Goodby Gives 'Got Milk' Tenacious D Treatment


So this is what what it takes now to sell milk. Yup. Goofy videos that are knock offs of other goofy videos (movies? bands?). For Got Milk, Goodby Silverstein & Partners offers up One Gallon Axe, a rock band video that, well, you just have to watch it to truly appreciate its weirdly odd goodness.

by Steve Hall    Mar-19-08    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Strange, Video

Advertising Age's Digital Marketing Conference Reported Twitter-Style


Like we said yesterday, if you're not at Advertising Age's Digital Marketing Conference, you can get tidbits of it here following David Armano's Twitter feed. Right now (9:45AM) Donny Deutsch is interviewing Jeff Zucker. Some tidbits:

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by Steve Hall    Mar-19-08    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Social

Lynx L.A.S.S. Squad Administer Happy Ending in Shower


Well it's about time. The Lynx/Axe babes are back, this time from Australia in the form of the Lynx Anti-Soap Squad or LASS. Witty. As with all Lynx/Axe efforts, the work panders to the typical high school kid who thinks about sex 24/ other words, the entire male race. Framed like a COPS episode, two Lynx girls, dressed in police uniforms you wish actual police officers (female ones, that is) wore all the time prowl for guys who use regular bar soap as if it were a crime.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-19-08    
Topic: Good, Racy, Video

George Bush, Al Pacino, Donald Trump Hawk DISH Network


These are really, really bad! No, wait, these are really, really good! No wait....damn it, we're conflicted about this new DISH Network work sent to us from Fueld (yes, that's spelled correctly) Films. In the three commercials, comedian Frank Caliendo takes on the personas of Al Pacino, Donald Trump and George Bush. He does a fairly good job but we're not sure these commercials sold us anything.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-18-08    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Good

Burger King Jacks Off Your Morning Tongue With Cheesy Tots


Ah yes, that occasionally embarrassing morning moment when you find yourself (if you're a guy) tenting your sheets with no way to hide the fact you're sprung. Either due to that early morning dream about the hot girl you saw on Flickr and are now having sex with in your mind...or the serious need to take a piss, morning wood is something all guys have to deal with from time to time.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-18-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Both Parties Will Love the New Bush/McCain Lockstep Ad


A new ad from the Democratic National Committee called Bush/McCain: Lockstep argues presidential candidate John McCain, since after 9/11, has been in complete agreement with President Bush regarding America's presence in Iraq. If you're a Republican, you'll love it because McCain will give you more of what you already have. If you're a Democrat, you'll love it because it highlights everything you dislike about America's presence in Iraq. Hmm. A political ad both sides can like?

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Political

Underwear Brand Gets Visual, Musical Mashup


We get it! We get it! It's a mashup! An underwear mashup. And, in case we didn't already realize that from the pantheon of colors in this ad, we've also got myriad musical styles to hammer the point home for those of us who might be visually impaired.

For Bonds Youth, Sydney's The Campaign Palace created the ad

by Steve Hall    Mar-17-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Was That Xanadu or A Nomis Soccer Shoe Ad?


If you want to see a really, really weird ad about Nomis, logos, trophies, attention, sponsorship, endorsements and boots then you really need to watch this quirky video for Nomis boots (we call them sneakers here). The ad was created by Johannes Leonardo, a new agency founded by former Saatchi & Saatch EVPs Jan Jacobs and Leo Premutico.

by Steve Hall    Mar-17-08    
Topic: Good, Strange, Video

Exeter Hospital Celebrates 'Art of Wellness' With Beds and Babies


While we're not sure what making a bed has to do with a hospital's ability to successfully perform a hip replacement or being ranked tops among all hospital responding to a heart attack, we do like this new commercial from Boston-based Winsper for Exeter Hospital. Oh wait, we get it. Attention to detail. After all, a well made bed is certainly as important as performing open heart surgery.

OK. We jest. We get the analogy. Besides, the spot is just very soothing and who doesn't want to be soothed when faced with a nerve-racking hospital stay? Not us. We've been there.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-17-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Newspaper, Online, Outdoor

Paper Cranes Stimulate Savings while Saving the World


To hock its wares, Virgin always aims for just left of left-field. Looking for a flight? Seek thee out the least enthusiastic of the bunch. Need a mortgage? Geriatric sex should get you off. Investment aid? A pyromaniac ballerina can help you with that.

Virgin Money's latest campaign is no exception. It takes a kooky idea and makes it totally logical in context.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-17-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good