Alaska Airlines Shames Touchless Bathroom Technology


Isn't bathroom technology great? Urinals that flush themselves. Automated faucets. Automated soap dispensers. Hand-wave controlled towel dispensers. It all sounds like a germaphobe's wet-dream, right? Except for when these wonders of technology don't work. Which is like...all the time.

Alaska Airlines, with help from agency WONGDOODY (oh damn there is such a good bathroom humor joke in there), has launched a new campaign called North of Expected. The campaign juxtaposes bathroom technology FAIL with Alaska Airlines technology success and why the airline is so great because of it.

Supporting the television commercial are radio, newspaper, outdoor, transit and web.

Oh, and before we forget. Thank you Alaska Airlines. Thank you for taking us back to one of our earliest rants ever here on Adrants. Z-Fold FTW!

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Online, Outdoor, Radio

It's Time to ... Mow the Lawn!


Ariel Waldman, and ton of other people - sent in this gem for us all to appreciate. It's ever so similar to another piece of work for a similar product but we just can't seem to locate that in the archives. Update: Thanks to commenter Chris, here's what I couldn't find. And yea. They are both similar because they are both for Wilkinson.

So what the hell are we talking about? Gardening, of course. More specifically, mowing the lawn. But not the kind of lawn you'd use a Cub Cadet or a John Deere to mow. Nope. This kind of lawn requires something from Wilkinson.


by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-09    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Marketing 2.0 Paris: Deconstructing Scott Monty


One of my favourite Marketing 2.0 talks, besides the Paula Berg stuff, was by Scott Monty, Ford Motor Co.'s social media man.

The guy's been alternately lauded and lashed, but I think he's the real deal. It's not even just that he's a nice guy; he's not afraid to express a scathing truth from top-of-mind, even if it stings. Social media's all about that: finding out who people really are, before they can terrace their images.

I didn't take any video (bummer), but I'll let you in on a priceless moment during his Q/A, when Sandrine Plasseraud of We Are Social asked about ROI tracking for social media campaigns.

Monty scoffs and goes, "ROI is a campaign metric; social media is a commitment. [...] What's the ROI of putting your pants on in the morning?"

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 3-09    
Topic: Brands, Events, Good, Industry Events, Opinion

Homer Simpson Invades French Rail System


On April Fool's Day, patrons of France's SNCF train service were greeted by the voice of Homer Simpson, who spouted frothy inanities in lieu of the feminine voice that normally makes arrival/departure announcements.

Eight major stations throughout the country were audio-penetrated by the Duff guzzler. Random prattle included stuff like, "The train from Alaska is waiting on platform 7. Watch out for bears!"

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 3-09    
Topic: Brands, Good, Guerilla, Social

Kiera Knightley Takes Beating In Women's Aid PSA


In this PSA for Women's Aid, Kiera Knightley gets together with her Atonement director Joe Wright to create this two minute video about domestic violence. Shot as if a scene within a movie, Knightley, who has just returned home from the set, turns to the camera and says, "Sorry, we didn't agree to that. That wasn't in the script," as she's hit by her boyfriend/husband.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 3-09    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Good, Video

Marketing 2.0 Paris: Paula Berg, Southwest Airlines


Marketing 2.0 took place at ESCP-EAP University in Paris this year. It spanned both Monday and Tuesday.

I moderated a few panels and the wifi was down both days, so there was no way to cover the event in the detail I would've liked. Before my camera died though, I tried this thing where I just recorded random snippets of speaker talks.

This post is devoted entirely to Paula Berg, Manager of Emerging Media at Southwest.

I don't have particularly strong feelings about Southwest, but seeing her discuss its approach to consumers -- in both good times and bad -- made me wanna do the cattle call after all. She's good people, and it seems like she addresses situations with humility and openness instead of just reacting. Her presence at Southwest speaks more for its corporate culture than for any social media strategem.

See the goods below.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Events, Good, Industry Events, Opinion

This is Not the Raciest Commercial Ever Made


OK, we're like days late to this new Lifestyles Skyn Condoms commercial and all its domestic, international and web-only versions. But when a release screams, "quite possibly the raciest commercial ever made," our interest is peaked.

Sadly, it's no where near the raciest commercial ever made, online or off. Oh yea, it's got all kinds of sexual gyrations, racy shots of barely dressed hotties and a condom fairy but it's far from the raciest anything. Seriously. How racy can a commercial featuring people having sex be if the people having sex are still wearing their underwear?

Created by AMP Boston and produced by Best Company Ever, the ad...wait for it...uses sex to sell a sex-related product. How revolutionary! Brilliant! Call Cannes!

by Steve Hall    Mar-31-09    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good, Racy

Human Trafficking Gets Shrink Wrapped


Well here's a happy one. OK, not really but it's an issue, like many cause-related issues, that needs to be addressed: human trafficking. It's a hidden issue. One that gets swept under the carpet, ignored like most things not in our own back yard.

Calling attention to sex, labor and organ trafficking, a woman, a laborer and an human organ are encased in packaging and labeled as if they were meat in the display case at a grocery store.

There are many campaigns like this out there using various version of shock value. This one, apparently, was a bit much for the client and was killed (yes, I'm pimping).

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-09    
Topic: Cause, Good

Samsung Does Extreme Sheepherding


Parts of this look fake. Parts look real. You decide. For Samsung LED technology, The Viral Factory Director James Rouse teamed with the Baaa-Studs sheepherders to create something akin to Carlton Draught's It's A Big Ad or British Airways ad of the same ilk.

A team of sheepherders working with film crew create images of the Mona Lisa, the video game Pong and a fireworks display.

Key question. Does this make you want to buy a TV or become a sheepherder.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-09    
Topic: Good, Video

Swiss Elevator Riders Get Unexpected Skydive Experience


Swiss Skydive, a skydiving school in Switzerland, commissioned Wirz/BBDO to outfit high-traffic elevators with a vertigo view.

Using branded shots of the city from a dizzying perspective, the objective is to give elevator-riders the sense they're going into freefall. The effort resulted in some free TV and print news coverage, which is always nice.

In an economic climate like this one, we're vaguely sure the average 9-to-5er -- even Swiss ones -- don't need help getting that plummeting-from-great-heights feeling. Their employers probably accomplish that just fine.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Guerilla, Poster