As kids or even as adults we've all had that experience where we've been in the presence of a highly revered figure and they've perhaps shaken our hand which made us feel as though we should never wash it again. This commercial called Hand created by DDB Canada and produced by Reginald Pike for Canadian hockey takes that notion to the extreme in a very good way.
Unfortunately lumped together with all the other political crap about the Middle East, Israel gets a bum wrap. But the bums in this viral promotion for the country are completely apolitical and just plain hot in that sexy female human sort of way. With the two mesmerized guys in the video helplessly uttering, "Holy Shit, Man," "Holy Fuck," "Holy Jesus" and "Holy Mother of God," the ad's tagline, "Israel. No Wonder They Call it the Holy Land," makes perfect sense.
Keta Keta, creators of the "Make Love, Not War" and "People's Voice," created this video which can be viewed here as well as other pro-Israel wotk they've done.
While we watched the Super Bowl, we marveled at the promotions for ABC's Lost, particularly, as Adrants reader Terry Heaton so thankfully reminded us this morning, the "Addicted to Lost" version set to the tune of eighties icon Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love" which showed Palmer and his eighties girls on the TV where Jack and Locke watched that creepy video at the end of last season. Perhaps, it's because we already watch Lost, we liked the promos so much or, perhaps, it's because they were just really good.
So the Super Bowl is over. Was it worth the $2.6 million each marketer spent on a :30? We won't know for months but who cares. It's all entertainment anyway. You can read Bob Garfield's take on the whole thing here and marvel at his shock that the Super Bowl (oh, the horror) is commercial and that rock and roll is (oh, the horror) about making money. You can watched some of the ads Ad Age found more memorable here. You can watch all the ads at iFilm here. Or you can just go get a cup of coffee and see what your co-workers think.
We're not quite sure what our favorite is yet but for some strange reason we're leaning towards the Burger King Whopperettes commercial. Either that or the wonderfully on-message ESPN Mobile ad. The Hummer H3 ad, of course, was very good but we've seen it too many times already. A nod also goes to Ameriquest for their two very funny spots and the Beer Institute did a good job telling us we should all just go have a beer and the world's problems would be solved. Oh, wait, we said that.
Also high on our list are the Budweiser Clydesdales spot and Bud Light's "Magic Fridge."
Everyone's all excited about the Hummer H3 Jennifer Loves the Monster spot but we saw it too and were like, "Dudes, that's so over." The commercial's been making the rounds since last summer. OK, so last summer, there wasn't a Super Bowl but still. There is something new though. The Monster has a cheesy website where she professes her love for the robot. Way to extend a campaign Modernista!
The Beer Institute ran a Super Bowl ad that showed people around the world saying "cheers" or some such equal salute in different languages and locations around the world. It's an interesting strategy and one that harken s Warren Beatty's statement in in the movie, Bulworth, when he said, "If we all fucked each other, we'd eventually end up the same color," in that if everyone in the world just got together and had a few beers with each other there'd be none of the ridiculous political problems we face today. See the ad on the Beer Institute's site.
As usual, the Budweiser Clydesdale spot in this year's Super Bowl was emotional, showing a small Clydesdales doing his best to pull the Bud wagon, eager to become one of the famed older Clydesdales. In a spot called "Clydesdale American Dream," the little guy succeeds but has a bit of help from his friends. Need a Kleenex? Remember, these are the horses that bowed to the New York city skyline post-911. See the spot here.
Everyone's been stuck in that frustrating situation on a plane when you're sitting in a window seat in a row of three seats and you just really, really have to go to the bathroom except the passengers next to you are sleeping making a graceful exit to the aisles a tryting task. That's the set up for Ameriquest's second Super Bowl ad. The poor woman trying to make it to the bathroom ends up in a rather embarrassing position once a bit of turbulence hits causing the lights to go on and revealing to the rest of the passengers her not so normal seating position. See the spot here.
As fashionistas eagerly anticipate the latest fashions on the runway in this Cadillac Super Bowl "Chrome Couture" commercial, this runway's a bit different. It's all wet and dark and mysterious with models rising out its glistening ooze. But the finale is what grabs everyone's attention. Rising slowly from the liquid is the new Cadillac Escalade. A very dramatic entrance indeed. See the spot here.
You know, it's just not right when a hot girl says to a hot guy in a touch football game, "Throw it to me. I'm gonna be wide open." Sorry, you witty creative. We know what you were thinking when you wrote that line and we know you laughed about it over and over and wondered if you'd get it past the client. Apparently, you did. And you know what? It was funny. Oh, was it for Bud Light? Sorry, we were, once again, distracted. Oh wait. It was Michelob. See the spot here.