Philips Bluetooth Headphones Point to Pitfalls of Dancing In Underwear


While it's quite common to see people disappearing into their own world while attached to their mp3 player and busting dance moves they'd never do if they knew people were watching, we're pretty sure most don't strip while doing so. Unless. of course, they're the Sixteen Candles Geekish type like the guy in this video touting the beauty of Philips Bluetooth headphones which simultaneously connect to your mp3 play and your phone. Created by Isobar and Lukien, the video illustrates why it's best to pay at least a tiny bit of attention to your surroundings. It's also a brilliant demonstration of the product's feature.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Campaign Launched For Perfect Facebook Pic


With the advent of consumer-generated media and YouTube, Spring Break just isn't what it used to be. Or maybe this guy just didn't get any action. Either way, he did accomplish something during his break in the form of a video that spoofs a parody of the Dove Evolution video. Entitled "Campaign for the perfect facebook pic," Courtney Podvin undergoes the usual evolutionary transition with the end product ending up on his facebook profile. Insightfully, the video ends with the statement, "No wonder our perception of people on facebook is distorted."

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Spoofs, Video

Samsung HDTV is Actually a Very Large Frame


To push its line of full HD LCD televisions, Samsung launches a Bordeaux print campaign on how the device can convert soap operas, soccer games and even the weather report into works of art.

The captions read "Even a [soap opera/soccer game/weather forecast] looks like a work of art."

Pretty but perhaps misguided. It's not often we've sought docile masterpieces for hours of mindless entertainment, though Vogue may beg to differ.

Props to AdPunch for the lead.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine

Yes, You Really Do Want to Go to Cleveland's Institute of Art


Last month we featured a very weird and very whacked video from Cleveland agency Brokaw which was celebrating its 15th anniversary. Now, the agency has sent us some of its real work for its client the Cleveland Institute of Art which we really like. It's five minute, stop motion-ish video created with a sketch pad and some minimal effects. After all, educational institutions aren't famous for spending big in recruitment advertising. The video is nicely done and the voice over does just the right job of smack talking the educational recruitment process without overdoing it. It even highlights many reasons why a college student would want to go to Cleveland in the first place. Top on our list? The Barking Spider.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Good, Video

Trident Studies Mastication, Explains Gum-Related Pleasure


There's something very odd about the word "mastication." Say it ten times and you'll see what we mean. It's like saying "both" ten times in a row. See? Anyway. Enough about the oddities of the English language. On to Trident gum which, with help from AKQA London, has created an interesting movie about, yes, mastication. And brain lobes. And mastication quivering. And pleasure, And lobal deflation. And Softeriationificationflavorization...uh...something about making the gum soft. And fruit recognition software. And...oh just watch the video.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Good, Video

NASCAR Has Something to Prove, Uses Tees to Get Mean


Debates over the legitimacy of racecar-driving as a "real" sport aside, there's one sport we never get tired of playing: mouthing off, a pastime NASCAR leverages in the ads for its Busch Series races.

To add texture to this most stimulating of face-offs, the ad-splattered organization features talking heads on ad tees. Iron-on drivers trash each other, make fun of their over-the-hill future selves and call out sluggish competitors.

Credited to BooneOakley, the campaign will run on ABC, ESPN and ESPN2, FOX and SPEED, as well as during the Nextel Cup races. Prints and Internet banners will also be floating around in NASCAR-oriented publications and sites.

The ads are compelling enough to inspire us to buy a NASCAR shirt, though we'd be bummed if we stood around waiting for them to talk and they just ... didn't.

For the buzzkills who respond to trash-talk with "WTF, mate? Got something to prove?!", NASCAR prepares the perfect slogan: Hell yeah, fucktard! "We've got something to prove." We added the first part, but we know that's what they meant.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Promotions

Breath Freshener Associated With Farting. Yes, We Have No Idea Either


OK, This is guaranteed to make you laugh. Bathroom humors always does. Oh, don't pretend you think fart jokes aren't are funny. We're not believing it for one second. We are biologically programmed to laugh at this stuff. Though each one of us has seen fart jokes delivered in every way imaginable, we still laugh at them no matter how they come. This one, though, is truly a classic. For some reason, Air Vigorsol wants us to associate its Air Action Vigosol breathe freshener with...get ready for it...a farting squirrel chipmunk who saves the forest from fire. Squirrels Chipmunks? Power farts? Breath freshener? Oh how some marketer's minds work. Winter has come.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

ihaveanidea's Portfolio Night Goes on World Tour


Complete with full blown faux rock band returning after a 25 year absence, behind the scenes-style video and a "hit single," the folks over at ihaveanidea are promoting their upcoming Portfolio Night in style. The band, Burn Back, was popular back in the day but disappeared because they "weren't getting enough respect." Now, they're back to help push the organization's annual world-wide portfolio review during which top creative directors the word over will review the portfolios of aspiring creatives eager to get into advertising. It all happens May 3rd in 28 cities across the globe. Get your portfolios ready people!

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online, Promotions, Strange, Video

Houlihans Invites You to Play 'I Never' Drinking Game


It's a fair statement for us to say, for the most part, we've never found an online game we've really liked. In an odd and twisty bit of word play for us, a game called I Never has become an online game we really do like. Created by Kansas City-based Sullivan Higdon & Sink for Houlihan Restaurants, I Never is a drinking game (well, a virtual one in this case) where one person asks another ten questions and it spirals from there.

SHS's John January explains, saying, "Players can invite their friends to play I Never and can choose from questions we wrote or questions they make up themselves. Following on the heels of this email will be an invitation to play the game. Each time one of us chooses to submit answers the rest of us will be notified. You can wait for a couple of people to answer or you can watch as each person answers. Whatever floats your boat. The stories are optional but they make the game better."

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

Baltica Sets Beers Astride Metro Poles


Genevieve at VLAN points us to this effort to win Baltica beer drinkers on the metro. Maybe we're delusional but there seems to be something totally sexual about the way the beers are perched. Like ... do they move?

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla