Maybe it's just us but we're not sure we'd stick around the entire two minutes just to find out this commercial is for the launch of French GQ. Aside from the fact we did stick around (after all, that's what we do here) and we knew it was for GQ going in (because we were told). Now, we get that some brands like to do the tease/lead-up-to-the-joke thing but this commercial just goes on and one and on and on and one...and on...with the same joke over and over and over and...well, you get the point.
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For Delay No Mall, a shopping center that supports artists, Leo Burnett/Hong Kong gave away 5000 creativity-sparking Gashapons in Causeway Bay.
"Gashapon" is the word for those toys that come in eggs. (Off-topic, do L'eggs count as Gashapons? It didn't occur to us until just now how weird it is that women can buy stockings out of gigantic plastic eggs.)
Anywho, the Gashapons contained plasticine mushy stuff that people could use to create something on the fly.
The street team then took the pieces back and instantly had 5000 creative ideas. Like this seahorse.
Neat. If you're planning a Silly Putty Sculpture Jamboree. (Which we're kind of hoping Delay No Mall is.)
Arg! Get a load of this print ad for the Travel Channel.
And gross! Watch the spot with the cow heart vending machine.
The funny thing is, something about the slogan -- "One man's weird is another man's wonderful" -- makes us hungry.
The spots were composed by the very weird, slightly wonderful Moroch.
Like a mashup between FreshDirect and Froogle, the United Kingdom's MySupermerket will compare prices across several supermarket chains and offer up the best deals. To promote this new service, Keta Keta created a video in which a couple share a goofy sex romp with food with rather than eat then. Well, until the "painful" end, that is.
And what is it with that Marmite stuff? Do people actually eat that crap?
Supposedly whole grain are the "world's least exciting edible." AMV BBDO and production company Outsider decided to change that with this commercial for Walkers Sunbites snacks which gives the lowly whole grain a dash of excitement. It's nothing to send Clio but at least it doesn't bore us to death with endless shots of whole grains being poured from a burlap sack onto a grain elevator or into some cereal box.
"Stomping Grounds" is a half-hour romp through the childhood of Biz Markie. Crawling the streets in a Scion, Biz explores his apartment in Harlem, favourite restaurants, old friends, and the place where he first started recording.
We like it. Oddly though, it made us nostalgic for Cribs. Maybe it's the exit scene.
The vid was produced by Inform Ventures, which promised the tour would lend an "authentic perspective into the artist's back-story."
Well, "Stomping Grounds" is definitely more authentic than the Nelly storybook for Panraven.
The Ad Council just hopped aboard the online clue train and started its own e-newsletter, the Ad Council Creative.
It's pretty neat, actually. What it will do is showcase creative from ad agencies that donated time and effort to building campaigns for the Ad Council. The first three on the list include an eco campaign by DraftFCB, a child abuse campaign by Ogilvy & Mather, and a domestic violence series by McCann Erickson.
We'll probably be subscribing to keep ourselves updated on the wacky hijinks of cause advertising (there are many!).
This is one of those well-tempered print ads that forces you to really look before you know what's going on. Most people will probably miss the point while rushing by on the subway, but those that catch it might go, "Hrm" and bring it up in random bar conversation. (That's totally okay though, because MTV will probably catch the speed racers with this.)
Put together by TDA Advertising & Design out of Boulder for Hillel Colorado, the ad promotes Holocaust Awareness Week (which is NOW!). It features a copy of The Diary of Anne Frank, marked "Fiction" with a library label. The copy: "Millions of Americans don't believe there was a Holocaust."
Alternatively, maybe a few library aids just never read Anne Frank. (In which case, they can't have grown up in the western public school system. Anne's plight -- in print and as a Fox 20th Century Studio Classic -- was resolutely hammered into our 10-year-old minds and souls).
Has anyone watched FOX's The Moment of Truth? Well, of course you have. You and 20 million others. It's a good show for sure but is anyone else getting sick of the continued over hype and warnings from host Mark Walberg that, OMFG, some of these truths might be, OMFG, too hard for people to take? WTF? It's the entire point of the show! To continually hype it as if no one's smart enough to know exactly what's going on is degrading to people's intelligence.
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We're a big fan of white space. We hate ads that cram so much shit into available space under the misguided belief people will actually read the shit. Car dealers ads immediately come to mind as do many billboards whose creators seem to believe every one is a speed reader and blessed with binoculars for eyes.
So whenever we see an ad that gleefully makes use of white space, we can't help but love it. Especially when it actually serves the intended message as does this Swedish McDonald's ad which promotes the chains ginormous coffee. Thank you, DDB Stockholm for giving us our fix.