Helen Bamber Foundation and Emma Thompson Fight Sex Trafficking


Well here's a powerful one from the Helen Bamber Foundation. It features Emma Thompson playing the part of a woman with two very different lives. One, a normal woman and the other, a sex trafficked prostitute. The graphic nature of the commercial hits home hard with the message women who are traffiked for sex lose much more than just their names. Powerful stuff.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Good, Racy

Restaurant Campaign Says Chew 'Chew Chew' Style

Takeout boxes 2-2.jpg

There once was a time restaurants where just a place you went to eat food. The came the chain and all the thematics that came along with it. Now, you can't operate a restaurant without investing heavily in a theme that will set you apart from every other restaurant in your are.

To help set Wisconson's Bridge Street Station apart from the competition, DDB helped tap into the owner's love for burgers and trains and gave the restaurant a railroad theme. Complete with the headline, "Chew, Chew," the campaign consists of ads, posters, branded take out boxes, signage, sound cards that delivered a steam engine's trademark "chew chew" sound, direct and table tents.

It's nicely done. Check out all the creative here.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Direct, Good, Magazine, Point of Purchase, Poster

Make My Logo Bigger Cream Promises Years of Logo Pleasure


These days, it's all about bigger. Actually, it's always been about bigger. Bigger breasts. Bigger penises. And...yes, bigger logos. Agency Fusion is celebrating our lust for the bigger with its Make My Logo Bigger site. The site features Make My Logo Bigger Cream which promises to transform your tiny, insignificant little logo into something so mammoth it's guaranteed to provide years of intense pleasure. The cream works offline, online and is available for three payments of $29.99 which comes with White Space Eliminator to eradicate all that wasted space in your ad.

Bubba says, "My logo is so much bigger now!!!" Indeed, worthy of a porn star.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Spoofs, Strange

The Gadget Show's Suzi Perry Gets Her Own Game


Courtesy of UK viral game maker TAMBA Internet, The Gadget Show's Suzi Perry now has her own game called Suzi Says. To play, you have to grab the items she tells you to. Sounds easy? It's not. But it really doesn't matter how well you play because after the game, you are treated to a video of Suzi undressing while a Nokia N95 strategically covers the NSFW parts.

What's this promoting? Um. Sorry, We have no idea. We are easily distracted.

by Steve Hall    Oct-31-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Racy

Dwyane Wade Love Letter Becomes Promotional Vehicle for Converse


Aww. Miami Heat player Dwyane Wade's letter to basketball reads like an earnest, and early, version of Common's "I Used to Love Her," a love letter to hip-hop.

But unlike hip-hop, the game doesn't start turning tricks in adulthood.

The letter is the inspiration for a Converse promotion by Anomaly. The spot, "From Robbins, Illinois," started airing on October 28th. Around that time, the Wade 3 signature basketball shoe was also released.

See the spot and behind-the-scenes footage here. The :60 piece does a good job of capturing a moment that apparently meant a lot to him.

Also, Wade is really into triangles.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-31-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Good, Promotions, Sponsorship

Agency Life Making You Twitchy? Game On!


Ever have one of those days where you just snap and kick the living shit out of something? Chances are you've had a few over the past few months, and so have your other agency chums.

Riester has an elegant solution: kickball! Check out the video for the Riester kickball tourney, which happens tomorrow. The spot is loaded with situations that will motivate your kicking leg.

This actually brings a spark of life into the room. Kickball is one of the few games we'll actually get off our asses to play, alongside four-square, double-dutch and tetherball.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-31-07    
Topic: Agencies, Events, Good, Social, Video

Halo is Not Only A Game, It's A Vacuum Cleaner


When we received this press release about the Halo Vaccuum, we at fist thought it was some twisted new multi-tasking version of the game. Alas, it's just a regular vacuum but a very special one. One that kills germs with ultraviolet light. Created by BooneOakley, the campaign initially had the headline, "It doesn't just suck. It Kills." But, apparently, that was a bit too harsh and the ads ended up carrying a tamer headline like, "Is it a vacuum cleaner that kills germs? Or a germ-killer that vacuums." We think they should have gone with their initial thinking.

The campaign consists of print, TV and a Times Square billboard. We have no idea what Consumer Reports will think when they get their hands on this thing but to us it at least looks pretty cool. And we'd love knowing all those nasty critters living in the bowels of our carpet were meeting their maker rather than disgusting us.

by Steve Hall    Oct-30-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Outdoor, Television

Gyro Worldwide Celebrates Philadelphia's Ugliness


We admire an agency that'll create a campaign, publish the fact they've done so, highlight the fact its city has the ugliest people and do it all without any client approval or charging a penny. Yup, Philadelphia's Gyro Worldwide has embraced the fact its city was just named the ugliest city in America by Travel & Leisure Magazine readers.

Before Philadelphia was crowned the ugliest, John Waters, during an episode of John Favreau's Dinner For Five, tried to get the mayor of the former ugliest city, Baltimore to embrace its hideousness and create a tourism campaign out of the fact. He reasoned the rest of the country would flock to Baltimore like paparazzi to Britney Spears' cooch.

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-07    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns, Good

Meaty Bone Game Competes With Sexy Intern


If for no other reason than to talk about pissing, this Agency.com-created game for Meaty Bone, Mark Your Territory, lets you empty your doggy bladder all over various objects as they float by. Just don't piss on the cat and you'll be OK.

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

If You Need to Go, ING Has A Toilet For You


It's not often you see a financial institution engage in bathroom humor but ING has gone all the way with i-needtogo.com, a site that let's you choose what you need to do in the stall and then hear from the madame pipi why you do not need to pay her. Yea, we didn't get it at first either but in Europe, as it was explained, these madame pipis are like bathroom attendants. The keep the bathrooms clean and get paid with change from those who use the bathrooms.

Created by Belgian agency Emakina, the site uses an interesting side to side sliding technique which allows one to move back and forth between the promotional bathroom site and the bank's site. In fact, as the madame pipi is explaining the ING account, the ING site slides in and out automatically so you can see what she's talking about. Nifty

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange