Race Car Skids Atop Turkish Billboard


Outdoor is one medium that, unlike many others, seems to be weathering the storm the Internet has rained down on other media and it's executions like this one that insure the medium will remain viable for, well, ever. This is s promotion for the Turkish GP, and Indy 500 of sorts, sponsored by Turkish fuel company Petrol Ofisi and created by Alametifarika

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Calvin Klein Palaces Giant Ball of Jeans In Museum, Holds Contest.


Now here's an interesting way to promote your jeans. Grab thousands of them, make a giant two ton ball out of them, slap your logo on them and put them in a museum in China. Oh, and have a contest too that gives people the chance to win $625 in cash for guessing how many jeans are in the exhibit.

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

PSA Urges Kids, Young Adults to Pause


Created by Ignited Minds, this eye catching commercial and subsequent campaign for FOX and the Kaiser Family Foundation urges 15 - 24 year olds to pause and think before that make tough, life decisions. The commercial opens with a fast-moving, stylized Pong-like video game paddles which then slowly convert into the pause symbol and a voiceover says, "when you give yourself a minute to think, you give yourself a chance to make a better decision" The spot closes with "It only takes a minute to change your life and a URL which points to fox.com/pause. Future spots will address specific issues like sexual health and substance abuse.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Take note of the Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising Via Viral Video


A site called Will Video For Food has put together a handy list for those thinking of wading into the cesspool known as viral video. The list, called Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising Viral Video, uses plenty of examples to back up the sins which include Make a white and brown cow. Pretend your not advertising. Spend a fortune on production. Tell consumers instead of engage them. Do a video contest because everyone else is. Set unrealistic conversion metrics. And throw in the towel and decide to just advertise around viral video. We'd add an eighth: Don't call you efforts viral until they become viral.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-06    
Topic: Good, Opinion, Video, Viral

FILA Hosts Second T-Shirt Art Extravaganza


In an ideal marriage or art and commerce, FILA and the New York Collective of the Arts Project are holding their second FILA + NYCOLLECTIVE PROJECT - the Artists Play Two T-Shirt Series this Thursday, August 24 at the company's flagship store in mid-town Manhattan. The project provides a means for artists to showcase their creative work. The event will unveil the Fall 2006 t-shirt line, designed by various artists, as well as an auction for tennis-inspired art to benefit the New York Collective of the Arts.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Events, Good, Point of Purchase, Specialty

I'm Sorry. What Were You Saying?


We're quite sure it's just us but we're just way too OWHB to actually pay attention to the plenitude of texterisms this woman is sharing in this TXTer commercial. We just might have to go visit New Zealand or Australia or wherever this TXTer service is for personal instruction.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Korean Actress Has Face Contest With Kid For McDonald's Ice Cream


Perhaps as beautiful as That Pepsi Girl, Mandy Amano, Korean actress Song Hye Kyo appears in this McDonald's ad promoting its ice cream. In the ad, Kyo has face contest with the boy and the two go back and forth until they have the attention of the entire restaurant. Perhaps there's someone as dedicated as Justin once was over Mandy to start a fan blog for Song Hye Kyo. She's already got a MySpace page.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Good

In A Twist, Times Square Promotion Includes Fully Clothed Woman


New York's Times Square has always been a haven for the racy, the clothing-challenge, the buff body. There's been National Underwear Day. There's been stripping models . There's been models prancing about in a psuedo-living room billboard. There's been gold digging Bridezillas cake diving in wedding dresses. There's been crotch grabbing. There's been gigantic versions of porn star Jenna Hameson. There's even been humping bunnies.

After all of that, it's kind of refreshing to see a fully-clothed, middle-aged woman who isn't 120 pounds promoting something as well as offering advice to tourists. Yes, Snapple Lady, Wendy, is in town to man (woman?) a booth called the Big Apple Visitor Center helping people learn about the city's best things and best places as well as, of course, the best stuff, Snapple. Hmm...a Times Square promotion that doesn't include semi-naked hotties? Rad, dude. Rad.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Promotions

Agencies Love Clients With Sense of Bathroom Humor


Isn't it great when you get a client that likes bathroom humor? Then you get to create ads that talk about natural wonders like fish poop like in this ad for Lombardi Sports created by San Francisco's Hub Strategy.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns, Good

MTV Goes All Bloggy, Gawker Stalker For VMAs


At this moment MTV's Video Music Awards show is nine days, two hours, 45 minutes and 28 seconds away. We know that from the countdown clock atop a newly launched site/blog/map/video extravaganza which is loaded with all sorts of goodies. There's videos of the artists, an interactive map that lets visitors "spy" on artists' hang outs with an interactive map, an app called a "Vidget" (likely a customizes RSS reader) which delivers new content to the desktop, a list of pre-VMA events in the city, promotional discounts to area restaurants, a daily sweepstakes and subscription giveaways to Urge. It aims to put the entire city

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Events, Good, Video, Weblogs