Soprano's, AE Launch Multimedia Ad Hunt for Suitcase of Cash


The Sopranos and A&E pair up for Suitcase of Cash, an intelligent though slightly labyrinthine campaign that aims both to court interactivity and get people more involved in their advertising (rather than having them turn in a bunch of manic self-aggrandizing homemade videos).

The game coincides with the January 10 premiere of the show and recalls McD's annual Monopoly contest, though it makes better use of multiple media. Users collect game pieces to arrange on a virtual gameboard.

The game pieces are banner, print and outdoor ads, which can be photographed and uploaded, then mailed to an address that uses military face recognition (kind of like MyHeritage?) to ID the piece in the photo. For online ads, users just need to click, which we're sure will generate higher numbers for everybody's media kits this year.

Our heads are spinning but it sounds like fun and a $100,000 grand prize ain't small pickin's. It would be awesomer still if there was an Assassin twist to it - knocking people off and taking their game pieces would be right up our alley and even better for the Soprano's tie-in.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 9-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Magazine, Online, Outdoor

AdWeek Bestows Agency of the Year Awards on Actual Agencies


It shocked us a little that for 2006 somebody will actually get credit for doing more than being you or spending money. But instead of dicking around like its counterparts, AdWeek stays on track by asking vital questions like, "What's more important, growth or creativity?" which they say contained the big answer for which agencies deserve the gold stars for blood, sweat and tears.

And that's why they've awarded Global Agency of the Year to TBWA, which orchestrated the oft-spoofed but beloved Mac v. PC campaign.

AdWeek also gave Goodby, Silverstein & Partners the coveted US Agency of the Year Award for their "Got Milk?" campaign, featuring an odd alien twist and even some scandal in '05.

Hats off to Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, to TBWA and to AdWeek. They deserve an award for not shirking the responsibility of doling out much-earned credit in favour of that consumer-as-marketer hype. But we can't just blame Ad Age and Time for slacking when lately even major brands prefer to beg for ads instead of creating something themselves.

But hey, it's a fine line between generating legit consumer interactivity and generating yourself out of a job, yeah?

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 9-07    
Topic: Agencies, Events, Good, Industry Events, Research

IPAS Puts Pain on the Platform for Women's Rights


Women's health and reproductive rights organization IPAS campaigns to get women to speak up when they've been sexually abused. The ads well illustrate both the rage and sense of isolation that occurs when a person's been compromised. The little tear on the right cheek is helpful too, and the font is nice and raw.

The ads were put together by Santaclara, a spankin' new Sao Paulo agency. Well, this is a good strong start. Ethnic variations for IPAS are here and here.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 9-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Online, Poster

Time Gets Web 2.0 Facelift


Time revamps its tired old site to better serve the interests of 2.0-savvy readers who'd rather sift through snarky blogs than stiff Reuters streams.

The new site vibes like a cross between Yahoo, ZDNet and AdAge, which can be useful if not totally confusing. Critiques about Iraq rub shoulders with Top 10's, quotes du jour and wincing-hip TV-related titles like "Whiteyz with Attitude." Urg. Well, it'll definitely make eye-candy for the scroll-happy.

Time will provide 24/7 news and, in a surprise move that contrasts those of major papers like the New York Times, rendered the entire Time archive of stories, covers and images - from its 1923 debut! - available for free.

Neat. For a brand so big we're sure they'll come up with a way to keep profits from hurting during this most curious process. And we probably won't be the only ones watching closely.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 8-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Magazine, Online, Publishing

Training Keeps You Out of Trash


This is one of the more pleasantly inventive and eye catching outdoor campaigns we've seen in a while. It makes its point quite clearly. Unless you invest in yourself - in this case, corporate training - you're just a piece of useless, outdated trash good only for the trash bin. See another version here.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

BMW Sends Jaguars Backward with Tail Between Legs


Incognito informer FishnChimps points us in Ariel's direction for a redux in the car wars, which may or may not be a series of spoofs, though one could argue the breadth and popularity of them does these brands a major favor that few legit ads could.

In this iteration of the driving machine battle, BMW calls Jaguar a scaredy-cat by getting nose-to-nose and sending Jag's icon meowing back to the big tree it came from. Very cute even if, as unintentionally demonstrated in this ad, the Jaguar happens to be the prettier car and looks better still when compared to the blunt BMW hood. Nonetheless they got the point across fine.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 8-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Poster, Spoofs

CarsGuide Guides Star-Crossed Geniuses to Dream Cars

carsguide_Trans Am.jpg

Ad subtlety takes skill and a bit of patience with your consumer, but done well it makes all the difference in a great piece of print or television. A breaking campaign for Cars Guide enlists the magic of Cummins and Partners to deliver the message "Choice is everything."

You need to see the ads big for the full effect but check out the variations with Doc Brown and - by gad - is that Mr. T or a guerilla warrior?! We'd know that telltale feather anywhere. Of course guessing always gets one into trouble so if you know better, let us know and we'll telepathically pin a gold star to your pullover.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 8-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Poster

Version2, VH1 Indulge in New York Love


VH1's reality series I Love New York gets pretty for its debut with agency Version2, which positions New York as a bachelorette and, in this representative spot, guides Lucy-in-the-Sky-eyed viewers through a menagerie of NY-loving suitors up to a mansion at its heart, where eager young guns will aim for penetration. Federico Saenz-Recio of the "Flavor of Love" series is credited for lead design and animation.

We dig the harmonious marriage between the ghetto fabulous and psychedelic qualities of the campaign, even if we doubt the show will move us education-wise. But hey, reality TV is just another way of saying the consumer is king, so what do we know?

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 8-07    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns, Good, Promotions, Television

Bertucci's Signage Mirrors Boston Transit Signage


Adrants reader Joshua snapped this shot of a Bertuccci's billboard above one of its restaurants in Boston that mirrors the look of the city's transit signs. While we wonder whether or not the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) will have anything to say about this, we think it's an extremely creative approach.

Bostonians have seen this style of sign for decades and it's ingrained in the psyche. Of course, we hope that means they'll notice it rather than ignore it since , unfortunately, once you've made the commute once, you don't need the signs any more. For those that don't know, there is no actual Citgo gas station under that sign. Eons ago, it became a landmark and has lasted long after the gas station left.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Spar Invites Consumer Interaction with Gigantor Clam Shells


Spar, a restaurant sitting in a beach in Mumbai, India, recently conducted a guerilla campaign where large clam shells were strategically placed along the shore. When people reached down to open the shells they found a talk bubble ad that says "Looking for Seafood? Spars Seafood Festival."

Definitely something we'd take home to show the natives to demonstrate how much cooler every other country is besides our own. "Even the ads are better!" we hear ourselves boasting before some disgruntled relative bitchslaps us with the very shell we brought to brag about.

Cheers to Spar. It would have been awesome to throw in a plastic Mardi-Gras style pearl necklace, though. You know, make the whole festival idea seem more festive. It's kind of a buzzkill to open a huge shell and have nothing but a piece of paper to show for it. Oh, well. We'd still take it home.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Guerilla