RCRD LBL Means Free MP3s -- Sponsored by You, Of Course


We just found out about an online music label called RCRD LBL, which lets users download MP3 tracks from new and seasoned artists for free.

This is a decent contender to what's already out there for the following three reasons:

- It's legitimately sponsored, and sponsors don't mess with the tracks
- It's not all ad-heavy and slow like OHHLA.com
- It's gritty and cool without feeling seedy as hell like AllofMP3.com before it got pwned by The Man

On iTunes, just below the album art and above the artist name, you get a little line of text that says, "Get free music at RCRDLBL.com." That's something we can live with.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-15-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Radio, Sponsorship

Stanley Works Wants You to F#@k Things Up


Without really saying it because, after all, what marketer really can in their ad campaigns, Stanley Works is telling us to fuck things up or, more precisely, to fuck things up beyond all repair using its Stanley Fubar site. So if you want to get your aggression out smashing toilets, sinks, pianos, armoires and even a bunny (well, not really) with the strangest tool you've ever seen, Stanley provides you those items and a burly construction crew to aid you with your destructive tendencies.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-15-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Games, Good, Online

To Win Customer Confidence, Stevinson Points Fingers at the Weatherman


"Trust all wheel drive, not the weatherman." Big grins for those who can point to the irony in this campaign. See ads here.

Put together by TDA Advertising & Design, Boulder, for Stevinson Automotive.

All told, we like it all right.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-14-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

BFGoodrich Tracks Baja 1,000 Racers With GPS-Enabled Site


Part documentary, part GPS-enabled tracking system, this Martin Agency-created website for BFGoodrich celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Baja 1000. The GPS-enabled component of the site lets people track the position and stats of drivers as the traverse the thousand mile course. It's pretty simple and strait forward but we're sure there's some interesting technology behind the site powering the GPS component. If you're into this race, this seems to be one of the ways to stay in touch with the action

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-07    
Topic: Good, Mobile/Wireless, Online

Five Legged Runners Celebrate the Many Angles of Fila Shoes


Ouch! That looks like it hurts. Besides, who needs five legs? Oh wait, it's just a sneaker ad. Sorry. Apparently, Fila wanted to show the many angles of their new Unico running shoes in a campaign from agency Santa Clara in Sao Paulo. Anyway, it's weird looking and it caught our attention.

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Animals With Boobs, Booties, Packages, Orgiastic Rituals Amuse


Indeed oddity reigns supreme in this French Orangina commercial during which animals with bikini-clad breasts and Speedo-clad packages cavort in some strange mashup of The Jungle Book and Eyes Wide Shut. There's even a little Flashdance in there too, It all culminates with the orgasmic bursting forth of Orangina bottles ridden by Zebras who unleash a Scary Movie-style blast of excitement all over a bikin-clad rabbit. Yes, you read that right.

We love it purely for its over-the-top presentation and we hate that we'll never see it on TV in America. Although, who thought those Herbal Essense orgasm ads would ever fly?

FFL Paris created the spot. Th Mill, Stink and Psyop produced.

by Steve Hall    Nov-13-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Racy, Strange

Drew Barrymore Joins Parade of CoverGirls


It would seem at the rate CoverGirl plows through celebrities for its ad campaigns there'd be none left to fill the company's ravenous appetite for new faces. Not that Drew Barrymore is a new face but she's the latest to step into the CoverGirl campaign and, thankfully, one that doesn't seem as fake as the parade of supermodels CoverGirl and other fashion brands have used in the past.

In the spot, which is very simple but visually very beautiful, Drew dances around for the photographer in what was supposed to be a teaser trailer to show the client. The client liked it so much they went with it. Created by Erricson Fina, produced by HSI and edited by Version2, the post is airing now.

by Steve Hall    Nov-13-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Good

'Mariah Carey' Winner of Photobucket Celebrity Chick Contest


Photobucket has announced the winner of its month long Celebrity Chick contest which asked people to send in images of themselves if they thought they looked like a celebrity. It was a promotion for the record label Disturbing Tha Peace and the label's recent single, Celebrity Chic with Ludacris, Chingy, Steph Jones and Small World.

Laura Pasqualoni was the winner with judges deeming her the best look-a-like to Mariah Carey. You can check out all the contestants here as well as the Celebrity Chick single.

by Steve Hall    Nov-13-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Social, Video

Imported Oranges Not Good to Eat But Good For Ear Muffs, Knee Pads


Now here's a campaign that knows how to have fun. There's not many products you can slam while at the same time touting them as superior but that's what Florida's Natural is doing with its Orange Diaries. On a blog and in videos farmers Dave and Gus find all sorts of uses for imported (read, bad) oranges from using them as knee pads, ear muffs, pencil holders and a yo-yo. Simple. Amusing. Different.

by Steve Hall    Nov-13-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video, Weblogs

Guinness Does Honda Cog...For $21 Million


We've seen this Guinness ad. Have you? it falls squarely into the Honda Cog category. We're not saying it was a one take shot like Honda Cog was but it's pretty spectacular in its own right. It's said to have cost $21 million. That's a lot of money for a short lived commercial but one assumes it costs what it costs to make detail like this happen. We're not sure we like this spot or not. We admire its effort but it just doesn't seem as clever as the Honda Cog spot.

Some, though, might argue it's far more clever due to it's expansive nature as compared to the laboratory-like setting in which the Honda Cog spot was shot. As with anything, it's a matter of opinion. But $21 million is a lot of money to spend on a commercial. Especially one that isn't original. Then again, neither was the Honda Cog spot. But we're nitpicking here. It's a good spot. It's fun to watch. AMV/BBDO created.

by Steve Hall    Nov-12-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good