For the record, we think Crumpler's* Paint By Numbers toilet paper rolls -- in a stall near you! -- are totally rad. (Read the colour key!)
With that said, the effort lit a spark in us that ignites every time we see yet another brand trying to do something with toilet paper. Like the occasional outbreak of insanity, every few months somebody pitches us with some TP-oriented thing that they're sure will bring ruminations of their genius to public stalls everywhere. See examples one and two.
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The girl featured in this Trojan Evolve One Evolve All Community video sums up the teen sex/sex education problem quite well when she says, "What really gets that health care covers Viagra but they can't cover birth control or teach about effective birth control."
Trojan aims to change that with its Evolve One, Evolve All community site on which videos from the community and well know artists point out the problems and offer solutions to what Colangelo (Trojan's agency) Chief Digital Officer Craig Lambert calls "a terrible, epidemic problem."
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Those Mac vs. PC ads? Tame in comparison to this grudge match between Mac and PC advocates created by Canada's Accident Factory. Cool. Very, very cool. Very very graphic. Very, very gross. Very, very awesome. The ending, though, is the best. It illustrates the absolute silliness and irrelevance of the Mac vs. PC wars.
A while back when I was actually creating advertising rather than shamelessly trashing it, we held a video contest for a jeweler and asked people to send in videos of their marriage proposals. We picked the best, worst, strangest, funniest, etc. and give them a big discount at the jeweler. I a discount after the ring's been brought and the proposal's been made is, to say the least, illogical. Then again, this is advertising. More likely, I can't remember the details and the promotion was something completely different that how I remember it.'s yet another in the long line of marriage proposal gaffes that offer never ending hilarity. It's for Aviva Insurance (not even a jeweler!) and was created by Taxi Toronto.
Last Friday a headless horseman galloped eerily across Chicago's building facades. The night marauder rode for four hours between the Loop and Wrigleyville.
Who woke him up? Meijer, which gave people a chance to win $1000 if they texted the company directly upon seeing the apparition. Flyers were distributed to prime people for the sighting; and whenever the van projecting the Horseman stopped or idled in traffic, the horse would rear its hind legs and flash the message: text Meijer for a grand.
A purported several hundred texts arrived over the course of the four-hour campaign. Dubbing it a success, the street team plans to repeat the work this Friday in Cincinnati.
Having worked in the segment for quite some time, I can attest to the boredom of working on business to business ad campaigns. There's only so much speed and feed bullshit you can take before your head explodes...or you go out and hire a big breasted floozy, a dude in a tuxedo and layer on an endless supply of metaphors and double entendres.
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Here's a series of ads for The Alberta Library which tells us just how powerful informative and motivational books can be. Aiming to show just how much influence a book can have on a person's life, both positively and negatively, four scenarios are played out to humorous effect.
Created by Rethink Vancouver and produced by Holiday Film, the commercial's directors commented on the work, saying, "We were both attracted to this job because neither of us can read, and we thought this would be a good excuse to go into a library for the first time. We loved Katie and Chad's scripts, they were simple and quite dark, and reminded us how libraries can lead you down the road to ruin, but then get you right back on track. It was our idea to use real actors in all four spots, instead of CGI characters used in most library commercials."
Um, right.
Perhaps due to the embarrassing Subway video debacle that likely caused every agency to crawl back into its self-promotion shell for fear of nasty public retribution, videos highlighting the internal workings of an ad agency have been few and far between. Ending this reign of fear and daring to expose itself to the industry at large, Atlanta-based Moxie Interactive is out with Birth of an Idea, a video which turns a classic analogy into a fairly humorous look at the reality of giving birth to an idea. Yes, the video does go there.
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Everyone of us has experienced that embarrassing moment when, to our horror, our parents find out about that not so straight and narrow thing we do whether it be for play or for work. When it occurs, you just want to bury your head and forget your parents even exist. In this commercial for Renault, that notion is put to use but with a twist.
Because the Renault Twingo is a modern car for modern times, moms who drive them are also modern and don't have a problem with their daughters stepping outside the Sunday church group, taking initiative and making a few extra bucks in a job one wouldn't usually highlight during that coffee gathering after Sunday service.
Twingo. We live in modern times.
This online ad for Cleatskins starts out like a typical sportsgear spot: adrenaline-pumping music, bad-ass sports star, epic narrative. It all seemed very made-for-TV.
And then the end happened, and then I laughed, because this is the kinda stuff you can do on the 'net that you can't risk doing on television. Unless you're Budweiser.
Produced by Kamp Grizzly for agency UXB.