Love Hides Where You Least Expect It. Like in Condiment Bowls.


With help from Blacklist, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners adds "Firesprite" to Frito-Lay's painfully adorable Made for Each Other campaign.

In the words of the pressie: "Made for Each Other is about that brilliant moment where two worlds collide to make an even greater whole. [...] Much like Dips and Chips, when our two heroes meet you just can't help but smile."

In this spot, a well-meaning little firesprite chars everything he touches -- until he finds unlikely harmony with a giant blanket on a windy day.

I realize how insane that sounds, but really, it's cute, and in keeping with the chip/dippy happy-ever-after we saw in the previous spots ("Sockets" remains our favourite).

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by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Video

Avoid Massive Bodily Injury. Heed This Caltrop-Wielding Butterfly


You've gotta love when a butterfly says, "It's up to you to help the planet. And if you don't, well, I'll rain an assemblage of caltrops down on you like Greek fire." Which is why we love this new TDA Advertising-created campiagn for 1% For the Planet.

The organization urges people to buy from its stores and urges businesses to sell their wares through the store. One percent of every sale goes to environmental causes

by Steve Hall    Mar- 6-09    
Topic: Cause, Good, Magazine

Kia Soul Gives Hamsters A New Way to Roll


Hmm. Maybe watched this David&Goliath-created Kia Soul commercial and heeded its tagline before they debuted their Skittles work. In this commercial, we see the mundane lives of frustrated hamster going about their daily routine played out until a group of hamsters have found...wait for it...a new way to roll pull up in a flaming red Soul. Sweet.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

MoMA Shafts happycorp for ECD's Sins


MoMA cut ties with happycorp after ECD/founder Doug Jaeger (kind of) admitted to enabling ad renegade Poster Boy to "vandalize" one of its subway print installations.

Well, that's not really all. He also hired a photographer to shoot him in front of them and expressed his interest in selling said photos.

MoMA's since shafted the agency and replaced the images. Too bad; we dug the final results. See Defaced Marilyn and Oil Spill Monet.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar- 5-09    
Topic: Agencies, Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Good, Guerilla

Nothin' Worse than Eating a Filet-O-Fish in Front of a Fish. That Sings.


If you ever have one of those days where you wake up and lament that you've given your life to something as banal as advertising, just watch "Singing Fish" and you will laugh -- because this industry is so completely insane.

Way to go, Arnold. Your efforts made us choke on a cherry tomato -- and we weren't even out of our "Don't-fuck-with-me" state yet. (Take it from us: there's nothing worse than nearly gagging to death after spending the morning mean-mugging everyone who could potentially save your life.)

Arnold says "Singing Fish" has generated about 50,000 YouTube hits since Friday. Still more surprising: in that handful of days it's already seized the imaginations of really bored suburban kids.

Check out how nonchalant the McD's staffer is though. McDonald's employees must just be used to being randomly serenaded.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good, Television

Diesel's Five on Fifth: the Rabbit Hole You've Always Wanted


For better or worse, Diesel knows how to seize attention. ("Pete the Meat Puppet" is STILL stuck in our heads, and there's no way on earth we can ever unwatch "XXX SFW.")

But its gaze-gathering talents aren't strictly 'net-based. To draw mass appeal to the grand opening of its Five on Fifth (Ave.) location, the label balked at the notion of a one-night celebu-fete. Too bland. Not exclusive enough. Instead, it threw together a hodgepodge of quirky personages -- think Mad Hatter's tea party for grownups -- and held multiple dinner parties at its storefront window.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Events, Good, Guerilla, Promotions

Some Toilets Swallow More Than Others


When you receive a tweet that reads, "best unintentionally hilarious product video ever...," you're sort of obliged to look. So we did. And yea, this one is pretty hilarious. Carrots. Chess pieces. Gummi Bears. Hot Dogs. Grapes. Golf balls. Dog food. And a toilet.

Huh? Just watch.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-09    
Topic: Good, Video

It's Not Just A Beer Bottle! It's Legendary History!


After watching this McCann Erickson Dublin-created commercial for Heineken which chronicles the life of a Heineken bottle as it falls from its perch atop a bookshelf, we have a new appreciation for the lowly bottle of beer. And, as this commercial would have us believe, it's not just beer. No, no, no. Notat all. It's blood, sweat, tears, love, determination and all sort of other legendary stuff the Mythical Gods of Beer would have us believe

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Nestle Chocalate Bubbles Much Better Than Caddyshack Pool Poop


While not entirely reminiscent of the Caddyshack candy bar in the pool scene, this JWT London-created commercial for Nestle does remind one of the pool poop queasiness that scene so brilliantly captured.

OK, enough bathroom humor. It would be pretty cool to skate through a pool filled with chocolate colored ballons

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Credit Union Campaign Provides Respite From Financial Disaster


Hoping to distract people, if only for a few moments, from the rampant financial ruin surrounding us, Credit Unions of Washington is out with a few "Financial Chaos-Free Moments" providing peaceful interludes and a respite from the crumbling financial world wreaking havoc in our world.

And yes, figure prominently into the equation as prime distractors fom reality in a serious of :15 television commercials. Created by Seattle-based Big Bang Electrical, the campiagn also includes newspaper and radio.

And you know what? Who care how creative or uncreative these are. We'll take anything. ANYTHING to lull us into a false sense of hope.

See the spots here, here and here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Newspaper, Radio