No doubt we've all experienced that horrific morning after when we roll over in bed to discover the thing we spent last night with and wished we'd just not shared that last bottle of wine. An evening's romp, a morning's regret, swapped underwear, morning biological functions and you've got yourself a scheevy commercial for Tagalong Panties and it's emergency panty replacement service.
On July 1, giant, naked asses with smiles on them will emblazon a two-story, three-sided bollboard in New York's Times Square for toilet maker Toto Washlet. It's all to promote the company's miraculous toilet, bidet and ass blow dryer contraption. Apparenly Europe loves this sort of ass treatment while Americans opt for the more simplistic dump and wipe. Toto hopes to change that mindset with this campaign. Whatever the outcome, giant asses in times Square will be a joy to behold.
Well this is apropos to our current location, sunny (sort of) Miami Beach Florida. Occasionally at the beach (or waiting in line at Disney for that matter) impromptu games of beach ball break out and that's exactly what happens in this BBDO-created Pepsi commercial but on a grander scale. Waaaay grander. As in the world's biggest beach ball ( have a thing for large, round , moving Pepsi logos) getting tossed around the world like some kind of touchy feely United Nations event.
But that isn't to crap on it. No. We like it. We just wonder how what would certainly be a multi-ton aerial ball wouldn't instantly crush the people beneath it as it bounced downward. Oh yea. CGI. Thank God for realism in advertising.
Here's (links after more) some kind of weird video campaign for some kind of weird new HBO show called Voyeur which basically looks like an updated HBO-style take on the classic Jimmy Stewart flick Rear Window. Distributed by Jung Group, the videos are fairly non-nonsensical but, then again, what most people do when they think no one is looking - the premise of the show - can very often be nonsensical. So, we guess it all makes sense.
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Gleefully celebrating the seemingly unintentional dark side of graphic designers what with terminology such as bleed, ghosting, muting and more, Colle+McVoy created a campaign for the American Institute of Graphic Arts, a part of which is a picture riddle game to find 25 dark pieces of terminology.
In addition to the micro site, posters of the ad have been developed and are being sent to design schools to enhance recruitment efforts. T-shirts are also available to those who purchase them by clicking on the bottom left corner of the screen in the "shop" section.
Hmm. Now here's something that's never been done before; highlight and make fun of a bunch of idiots in order to make the viewer feel superior. Oh but wait. In the case of this BMW Driving School promotion, this approach works perfectly. After all, most drivers are a bunch of idiots who think their way of driving is the only way to drive.
BMW wants us to know that, unfortunately, most, if not all, we've been taught about driving is wrong and that their way, above all others, is the best way. No doubt you'll find someone you know quite well among the nine idiots in this video promotion if not someone closely resembling yourself.
Arnold's Cannes't team has published its video take on the third day of Cannes in which they ask attendees why they travel to Cannes, what they expect to see, what they have seen and what value the festival offers. Lost purses, bicycle short, Arnold tattoos and a lengthy interview with Barbarian Group Founder Benjamin Palmer completes the video.
If the Cannes't team keeps producing quality work like this, we may never have to go to Cannes ourselves to see what it's all about.
Expedia UK with help from Cake Group celebrated the longest day of the year (in some parts of the world) by hosting Blue Sky Day painting events in Edinburgh, Cornwall, Brighton, Liverpool and London. In London, the event was in partnership with The National Gallery and London's Trafalgar Square and was set up with 200 easels for aspiring artists, with three pieces being selected for the organization's gallery. All of the work can be seen here.
Miraculously, there was actually quite a bit of blue sky in London today.
Lee Cooper Denim has launched the Gyro Worldwide-created Bottom Inspectors, a cheeky, British examination of the female posterior all to promote the company's Denim Xfit Lycra jeans. In the videos, British Bum Society's Inspector Flemming does man on the street gigs measuring up women's butts and having them slim into a pair of jeans while inside a "bum cam"-enabled booth. If your into ass, you just might like what this campaign has to offer. Links to vids below.
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A new Effie ad asks the industry to cast there vote indicating where they think "next year's most effective idea will come from?" With comic-laden choices such as "Alex Bogusky and the inventive powerhouses of advertising" to "David Verklin and the pioneering media agencies to "A consumer or someone else you've never even heard of," the ad points people to a site on which they can place their vote.
While the votes currently point to the consumer, we voted for Alex because, well, he's just so cool and we're a huge trend whore we couldn't help ourselves. Oh wait, that trend is over, right?