After watching all nine web opera-style ads composed of three different narratives, we finally picked up Douglas Coupland's The Gum Thief.
The narrative style of the book maintained a weird fidelity to the ads -- segmented between Roger, his co-worker Bethany, and Roger's novel-in-progress, Glove Pond.
Every once in awhile, you get another voice -- Bethany's mom, some malicious Staples employees, or Roger's bitchy ex-wife. Sometimes you get an experimental scenescape involving buttered toast. And for a brief, completely insane moment, you get a story in a story in a story.
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Repping company Resource has created Treesource, an organization that donates to charities including the LA-based natural resources-focused non-profit TreePeople. To promote Treesource, Cole Gerst, option-g and 2todesign have created two short videos (one, two) each beautifully illustrated. Yes, it took us a few to get all those trees and sources straight too.
You can pimp your ride, pimp your profile, un-pimp your ride, pimp your brand, pimp your stroller, pimp your burger and pimp your minivan.
Now, courtesy of Tamba Internet and Kwik-Fit Insurance, you can Pimp Your Sleigh. Yes, that's right. You can ad mods until Santa's sleight looks like something out of a Fast and Furious movie. You can trick out the seating, add a hood ornament, affix a spoiler, colorize it with stickers, choose a driver, race your creation down a slalom course and, yes, send the whole thing to a friend.
Somewhere in all of this is a promotion for Kwik-Fit Insurance in the way of prizes and placement of winning designs on the main page of the site. Let your inner Santa out to play.
Furthering its customization-with-attitude personality, Scion is out with its next Little Deviants commercial in which the little guys high jack and trick out a passing Scion xD transferring it from a bland, gray, wish-it-were-cool look into a tricked out green colored, rad rimmed and low profile tired ride that actually is cool.
Created by San Francisco's ATTIK, the ad was animated by Shilo.
If you're sick of winding mountain road car commercials, check out this mountainous region road car website for Land Rover. Really, it's different. As you wind your way through beautiful vistas while an orchestrally supported piano swells in the background, you can stop at various points to check out the vehicles features. It's all very Zen. And slow. And visually beautiful. And slow. And soothing. And slow. And...zzzzz...oh, sorry, we fell asleep there for a minute.
OK, now that we've downed our grande, non-fat, extra hot, extra shot, no whip, no foam, white mocha latte, we feel better and can you the site also offers you the ability to select the features you are interested in and create a customized, downloadable PDF for your offline viewing pleasure which is a good thing because you're going to need to lay down in bed to read it as you drift gently into a restful sleep, soothed by the site's relaxing music and...zzz...
We can't think of many gamers that cream their pants for box art, but for GTA IV -- which will generate drools anyway -- Rock Star Games decided to turn box art into an event unto itself.
The firm hired four mural artists to paint the art mural-size, a process that took about two days. The work was video-taped, sped up and edited for effect (you know, like Dove Evolution).
Liquid Liquid's "Optimo" helped add veneer to the finished product, and voila.
The video's cool and all, but in the end, the success of these things depends on where the spot appears and how fast it moves between gamers. (It definitely ain't this.) But hey, GTA IV will probably fly off the shelves at whiplash speed anyway (we're getting a copy), so if nothing else, this is a nice gesture in the direction of street art, and maybe it'll open up some interesting promotional doors.
Ooh, fun. Heat, SF shot us this ad for Speed ProStreet, a game by EA Games.
The spot glides between real video imagery and gritty animation, which still exhibits a dull gleam of reality. And the music brings you back to the first time you watched Rebel without a Cause, when so much was on the line in that one game of chicken. You know, before James Dean started crying and shit.
The agency hoped to leave gamers with the sense that "every battle counts" on both real or virtual streets. (We're sure mom will love that manifesto when it's spouted over her kid's next speeding ticket.)
The spots will run on ESPN and other gamer-friendly stations.
Apparently, the world is awash with people who can't pinch a good loaf. It seems there's a cork stuck in the asses of a lot of people out there which has made laxatives almost as commonplace as aspirin on drug store shelves.
We even have studies on the matter which claim, "Many people underestimated how often they strained. Overall, 32% of defecations in women and 22% of defecations in men were associated with straining to start and 15% and 9%, respectively, with straining to finish."
And analysis such as this: "Straining was to some extent related to stool type: the lumpier a stool, the more often it elicited straining. However, it seems likely that straining in some people is just a habit."
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Dr. Pepper hooked up with YouTube celeb Tay Zonday to recreate his famed Chocolate Rain video to promote its new Cherry Chocolate drink. The new video is as goofy as the original but it's climbing the video charts fast. Currently, is resting in the number one slot over at Viral Video Chart. Whether or not it reaches the original's 12 million views is unclear at this point but we're guessing he's happy with the paycheck he got from Dr. Pepper.
The new video also features Mista Johnson aka Felonious Monk and an army of dancing booty babes. Since its debut November 28, the video has 566,000 views on YouTube. Thankfully, it's half the length of the maddeningly repetitive original. Subway what? Fist bump? Viral video? Uh uh. No more. On Tuesday this week, placed a video on YouTube narrated by Maggie Gyllenhaal for Trickle Up, an organization that raises money for "people living on less than a dollar a day" and to provide "them with resources to build microenterprises for a better quality of life."
It's subtle, informative, beautifully illustrated. The music is soothing. And it gets it's message across effectively in just over a minute. We like.