Anytime you stick a stunningly beautiful, hot looking, busty girl in a video and have her coo alluringly into the lens, wide viewership is not far behind and that's exactly what happened with this BarelyPolitical-created video featuring Amber Lee Ettinger, known here as "the Obama Girl," lip syncing the song "I Got A Crush on Obama" written and performed by Temple University student Leah Kaufman who also wrote and sung (but did not appear in) the famed My Box in A Box video. The whole stunt was orchestrated by 32-year-old advertising exec and My Box in A Box creator Ben Relles. So far, the song has achieved 56,000 views on YouTube to date with more sure to come.
In the song, the hottie dances, prances and gushes lustfully about her love for Obama, singing, "I never wanted anybody more than I want you" and "you can Barack me tonight" while giving the camera "the look." It all points to where you can drink in even more of Obama Girl's beauty - including ubiquitous bulging bra shot - and more on the spreading story behind the phenomenon that took Obama campaign officials quite by surprise earlier this week which distanced itself from the movement claiming it had nothing to do with the creation of the video.
Pity the poor conference attendee. At every turn, they are bombarded with useless handouts that, two feet later, end up in the trash barrel. Or, worse, they find themselves on every email list known to man after leaving the conference. Rather than foist this crap on attendees in a manner that's annoying and far too easy to ignore, why not provide them something useful they won't want to toss as soon as they come into contact with it?
At a recent media conference held in Tel Aviv, Israeli retail fashion chain H&O had the right idea when it created seat back mounted "chair vests" complete with pockets filled with bottled water, a snack bar and the reatailer's catalog, all easily stowed in front of a captive audience without a trash barrel in sight. Come on conference sponsors, take a hint from H&O and give your prospective customers something they can actually use.
20th Century Fox is using this Silver Surfer trailer to entice roving eyes on the commute between Jersey and Manhattan on the PATH line. It's slated to run the entire month of June.
This is a really interesting idea. Submedia has a patented tunnel system that turns static images into moving pictures right outside a train's window. Beats staring at the LavaLife ads slathered all over the Bay Area's BART train interiors.
We actually want to watch Silver Surfer now, even though we've been burned one time too many by superhero films that, far from authentically adapting a comic book concept, really just suck the love out of nostalgic fans.
Draft FCB had its fist around the BullsEye BBQ Sauce account for awhile, and this is one of the concepts its creatives put together. We don't know if it actually made "legit" commercial status but we really don't care, considering we like it anyway.
Indie drummer Dave Suycott wilds out on a set of grills piled with steaming-hot meat. It reminded us of those Chili's babyback ribs ads from the '90s, because how often does anybody ever mix meat and music? It's a combination that needs more play.
Back in April, we reviewed a new campaign from Iceland vodka maker Reyka Vodka. It was quirky. It was different. It was really good. And, as we wrote, the campaign was "oddly transfixing in a 'wow, this doesn't look like an alcohol ad' sort of way."
Upon receiving a sample of the product and, of course, drinking it, we are pleased to report the vodka itself is oddly transfixing in a "wow, this doesn't taste like your usual, everyday vodka" sort of way. Simply, it's really great stuff. It has a flavor but, as the ad campaign touted, it's distinctly vodka tasting as opposed to some of the high end vodkas that have been "smoothed" so much, they taste like nothing at all.
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While women might hate getting cat calls from construction workers, men, on the other hand, love any attention they can get and stench-maker Axe is taking advantage of this in a new Bom Chika Wah Wah promotion that has females dressed as construction workers cat calling men as they walk by. Ask A Copywriter was one of the unfortunate (fortunate?) to experience this ritualistic name calling and snapped a shot of the lovely cat callers who were dressed in denim shorts and stylized construction vest tops.
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Upon viewing this interrogation of a nicely endowed, bikini clad beauty who, after the interrogator leaves the room and tells her co-workers "guys, we don't have enough to hold her," adjusts her bikini top to, well, hold her better, we were ready for this to be something entirely different than the program promotion it turned out to be.
Perhaps to avoid confusion with much larger shop, Portland-based Via, or simply to reflect the agency's model of bringing in outside talent, smaller, lesser-known VIA (Visual Intelligence Agency) from Connecticut is re-branding itself Plaid. In doing so, the agency is launching Brand Aid 2007, a three week summer road tour during which agency personal will hop in a van, travel across the country to visit clients, prospective clients and share the social media love with all while web 2.0ing the whole thing with videos posted on YouTube and other content published on social media style sites such as Twitter. Twitter Tripping. That's a new one.
Rather than going it alone and funding it on it's own - though the agency promise it will take the trip regardless of funding, Plaid is looking for sponsors who, they promise, will reap the benefits of publicity that is sure, they claim, to shower this tour. While we're not so sure about that, we can't fault an agency for going about promotion a bit differently with at least the intent towards using emerging media to do so.
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We thought we'd forgotten, or at least transcended, the quirky creepiness of The King. But these new Burger King ads by Crispin Porter + Bogusky for the Western Whopper reminded us that, unlike the witty and benign Jack, The King will mustachio you against your will and watch sadistically with his big plastic eyes while you scream.
Now here's a commercial that comically, insightfully and unabashedly celebrates the differences between men and women acknowledging there is, most assuredly, a continual battle of the sexes between two that rarely calls a truce. Though in the case of this Globe and Mail commercial, the publisher would like to think that at least on Sunday, men and women would call a a truce long enough to read the Sunday paper. Thanks, Fresh Creation.