Speed-Talking Cheerleader Tests T-Mobile Service


We simply must agree with our friends over at Copyranter who loved T-Mobile's speed-talking, whatever-spewing, stereotype-enforcing, bubble-brained, chic-squeaking cheerleader in a commercial promoting the company's ability to keep up with teens who like to ponder the topics like boycotting tuna, matching swimsuits and getting one's head stuck in a sunroof. We've watched it five times and still can't stop laughing. Make sure you catch that last "whatever."

The agency behind this masterpiece are Publicis, the production company was Epoch Films and the director was Stacy Wall.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

McCann Hires Jesus And Fidel Castro For Agency Campaign


Advertising Goodness calls our attention to a couple self-promotional ads that McCann-Eriskson created. With imagery that features well known icons, the ads, very simply, make a powerful and convincing statement. We like.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Magazine

Holidays Are Over, Now You Can Get Divorced


Our Canadian correspondent, Sanj, sends us this ad for ezdivorce, a company that specializes in, as the name indicates, divorces. The ad, which appeared in the Toronto Metro paper, carries the ingenious headline, "Holidays Are Over - You Can Stop Pretending Now," giving nod to the perpetual postponement of all thing painful during the Holiday season. Simple. Witty. We like.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Newspaper