Ever Wonder Why A Co-Worker Disappeared? Now You Know


We like this! Wait, what? A lottery ad? Seriously? Come on! A lottery ad can't possibly be good, right? well, maybe this one isn't good either but we like it. It's subtle. And it was created a bit differently as the credits describe:

"Without knowing the reason behind it, real office workers were interviewed and asked to tell about real people with whom they have worked, and then their answers were taken out of context to make up a fictional story about a fictional character."

The commercial was created by Grey Tel-Aviv for the Israeli Lottery.

by Steve Hall    Apr-13-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Sprint Gets on the Level with New Palm Pre Ad


@emmanuelvivier of Buzz Paradise drew our glances to the first-ever Sprint ad to feature the delectable Palm Pre.

Yeah, we know how you feel about iPhone killers (death of the Storm, anyone?) but after seeing the Pre demo at CES we're feeling optimistic about it.

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Bang Your Head...Uh...Bang the Drums


Remember the glory days of the drum solo? No? Of course you don't. You'd have to be...OMG... *old* to have witnessed the greatness that once was. And no one in advertising old. No matter. Just watch this decidedly different Hellacopters drum solo video created by Jung von Matt Stockholm for Icehotel

by Steve Hall    Apr-13-09    
Topic: Good, Video

ad:tech Paris: Sitting Down with Robin Sloan


Last week at ad:tech Paris I got to hang out with VP-Strategy Robin Sloan of Current TV. We built rapport over Extremely Important Stuff: why the universe needs Battlestar Galactica, how you (or, well, I) can't get a good burrito in Paris, and whether the talking space ship in Flight of the Navigator would look as cool today as it did when we were weebies.

Anyway, at some point I randomly said, "Can I take video of you talking?" or something to that effect, and he was all, "Cool," and by some strange juju I managed to catch him saying some pretty agreeable stuff about the media industry: what it needs (in the context of the perfect conference) and where it's headed.

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Horse Armada Precedes Launch of Lancia Delta


To promote the debut of the new Lancia Delta, 200 horses appeared in the city of Amsterdam. It's formidable to witness, and still more impressive is the sight of all those somber-looking Amsterdammers, taking pictures the way kids take exams.

Three Lancia Deltas were hidden within the cavalry and ultimately revealead on the RAI Square, where the Netherlands' biggest car event happens every year.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-09    
Topic: Brands, Events, Good, Guerilla, Promotions

Nestea Rides the Mechanical Bear


Weird. Weird. Weird. Thanks to Venables Bell & Partners, Odopod and Nestea, We have...the Mechanical Riding Bear! Yes, that and a collection of other weird activities like the Room of Doom and The Cobra Pit. It's all fun and games filmed Diesel Heides-style. And it's called Liquid Awesomeness.

As it was described to us, "It's kind of like a webcam, a viral video, a video game and a commercial had a disgusting foursome and then somehow gave birth." Yea, we'd have to agree with that assessment.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Games, Good, Strange

Movie Site Opens Only if Mood is Right, Wins Award


As if there weren't already a plethora of industry award shows, now (not that this is new or anything) we have agencies like Ypung & Rubicon handing out awards to individual agencies within its network for what it dubs great work.

The winner of the agency's annual Idea of the Year Award goes to Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv for its work on Orange Time, a site for Orange's entertainment and movie portal.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Industry Events, Online

Sprint's Shares User Data in Commercial


If ever you wanted a glimpse inside the user behavior of Sprint network phone users, this new commercial from Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and design company superfad will give you all you need.

Funny thing. In the midst of all this data, they never seem to mention how many users experience a call drop in a given day.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Irish Bank Think Brutal Truth the Best Policy


Oh yes, indeed. Life is most certainly more "interesting" when you tell the truth. That's the premise of this "The Truth" campaign for Ireland-based bank, RaboDirect. In these trying financial times, people want honesty, transparency and the brital truth. And that's what they get in this video campaign for the bank.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Strange, Video

There's No PMS in Fairy Tales!


While we don't speak Spanish and can't understand all the words in this California Milk Processor Board commercial, the message is clear: a glass of milk can cheer you up on a bad day. We could use a gallon right about now.

In this commercial, created by Grupo Gallegos and animated by Psyop, a prince saves the day as a Princess' mood reeks havoc across her world. It's a grand gesture and one that's best experience without actually understanding the words. Because if you did, you'd realize the whole thing is a metaphor for the Princess' PMS and how milk lessens that monthly blow.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Good, Strange