Windorphins Prove that Outdoor Still Works


We were stalking the streets of NYC one night when we saw this compromised poster that said "Windorphins are like a ticker tape parade for your soul." A ticker tape parade is too exciting to turn down so we dashed drunkenly home and plugged into our browser.

After 10 or 11 tries we arrived at the site and discovered that Windorphins are a "natural byproduct of eBay" and are the hormonal result of a victory. The site features studies, celebrity comparisons ("Who's got more Windorphins?"), an opportunity to make your own "Windorphs" (like Weemees, except in your bloodstream!) -- and of course a place to conduct searches on eBay.

The campaign wasn't super-imaginative but we're fairly sure it's more successful than a lot of online efforts out there, mainly because eBay advertises outdoor. Which brings up a good point: just because you're running an online campaign doesn't mean you should only advertise over the internet.

by Angela Natividad    Aug- 9-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online, Outdoor

Endless Need For Endless Shoe Supply Explained by Endless


While some may wonder why a woman can never have enough shoes to cover every aspect of her footwear needs, this Fly Communications-created commercial for Amazon's Endless Shoes helps answer the question while telling us where all those shoes can be had.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Mitt Romney Triplets Take On Obama Girl in Attack Ad


Just as the Obama Girl professed her love for Barak Obama and the Giuliani Girls defended Rudy against Obama Girl's posses in a street fight, the Romney Girls, other wise known as the the very beautiful Barbadoro Triplets (Cynthia, Caroline and Christine), are out with a Barely Political-created Obama Girl attack ad on behalf of Mitt Romney that ends with a not so subtle jab at polygamy, which, of course, is totally in style now with the success of HBO's Big Love.

A song by the Barbadoro Girls - who are from New Jersey and do actually write and sing - will follow in a month or two along with a video. Bostonians, watch your sidewalks for the next Obama Girl Throw down.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-07    
Topic: Cause, Good, Video, Viral

Target Breezeway Sucks Distracted Onlookers into Light Display


Visitors to the "top of the Rock!" (er, the Rockefeller building) in NYC may have noticed a really interesting spaceship-type thing on their way back down.

This strange little room, dubbed the Target Breezeway, can apparently sense the number of people wandering mystified in its midst and associates each person with a color that then generates distracting, if not dazzling, reactions along the walls.

Most of us walked around like zombies trying to place our palms on the occasional Target symbol that appeared. Every few minutes, and with enough warm bodies, the Breezeway lights up in a display that would put Times Square at New Year's to shame.

We've always maintained that the best way to ensnare a small population would be to draw them into a secluded space with shiny objects. The Target Breezeway is an ingenious way of demonstrating that possibility.

We were definitely sucked in.

by Angela Natividad    Aug- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Outdoor

Newsflash! Jeep Secretly Landed on Moon With Astronauts


Brent Terrazas has provided us with an analysis of the new Cutwater-created campaign for Jeep, part of which includes a :60 spot called Heritage that shows us the 66 year history of by digitally manipulating images of past Jeep models with historical images from the time of the model. You'll see Jane Goodall, Elvis, Godzilla, lunar landings, Woodstock, the Road Runner, Devo, Lost, and more. The effects, courtesy of PLANK and The Mill, are just as eye tricking as Cutwater's recent Rayban work. We like.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Opinion

Hawaiian Coffee Gets Parachute Treatment


Starbucks has done it. Microsoft has done it. Why not Coffees of Hawaii? Guerrilla Communications created a "fall from the sky" (sort of) campaign for the coffee maker which draped parachute-wearing packages of coffee throughout neighborhoods, shopping plazas and tourist attractions in and around Atlanta and Chattanooga. Free coffee? What's not to love?

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

Bugaboo Gets Fly On Stage For Bee


If you've never thought of a baby stroller as a stage prop for a choreographed dance sequence, you will now after watching this 72andSunny-created video for Bugaboo Strollers in which a group of fours dads go all Broadway to demonstrate the Bugaboo Bee's cool factor. It's not your average stroller commercial and that's a very good thing.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-07    
Topic: Good, Video

If Only the Commute Were Always This Cool


If only New York's trains were actually this cool all the time. Deutsch (yes, they still do stuff) tricked out Grand Central Shuttle trains for Westin Hotels making the train interiors look like the Caribbean, the rain forest and Iceland. Very cool stuff. Check it out here.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Candystand's Fire and Ice is Total '80s Throwback


The bitchy thing about Candystand, which has long exhausted its welcome in the Adrants annals, is their advergames are actually really good.

Take this new one called Fire and Ice. With unique characters and quirky music, the game still manages to bring us back to the Super NES days, jumping over turtles and malicious red owls while trying to sate an endless lust for floating coins. We can't trash something we just blew half an hour playing.

Our only problem with it is it lacks that classic Mario speed-running feature. Do you hear us, advergame gods? We want a speed-running feature.

by Angela Natividad    Aug- 2-07    
Topic: Brands, Games, Good, Online

Bodygrooming Fembots Replace Double Entendre Bathrobe Guy


As we surmised earlier this month, Philips Bodygoom has taken its efforts the the next logical step. The marketer's agency, Tribal, has launched Robot Skin, an episodic series in which grooming robots, otherwise known as "the key that unlocks the version of yourself you always wanted to be," become the most desirable toy men can possess in the future. It's a a nice effort. After all, imagining a fembot stroking your various body parts is a lot more exciting than the mundane reality of an electric grooming device doing the same. And it's far better than that dude in the white bathrobe spewing double entendres about your nuts. But we do wonder if Svedka Vodka's fembot are gonna come knocking.

Change the body and the mind will follow. Or so the copy says.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 2-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Video