As a follow up to its GTI Fast commercials, VW has unleashed another set called Un-Pimp Your Auto which, as the title eludes does just that with three spots bringing three pimped pimped out cars and their owners back to reality all while highlighting the new VW GTI Mk5. As a bonus, the ads feature that long haired dude from FOX's Prison Break who got offed last year. He needed a new gig anyway and he got one.
Advertising for Peanuts points us to an insightful commercial from HP which openly wonders where delted images go once they leave the camera. This commercial answers the question. View it here.
AdFreak tips us to a new tourism campaign from Australia in which the country has done everything it possibly can to prepare itself for an onslaught of American tourists and tops the whole thing off by asking and only an Australian can, Where the bloody hell are you? Two things we love about this campaign. It's spot on selling of the "brand" and it's use of, as many other Australian advertisers have, the Vividas video player which brings fast, full resolution, full screen glory to online video. Why every other advertiser in the world trying to highlight their work online hasn't dumped Windows Media Player, Quicktime, Real and all those other tiny-screened players in favor of Vividas simply makes no sense to us.
For its Portugal client Credito Agricola, Leo Burnett Lisboa made interesting use of a moving billboard to promote the client's online money transfer service. The board alternates between images of a woman in Italy and a man in Paris but an image of a money transfer receipt remains immovable, glued to the front of the board, illustrating how easy it is to transfer money. See it in action here.
This is just freakish but we love it. It's a campaign for Bubblicious created by Duval Guillaume in Brussells. See the other ad here.
Adverbox highlights a pretty inventive magazine ad for Wonderbra that interactively illustrates ehat a good bra can do for a woman's cleavage. See all the images here.
Flickr user Monkey River Town spotted this billboard on Highway 35 in White Bear lake, Minnesota. Crack masters The Crack Team, headed by Mr. Happy Crack claim "A dry crack is a happy crack." That's actually not true in every instance. See the full image here.
Proving there's a cause group for every single topic in the world, The Privy Group, with help from Saatchi & Saatchi has created an outdoor campaign which consists of a life-sized cut out of a guy taking a piss in various parks throughout New York City. Advergirl has the story.
Rapping about babies and quirky coffee moments are the subject matter in two hilarious promotional commercials (1, 2) for BBC Three's new comedy sketch series Snuff Box. The series is written and performed by Matt Berry and Rick Fulcher. Since we don't live in England, we have no idea who these guys are but if their show is as funny as their promos, we're sure it'll get a few viewers.
To introduce its New Megane and the vehicle's hands free key system, Renault has launched a commercial created by Publicis Net Paris that illustrates just how pissed off one can get when it's so cold the key won't fit into the door lock. This commercial makes getting your tongue frozen to a light pole child's play. The commercial is in French but it works in any language. To view the spot, go the the New Megane website, click the first link under "Entrer," wait an insufferably long time for the Flash site to load then click the image on the left hand side. Or, just use this direct link we just happily received.