Torpedoes Aren't the Only Danger to A Submarine


We love Specsavers. More accurately, we love their advertising. If you've seen the submarine movie Das Boot (or the Matthew McConaughey version of it), you'll appreciate this commercial. But you won't see the end coming. Though if you use your imagination and understand that Specsavers ads are always about what can happen if you don't have the right specs, you just might figure it out before the reveal.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-13-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Wake Up and Smell the Hottie in Your Bed, Idiot


You can interpret this Lynx commercial with Jessica Jane Clement in two different ways. First, the guy is just an absolute clueless idiot. Over and over, he kills his chances at having a continuing relationship with one of the hottest women in the world. And the fact he and his idiocy are even remotely associated with Lynx would cause one to avoid the product at all costs.

Second, they guy is still an absolute clueless idiot but so is every potential Lynx users because, according to this commercial, they have to be hit over the head again and again and again before they realize all they need to do is use Lynx to get one of the world's hottest women. Which, of course, is one of the most idiotic notions in the world.

Either way, the entire thing is an idiotic premise. Of course, that doesn't make it unfunny. Not at all.

by Steve Hall    Jun-25-10    
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Good, Racy

If You Cannot Come to Wrath of Cannes, Wrath of Cannes Will Come to You


Steve mentioned earlier that there are some Wrath of Cannes shirts going around, and yeah, those rumours are true: the other day the Wrath's Kristen Bryan found me, handed me a Grand Coney tee and asked me to strike a "sexy" pose.

Not sure what one of those looks like, since I by nature just ooze sex out of my pores, so I whipped out some creepy awkward fist-to-face thing that was probably planted in my subconscious by

Ask Wappling, who took the picture at left, also sported a shirt, as did Rafiq from ihaveanidea and Brett McKenzie.

The real Cannes is officially invaded. New goal - to actually experience Wrath of Cannes live. Someday.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-10    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Industry Events

Unilever Dispenses Ice Cream for Smiles


Following up on the Coke Zero Happiness machines imagineered for Cannes in '09, this year SapientNitro plugs Unilever's ice cream brands - with a machine that dispenses the frozen desserts when a person smiles at it.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-24-10    
Topic: Brands, Good, Industry Events, Specialty

Forget Mayorships and Badges, Earn Money With Your Check Ins


IZEA has launched WeReward, a Foursquare-like check in application that awards redeemable points for completing tasks and checking in. It's like Foursquare but instead of a game, it's a revenue source. And that's a good thing. Because after a while collecting badges becomes tiresome. On the other hand, collecting money never does.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-23-10    
Topic: Good, Social, Tools

Kitty-Powered Persuasiveness Sells Ice Cream


Awww. There's always room for kitties in advertising, right? LA's Lake Street Creamery knows this and they are unapologetically leveraging that cuddly goodness.

Oh my cuteness!

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by Steve Hall    Jun-23-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Solidarites International Reveals Menace in Water


Q: If water could talk, what do you imagine it would say?

A: It depends on whether or not it would like to kill you.

Just wanted to give this "Water Talks" installation some coverage because it's gripping and chills-inducing work. It went down in the last two months or so. I'd never seen it, and neither had Adland's Ask "dabitch" Wappling. (We were both self-righteously upset by this.)

Here's the video.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-23-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Outdoor

You Want Us to Actually Eat That?


Hmm. In a cross between an amoebae video you'd see in biology class and a Cheese Doodle, Cadbury attempts to illustrate of their Flake candy bar. This wisp of tasty beauty was brought to us by Fallon London and was directed by Baillie Walsh.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-21-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Pele Gets to Score Again...At Age 70


Like Rocky Balboa returning to the ring for his last fight, Y&R Brazil, along with Energy, has given the now 70-year-old football great Pele another chance to work his magic against Argentina on the field. After a tough first half, Pele gets it together and finally scores.

Called 1284, the video, which begins with Pele uttering, "If I could replay my life, maybe if I scored my last goal with the Brazilian Team, I'd like that," was created for Brazilian mobile telecommunications company Vivo which is Brazil's national team sponsor.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-18-10    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video

Bevy of Bikini-Clad Beauties Make Man's Morning


Unless this video has an encoding problem, it looks like its creators didn't make the soundtrack long enough to match the video portion. But who really cares about that crap when the video gives us a detailed aftermath-style view of what was most certainly an amazing night of Axe-Style partying on a boat?

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by Steve Hall    Jun-18-10    
Topic: Brands, Good, Racy, Video