Vivienne Tam Gets Into Nuddies to Serve Whims of Would-Be Fashionistas


Vivienne Tam and fashionista/paper doll site Stardoll have partnered to bring virtual couture to a seething throng of 9-17-year-old girls. (17? Really?)

Feening to put some clothes on her? Go yonder. There are plenty of options but I personally dig the bouffant-and-knee-high look. It's daring.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-11-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Online, Strange

Stamp Out Fun Where It Lives -- Right in the Pancreas! Or the Liver.


Roller skates + ethnic noisemakers = Extreme Clothing Volatility. That's one life lesson I learned at NOLAF (the National Organization for Legislation against Fun), our latest source of advertainment.

NOLAF may sound cheesy and unoriginal (HANDTOSS, anyone?), but it works perfectly as an undemanding time-waster. Here are five reasons why.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online

Italian Footballer Makes Impossible Shot for Nike


Martina from Adverblog sent in this video she worked on for Nike Football Italy which was directed by Acne and produced by Film Naster. In the video World Cup Italian national team footballer sets up the impossible shot and, with a bit of fancy footwork and intelligent use of physics, makes the shot.

No heavy branding, Just an entertaining shot for those who love the game.

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video

Playboy Capitalizes on Boing Boing Frenzy With Hot Blogger Contest


So in reaction to that stupid move Boing Boing pulled deleting content published on the site by Violet Blue, Playboy thought they'd cash in on the media frenzy by hosting a hottest blogger contest including, of course, Violet Blue herself and Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin among others.

Ariel Waldman, who, herself, was nominated a list of the Top 20 Bloggers We Want To See In Bikinis, points us to the contest in which Sometimes Daily hottie Amanda Congdon battles it out with Tekzilla cutie Veronica Belmont, dirty joke lover Julie Alexandria, video blogging cutie Brigitte Dale, Pop17 babe Sarah Austin, CNET Loaded's beauty Natali Del Conte and...Holy Mad Men boobs!...Business Week's Sarah Lacy of the famed SXSW interview debacle with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.

Yes, people, In our world, this is what matters. The hotness quotient. The hotter you are, the more likely you are to succeed in life. OK, so maybe that;s not entirely true but what fun would a list of the top ten bloggers ranked by the number of hard-to-spell, SAT-like words be?

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Promotions, Racy

Hey, Kids! Fight Smoking with Sampled Beats.


Fans of the irony-soaked music from the Sunny Side of Truth campaign can now mash them up, courtesy of a new Truth project called "ReMix."

Actual DJs and artists on the spin include Cobra Starship, Diplo, DJ Kaskade, Mix Master MIke and DJ Sega. Users can share tracks via mobile and download a complete album from the link above. So go do that, because you know you love yourself some free shit.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Cause, Good, Online

University Of Phoenix Allies Itself to Bloggers


Awhile ago, The Economist published an article about digital nomads, a growing class of workers that aren't anchored to an office. (Typically they're anchored to wi-fi, possibly the cruelest micro-manager of all.) People like this now constitute 30 percent of the US workforce.

I don't think most people think all-online professions are very realistic ("Clearly she's a trustafarian!"), so articles like The Economist's are a big step toward legitimizing them to pinstriped peers and bummed-out parents.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online, Packaging

What's That? It's a Phone Charger, Powered By My Mooooves.


European mobile carrier Orange has launched a phone charger powered by dance energy.

"The Orange Dance Charge is the result of months of research into alternate, sustainable energy sources to power mobile phones during summer music festivals," says the pressie with a straight face.

The unit was developed with help from GotWind, whose unfortunate name refers to renewable energy research, not the thing that happens when you pull Uncle's finger. The charger's system of weights and magnets provides an electrical current when a person flails about.

Orange Dance Charge was tested at the Glastonbury Festival last month. A promotional Dance Charging Man helped newbs charge phones in exchange for a dance.

Yeah, I've fallen for that one before. Just one dance, baby ... and I'll give you a charge, all right.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Cause, Events, Good, Mobile/Wireless, Packaging, Promotions, Strange

Scuba Diving Kitty Explained by HowStuffWorks


Just what is it with those Japanese who use guards to cram people into trains or those people with seemingly endless amounts of time on their hands with nothing better to do than...take their cat scuba diving? While these two new commercials for HowStuffWorks can't promise the site will explain why people do the strange things they do but they can definitely tell you how.

The campaign, created by Preston Kelly Inc. is a first for the site which was recently acquired by Discovery Communications six months ago.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange

When Life Gets You Down, A Heineken and Two Words Save the Day


With but two words, this commercial for Heineken which involves the beverage saving a man from committing suicide wastes no time illustrating the power a good beer has in times of need. It's like copy-based white space. Why say more than you have to? And this commercial doesn't.

And for all you suicide prevention cause group types ... IT'S JUST A COMMERCIAL!

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Men Are Spending More to Improve Their Self-Worth. Don't Be Dumb, Cash In Early


Earlier today, Gay List Daily sent its (mostly male) subscribers an invitation to try John Allan beauty products. The pitch began like so:

Meet John Allan. He's been quietly hiding in New York developing a line of men's care. His set of products satisfies a man's every grooming need, from hair care, personal care, shaving, and skin beautifiers.

Skin beautifiers?

Okay. I realize I'm on a gay mailing list, but mens' increasing willingness to explore beauty regimens -- and shop for style's sake (think Beckham!) -- isn't a gay vs. straight thing anymore. For a growing number of guys, the pursuit of youth, beauty and expensive jeans has become a norm. And not just among metrosexuals. (In fact, most men we'd call "metro" don't even like the term.)

How much do we know about mens' changing self-perception -- and their shopping habits? Probably too little. Marketers and book writers like shining the spotlight on the so-called gender minority with her iron hand on the family pocketbook. She's always stealing the show!

Meanwhile, we've let Axe run off with the New Male Order.

Looking to change that? Then you should read Branded Male.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul- 8-08    
Topic: Good, Opinion, Packaging, Publishing, Research