Before we even comment on these video supplements to the Nissan Rogue campaign which broke on Heroes last night, we truly hope its real. Not in the sense that it was passed off as something that came from the brand but didn't because it did. Nissan is all good with transparency here. Rather, we hope the stunts filmed in the videos are genuinely real and not altered with post production foolery.
Borrowing a bit from the Rayban Never Hide videos and the Axe Girlfriend comes this video campaign for Nissan's Rogue from TBWA\Tequila in LA. In the videos, the "Maze Master" shows us his skills with a marble maze game. In the first video, Maze Master and friend perform stunts with a marble just the Axe video did with quarters and the Never Hide videos did with sunglasses.
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If there's any category of marketer who has dramatically altered the way they market their product, it would be book publishers. Publishers have jumped head first into what online marketing has to offer. From using blog, to social networking sites to video to dedicated websites, the category has forever left behind its formerly staid marketing practices. Surely, they are not alone but they tend to stand out more so than others.
To market the book The Electric Church, a science fiction novel about eternal life via brain transplant into cyborg avatars (or something like that), has launched a BlogAd campaign and a site that takes you inside the church in a freaky sort of way. The creative includes interactive elements from the site. It's definitely simple but simple is more often than not all it takes to deliver a message.
This is cute. To promote Career Distinction: Stand Out By Building Your Brand by William Arruda and Kirsten Dixson, we've been sent the Online Identity Calculator.
This magic tool tells you how close you are to achieving online identity nirvana by assessing the quality of results gleaned from a vanity search - everybody's favourite covert activity. As far as we can tell, the calculator works for names as well as for companies.
All results guide you back to the book for more information and tips on achieving notoriety - or at least earning passing mentions in your circle.
AdFreak calls our attention to this freakishly weird video for England's Plug TV which features a Jesus fatty taking a trip down from the heavens to visit the dirty, raw wold of human beings. It doesn't take long before he's drinking and magically turning flat chested librarian types into large-breasted, bikini-clad hotties whom he takes with him for a ride in his mega-stretch limo. That is until Dad gets angry.
Predictably, the Catholic church is a bit miffed.
This is almost too spiffy to stand. For sandwich chain Erbert & Gerbert, Colle+McVoy put together a human flipbook ad. It reminded us a little of Justice's DANCE, except you don't get a pop culture headache immediately afterward.
Watch the making-of video at Human Flipbook. It's arguably as entertaining as the :30 spot. We continue to be amazed by all the things you can do to - er, with - an intern.
Following the recent legalization of gambling advertising in the UK, London agency Personal has created a series of really weird spots to promote online casino Intercasino. In the spots, little people do strange things like roll down a hill as a pair of dice, ring bells and engage in a game of...little people toss? Anyway, see them all here for a lunchtime laugh.
It was one of television's most popular shows. It spawned a movie franchise (sort of). It made Florence Henderson a household name. Yes, we're talking about the Brady Bunch. A show that had every boy in America drooling for Marsha and every girl wondering if Greg was groovy or just weird. Bringing back that seventies kitsch, Captains of Industry has created That's Revolting, a site featuring the age-resistant Henderson and her updated, 21st century family, takes on global warming and household germs with Brady moment videos, a game and deliciously gross pictures of germs.
What's it for? It's to promote a company called Agion which makes natural antimicrobial solutions found in cleaners as well as new plastics which naturally kill germs so germophobes don't freak out after someone borrows their phone, coughs all over it while using it and then hands it back. Howard Stern will love this stuff!
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We would never have guessed the ending for this racy German spot for Sensodyne, brought to our attention by CMM News. If P. Diddy's Unforgivable ended this way, we would have loved and not (completely!) hated it.
Key takeaway: Don't mess with somebody who's got sensitive teeth.
No one loves their car this much. Oh wait, this is Volkswagen we're talking about. Those freaks are whack. Just witness how much this guy loves his Jetta and will do anything to keep it clean before he picks up his girlfriend. Even if she has to suffer from his cleaning technique.
This is just awesome. We don't know why but it is. Maybe it's because anytime you place a cute, cuddly character on the street it attracts a lot of attention and makes everyone happy. That's what's happening in Holland with a fish named Guppie, a forlorn looking red fish who ambles about from town to town capturing the public eye.
While no one new at firts, Guppie's purpose was to call attention to a GreenPeace website called MaakSchoonSchap which makes people aware of endangered fish being sold in their supermarkets and asks that they stop buying them.
What's not to like about a cuddly, sad looking fish? It worked for Nemo.