched-out about the word "interact." If only 500 condoms were available, how did thousands interact with the billboard? Did they lean against it? Take pictures of it? Yell at kids or beat up cops in front of it? Sell their freely-acquired yellow condoms to peers?

The world may never know.

Update: A representative for Escala explained that the condoms were replaced everytime AIDS vanished from the board. That's kind of poetic.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-16-07    
Topic: Cause, Good, Outdoor, Poster