In just two short sentences, "Thanks for always pushing us to do our best. Then being brave enough to sign off on it," Saatchi says so much about the strength of a good agency/client relationship. At least until the client picks a new agency. The sentences appeared in an ad congratulating Toyota on being named Advertising Age's 2006 Marketer of the Year.
Found! Long lost hippies from the 60's! We always wondered where they all went and now we know. Well, at least we know where two of them went. Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell are co-founders of the anti-war organization Baring Witness which is all about peace...and nudity...and, well having a gigantic global orgasm. Yes, the two are behind Global Orgasm, an effort that urges the world to have a synchronis orgasm Friday December 22. Apparently, it's all to "effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy a Synchronized Global Orgasm."
Cue The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin and all those other hippies turned legit activists. OK so a lot of them are dead now for various reasons but you get the idea. It's the return of the hippie. The Internet Hippie. They've discovered they can get their message out to a whole lot more people using the Internet than holding signs, protesting and shouting their beliefs to angry cops. OK, OK, so their not the first cause group to use the Internet but just go with us on this one. So rather than lying to your partner saying, "you rock my world" after you embellish that recent orgasm, now you literally can rock the world by joining this movement. OK, movement is a bad word. Who wants to think about that bodily function when there's a more pleasureable one to be had. Oh wait. Some people like to mix the two. Sorry. To each his own. Have fun.
Make the Logo Bigger sent us a promo video for the Burger King Xbox games we wrote about back in early October and even though we've hated that creepy King and bad product placements in video games, we're warming to the idea of video games that don't try to hide that fact they're all about advertising - as long as they're good. Besides, the creepy King seems to be much better suited to an appearance in a video game than in a video with Brooke Burke. There's a review of the game here.
Here's a series of print ads that merits some attention just because we had to stare at them for awhile in order to understand what was going on. The caption reads "More than 5,000 bottles to open." The images are bottle openers in various states of injury (and one suicide) presumably after trying to unscrew that number. Variations on the ad are available here and here.
The series is for 1855, a Paris-based internet wine purveyor. Damn, French-speaking countries just love their wine distributor ads. Nobody else seems to bother. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Altoids' "Oh, the Shame!" campaign compares a boy's first encounter with the curiously strong mints to his first encounter with, well, puberty. "The young have been taught to be wary of all things curious," writer Desmond Lavelle tells Ad Critic. "Be it drugs, sex or the mysterious appearance of hair, they will eventually have to experience such things for themselves. Altoids are no different."
We kind of see the connection there but discussing Altoids and genitalia together in too direct a manner is kind of painful. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Way back in the heady days of 1998 dot com mania, an account director friend who, as much as we did, loved to sling around pompously pointless marketing blather and marvel at the ability of other to, as well, say so much while saying so little thought we'd write a book gathering together all the inanity. We never did but "seven words you can't say on TV" comedian George Carlin created a 3:42 bit on the same topic. For 3:42, he hilariously strings together the pointless blather that not only marketers but all people fling out of their mouths without fully considering how stupid it sounds.
Take note. More than half of what comes out of your mouth in that client presentation is mindless, pointless, idiotic sounding, space-filling blather. Don't you want meetings to be shorter? Aren't you sick of fake words that mean nothing? Wouldn't you rather be actually creating something rather than killing it with the boatload of words you throw at it before you ever show it to the client? Of course you would. So stop talking like an idiot.
Apparently those living in Denmark have a care free attitude about a lot of things including speeding so the Danish Road Safety Council thought it was time for a different approach to enforce speed limits. The country now has Speed Control Bikini Bandits. Yes. It's exactly what it sounds like except the Bandits seem to have forgotten to wear their bikini tops when holding speed limit signs and urging drivers to obey the limits. Have fun with this witty campaign approach to speed control but if your boss doesn't like you watching naked women holding speed limit signs while shaking their boobs, you might want to properly angle your monitor before viewing.
To promote their snazzy condo complex in Atlanta, Eon at Lindbergh set mannequins up throughout the community - behind registry counters, at clubs or in imposing formation on open lawns.
The campaign is called Bring Lindbergh to Life and the idea is to inspire people to invest their own living breathing bodies in the Lindbergh community. We dig. We also find mannequins jarring when they're outside of stores and staring lifelessly at you from across a cafe table. Must be tough making conversation with a chick that's more plastic than usual. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
We have no idea whether this is new or not or why, once again, men are crapped on as unfeeling idiots and women are portrayed as the only ones who have sensitivity and can do laundry. Oh wait. Of course we do. Because it's all true. Men ruin beauty. Women preserve it. Or something like that. Argue amongst yourselves after you view this stainball hunting video from Shout.
Oh how we couldn't pass on highlighting this headline from AdPulp: Charmin Lets You Squeeze One Out in Times Square. Yes, it's all part of Charmin's cutesy bear campaign that promotes a 20-stall Charmin-branded public restroom to be placed at 1540 Broadway in New York between November 20 and December 31. To promote the toilet, there will be Charmin representatives dressed as toilets (yes, you read that right) who will hand out fliers promoting the restroom's locations.