MINI's 'Creative Use of Space' Extends to Promote MINI E


Extending the Creative Use of Space campaign for MINI, which just won an Epica Silver Award, Berlin and Frankfurt-based Kreative Konzeption is out with a new promotion fo the MINI E, an electric powered version of the famed MINI. Housed on the campaign's Mini Space site, a design competition - the third for the campaign - called Electrified seeks to extend the original campaigns goal of encouraging creative use of space.

From site design to MINI rooftop design, entrants can submit their designs and view those of others on the Mini Space site. Four hundred designs have been submitted to date and a winner will be chosen February 4, 2009 by MINI Design Director Gert Hildebrandt along with the community.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-08    
Topic: Events, Good, Online, Social

Frankfurter Allgemeine Pokes Holes Through ElBaradei


Under its classic slogan "There is always a clever mind behind it," German paper The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is running a campaign depicting various "clever minds." At left is UN Chief Inspector Mohamed ElBaradei in a state of exceptional transparency.

Hmm. What he needs is a red nose. Then we'd really have a party.

See variants for Billy Wilder, Helmut Kohl and Vitali Klitschko. All smart stuff, comparable to some of the better work we've seen for The Economist and BusinessWeek.

Photos by Nick Veasey. Curiouser still? See making-of and interview with ElBaradei.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 1-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Newspaper, Political

Because PB&J Should Be More Democratic than It Is.


Here's a pretty idea. To drive donations to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, Leo Burnett/Chicago and Starcom remind shoppers that "food shouldn't be a luxury."

To illustrate the point, ordinary items -- soup, broccoli, PB&J sandwiches -- are positioned as luxury goods, languishing in the manicured hands of luxe porcelain models.

The bottom portion of each piece invites viewers to donate what they can to the Depository. "Text MEALS to 90999 to give $5," it adds -- simple enough to do on impulse.

If you're in the Chi, expect to see these on CTA buses and rail cars from now to December 31st.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-25-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good, Outdoor, Poster

Goblet of Stella > Legacy, Glory, Pride.


Two brothers duke it out in a tandem bike competition pour papa in Stella Artois' "The Race." Hijinks ensue when they drive over a nail and their chances of winning are dramatically decreased.

Instead of trucking on, the boys furtively decide to lift their spirits at a nearby pub. As they wrap their lovin' fingers around two glasses of Stella, they look up at the pub wall and find papa -- right where they need him to be.

"Perfection has its price," Stella smugly reminds us.

A treat to watch, and in keeping the brand's high-brow sense of humour. By Lowe/London and Lowe Roche/Toronto. MPC/London conducted post-production. Props to Brentter for bringing it to our attention.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

YouTube Goes Live, Grammys Not Yet Threatened


This past Saturday night, YouTube held its YouTube Live event sponsored by Virgin, Flip, Lionsgate and Guitar Hero. The event, broadcast live from Fort Mason Center in San Francisco, included performances from Tay Zonday,, Katy Perry, Joe Satriani, Bo Burnham, Michael, Buckley, Lisa Nova, Beardyman and many more. It was a geek fest to end all geek fests. But where was LonelyGirl16? Gary Brolsma? Syncsta (Barbie Girl, What is Love, Numa Numa, Ballroom Blitz Celebrate)? Tron? And all those other YouTube geeks?

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by Steve Hall    Nov-23-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Online, Video

For Adland Nostalgiacs.


Memorable moments from 41 ads, nicely choreographed to the tune of One Spring Away. Yeah, the gorilla's in there, plus bits from Sony's Bravia spots and Gap's Khaki Swing.

Steve is jealous because, in less sober times, we've bounced this same idea back and forth: "Hey, what if we mashed up a bunch of ads to, like ... a song...?"

But it takes a fine hand to elevate advertising -- coolly thrashed by jaded pundits -- to the soft-focused realm of scrapbook-worthy human experience. The Band From does it better than we could have.

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Because the Hard Knocks Are Sort of Like Psoriasis.


For United Way, Publicis/Toronto gives us "Youth" and "Homelessness." Each introduces you to someone in dire straits: a homeless guy in his alley, staring despondently at passers-by; and a nervy new gangbanger.

Both look markedly stressed. Then each grabs hold of some part of themselves -- the homeless guy his torn jacket, the street kid his head -- and suddenly their skin peels off.*

Within the homeless man lies a clean-cut Joe with a uniform on. He steps easily out of his poverty-ridden skin -- kinda like the crazy sorceress whose ugliness "melted away" at the beginning of Disney's Beauty and the Beast -- and joins the sea of active, busy people on the streets.

Same deal with the kid. He grabs his head, peels off his hoodie-ensconced bad-ass self, and reemerges in -- lo! -- a baby blue soccer uniform.

"What you're really giving is a way out," each spot concludes, referring slyly to the donation you are now morally obligated to make.

I like the idea of being able to shake off your past and join the sunshiny stat-quo. But if the spots are appealing, it's because they oversimplify a taxing inner journey that can take years -- and plenty of sorrows -- to complete. Well, that's advertising for you.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-21-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Good, Television

Bike Hero Puts Pedal to Punk Rock.


This looks like fun. And before you self-harm on account of your incapacity to contrive something this cool with nothing but gamer love and idle time, take comfort: it was apparently pretty well-funded.

Paul Isakson -- better known as @Don_Draper -- says the faux fan effort is actually a promo for Guitar Hero World Tour. Created by Droga5 under the madflux facade, it's already had nearly 520,000 views in its first 24 hours live on YouTube. I'm sure Feed Company is dying of envy.

Thanks @RobertGorell for passing us the link and agency info.

UPDATE: Steve Coulson persuaded us to call Feed Company and find out if they're the genies behind "Bike Hero." The person we talked to was all evasive and weird about it, so we called one of Feed's contractors and got bonafide confirmation: YES, Feed Company seeded the vid for Droga5.

No surprise, I guess; who besides Feed disseminates astroturf amateur vids that people actually watch?

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-20-08    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online, Video, Viral

Watching Toyota's Saved by Zero Will Kill You


Wow. Spoofs are getting better. Earlier today, we shared a hilarious rif on the Motrin babywearing commercial which highlighted the latest fad: really big boob jobs, the back pain they can cause and how Motrin can help.

Now, we have a great spoof of that incredibly annoying Saved by Zero Toyota commercial that's had everyone ranting for weeks. It's done ingeniously with scenes from the movie The Ring.

The Toyota folks must be loving all this hatred. Nothing like an annoying, shitty commercial that keeps going and going and going and...oh wait...that's kind of annoying too. And there's been plenty of spoofs on that one.

by Steve Hall    Nov-19-08    
Topic: Good, Spoofs, Video

Don't Just Talk the Grill; Rock the Grill.


Pay close attention. The object behind the Grill the Goodness advergame is to put items on the grill, then use various tools (spatula, tongs, fork) to achieve two objectives: cook the food properly, and swat sticky fingers that try to steal the food before it's done.

Do those things with grace and poise, and maybe you won't be relegated to salad shaker when the reckoning happens.

Sassy stuff by Red Tettemer. Also one of the better advergames floating around right now, with the possible exception of Suicide Kittens. Hit the Grill the Goodness homepage for videos, tailgate tips and the Get Grilled Hall of Fame/Shame.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-19-08    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Promotions