We really dig this effort by G4 TV and 72andSunny to get unmotivated gamers to recycle. Gcycle features Sick Animation-style animation, two Terrence and Phillip-esque characters and a fish that bitchslaps earth abusers repeatedly. In other words it exploits the subtlest debts of twenty-something humour.
The tagline "Dude, c'mon" is a lazy admonition that somehow adequately demonstrates how little work it actually takes to recycle. After selecting what you want to throw away you can enter your zip code for recycling centers near you. Spiffay.
If any of you still doubt the power of subliminal advertising, you need look no further than this video sent to us by fresh creation in which two unsuspecting creatives fall victim to the old naked lady in the ice cube trick. No, this isn't just the much discussed lady in the ice cube of old but rather an elaborate stunt to prove subliminal messaging does work. As long as we are to believe this video truly represents what happened.
Watch as two creatives are recruited to create a campaign in 30 minutes for a taxidermy store. The resulting campaign will surprise you once the curtain is lifted at the end of the story. McDonald's is no stranger to this trick having recently done a bit of their own sort of subliminal advertising. And, yes, we know this video is a year old.
Parents. They feed you. They clothe you. They love you. They educate you. They prepare you for life. This Thailand boy received years and years of encouragement and training which prepared him for a life that's, well, likely very different from your own. While there's nothing wrong with parentally infused cleanliness, Sparkle wine coolers thinks the desire to make things sparkle can have uses other than the obsessive desire to clean. This Thailand spot for SPY sparkling wine is most assuredly nothing like the Bartles and James commercials of yesteryear. It's a year old but it's worth watching for its pure oddity
Ana from Spare Room describes this tuna ad from Thailand as "very, very strange and creepy." We're not going to debate the issue. She's completely right. After all, how often do you get to see a stomach with so much gumption? Perfect for Nicole Richie.
"Hello, Thoroughbred Owners of California? This is Vegas calling. We want our tagline back!"
"Vegas, this is Thoroughbred Owners of California calling. We didn't steal your tagline, we just had fun with it. Come on. Can't you take a joke?"
"Thoroughbred Owners of California, we're casinos. We never joke. Besides, every one knows 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.' You can't tell people 'sometimes things don't stay in Vegas.' It's just not right."
"Vegas, what - are you some sort Bermuda Triangle where things enter and never leave?"
"Well, yes, Thoroughbred Owners of California. We do have a lot of dead bodies buried in the desert here but since corporate America bought everything, the body count seems to have dropped. Besides, our only claim to fame now is NBC's Las Vegas and that damn tagline you're fucking with!"
"OK, fine, Vegas. After we let the commercials run a few times so RPA creatives, with help from Tool, can enter them into 2,387 award shows, we'll pull the spots. Fair?"
"Agreed, horse lovers. Otherwise James Caan will be knocking on your door."
AdPunch points us to this campaign launched a couple years ago for Centreforce by agency Better World Advertising. It ran in San Francisco and Oakland.
Seeking to humanize inmates and fellow prison alum, ads feature friends and family members who really want their dads/sisters/husbands back and are asking for community support as they reintegrate.
We're sort of reminded of Benetton's We, On Death Row campaign. Boy oh boy did Benetton get hell for that - a possible reason why they devolved from provocation to potato-pushing.
Granted, Death Row inmates deserve all the flak they can get considering they aren't really people.
...or are they?
This dalmation standing at graceful attention poses with a price tag - like a handbag or fancy gloves - because 80 percent of people who become pet parents do it on a whim, according to the Foundation for the Adoption, Patronage and Defense of Animals.
Thus armed, Contrapunto Barcelona created a set of fashion spreads that included well-matched pups to air both the vacuity of such life-changing impulses and the seriousness of consequent pet abandonment cases. The awareness ads were then run in fashion magazines for the most devastating effect.
A clever way to make a point. It could probably be used for, you know, other types of irresponsible impulses.
The unlikely ingenues at Ogilvy put together a moving set of prints that sweetly admonish, "Adopt. You will receive more than you can ever give."
The campaign is for the Indian Association for Promotion of Adoption and Child Welfare. We love it, we really do, but we wonder whether it doesn't ever so softly whisper, "Adopt. For love."
Adidas goes graffiti way with End to End, a snazzy collabo that includes graffiti artists from around the world drawn together to bring hype back to the sleepy brand. It's got a playful mishmash of colour that reminds us of the Asics Made of Japan effort.
Fresh Creation has a more elaborate intro and some neat videos too.
Priceline takes William Shatner, who's pompous by default, and makes him pompouser still with the use of a falcon and an eyepatch and ads that seem to drag on and on and on.
Check it all out at Falcon of Truth. You need a code to get in but we can assure you of either one of these two soothing facts:
* You're not missing out on much, as it contains the usual peppy text, promotional images and downloads
* You'll probably get some sort of invitation to see it eventually
We will leak one thing, though. Be among the first 100 to e-mail Priceline with your name, address and size and you could get a Falcon of Truth shirt. No, we're not kidding. Scramble for your Outlook right now.