Even Experienced Drinkers Get Hangovers, HANG Cures All Ills


You've gotta love a country that isn't politically correct 24/7 by shying away from the fact people drink alcohol. Oh sure, Americans drink all kinds of alcohol on a regular basis but we like to equate drinking to some artificial social status or lifestyle and we never, ever talk about getting a hangover. After all, everyone in America has been beaten over the head with the "drink responsibly" message.

While Sky Vodka did tout it's hangover-free qualities several years back but, for the most part, we don't like to talk about the simple fact alcohol makes you drunk and gives you a hangover if you drink too much of the stuff.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Television

42Below Vodka Gets Wicked with Would-Be Virals We Want to Watch


We're crazy about these new spots for 42Below vodka. Mainly because they feel the same way we do about slavery. ("And MACHINES!")

See Good Thought, Canada, Bestest, Wallaby (flippin' awesome), Feijoa (New Zealand's claim to fame?), and Cows (a message about drinking responsibly).

If we didn't already have a vodka to snuggle close to us at night, we'd pick you, 42.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Video

Severed Bloody Limbs Promote Quentin Tarantino Flick


Here's yet another entry in the long list of methods used to promote movies. To call attention to the DVD release of Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, Amsterdam agency New Message has placed a bunch of bloody, severed arms in front of movie theaters throughout the Netherlands. We're thinking those arms aren't going to be on the ground very long as people pick them up and take them home to freak their friends out with later.

by Steve Hall    Nov-29-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Strange

Snow, Piss and Marriage Proposal Make For Stupid Fun


Of course you know exactly what's going to happen in this Keta Keta-created video for James Allen Jeweler five seconds into it but there's nothing like a mixture of snow, piss and a marriage proposal to bring at least half a chuckle to your morning. And there's nothing really new about a contest that asks people to submit videos of marriage proposal ideas because, after all, absolutely everything that has to do with getting married is fodder for endless idiocy, wackiness and humor. So if you plan to make a marriage proposal soon why not at least enter the contest for a chance to win a $3,000 diamond engagement ring. After all, you're cheap and you know it.

by Steve Hall    Nov-29-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Video

Couple Gets Blow Job Courtesy of Sprite Zero


We're not sure this ad actually ran but nonetheless it's good in the way that frat boy pranks are good. Unless, of course, someone gets hurt which we hope no one did in the filming of this Sprite Zero commercial (spoof?) So, what do you get when you mix a peaceful couple sleeping in the back of a car with a few guys who get their hands on a giant snow making machine? A big ass snow storm, lots of screaming and a car that looses its footing.

Sounds like fun. In fact, I wish that's what we did back in the day instead of my friend opening up an air valve on a snow making pipe at Sugarloaf while my ear was next to it making me deaf in that ear until the next day.

by Steve Hall    Nov-29-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Wry Humor Eradicates Dull Pre-Flight AIrline Video


Somewhere there's an unwritten rule that pre-flight airline safety videos have to be dull, dry and utterly boring. Anomoly, working for Virgin America, thought otherwise when it created this witty, animated film that lobs subtle jabs at both th officiousness of airlines and the stupidity of some passengers without going over the fairly wel established line drawn in the sand regarding airline videos. Very nice work. We hope other airlines inject some wit into their boring pre-flight videos as well.

by Steve Hall    Nov-28-07    
Topic: Good, Video

Silver Jeans Spec Spot Keeps Restless Creatives Busy


I like his ad. I really do. The music. The mood. The coloration. The pacing. The simplicity. There's one problem though. It's spec. It will never air. Never see the light of day beyond YouTube. Why? Because it was craftily created by the folks over at StunMedia during an actual photoshoot for Silver Jeans, the real reason those three guys, three girls and that old lady are at the laundromat.

Mostly, it was just done for fun to fill time during set ups for the campaign's still shots. Sounds good to me. Who really wants to sit around and watch OCD perfectionist photographers and anal AD's tinker endless with details no one will ever notice? Besides, it gives you something to do other than stand around gawking at the hot models like a 16 year old kid in heat.

by Steve Hall    Nov-28-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Infiniti Caters to Latin Community By Enlisting Their Artistes


Call it lame, but we like those "anything you can do, I can do better" ads that juxtapose two different arts and two different genders in order to suggest a playful, sometimes elegant harmony of design. You know, kind of like those old Jordan and Hamm ads.

For the Infiniti G, FX and QX, Vitamin, Chicago and ad agency Marca Hispanic brought Colombian artist Federico Uribe in contrast with Mexican alternative pop musician Ely Guerra. The spot is directed by Vincent Haycock of Vitamin. We dig it.

This ad, and others that include Latin artists of varying ilk, will air in Miami, New York and LA.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-26-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Good

Beat Museum Brings Artist Angst to Livid Life


Considering we're still detoxing from a distastefully delightful Popeye's turkey (don't ask), we thought we'd kick off the morning with a campaign loaded with pretty pictures.

So here's creative for The Beat Museum, courtesy of Grey, SF. We hear you'll dig it if you're a big Kerouac fan, or at least somebody who still waves the flag for counterculture (you reverse conformist, you).

The posters will appear in magazines and on bus shelters throughout the hilly city. Website in the works.

We like them -- they've got that classy grit that so typifies the talented (and completely raging) bohemian beatnik. Plus, they teach you stuff without making you feel like a literature-starved ass-hat.

Our favourite is the poster we've affectionally dubbed the "fucking book" poster. Others (also nicknamed by us) include "hitchhiker thumb," "la grande HOWL," "no rules," and "junkies, drunks and criminals."

by Angela Natividad    Nov-26-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor, Poster

Because How Often Do You Want to Go, 'What Does Pwn Mean...?'


Dooce, the go-to blog for pink slip-toting bloggers and bad-ass baby's mamas, pointed us to this boardroom parody about comment flame wars.

It's worth a few LOLs, especially when the spam starts getting involved.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-25-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Spoofs, Video