In "Love Distance," two lovers nearly two billion millimeters apart race toward each other as a meter ticks off the amount of space left between them. Their ecstatic embrace results in emotional spikes between 0 mm and 316 mm.
The tagline ties it all together: "And yet, love needs distance." Sagami's thinnest condom does the job with the fewest millimeters of all: 0.02.
By GT/Tokyo for Sagami Original Condom.
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Everything about Viagra makes us laugh. We all know what it's for (and spam has ensured that we never forget!), but the ads are never really about doin' The Do -- they're always about love and intimacy, which in this jaded world is a lot like taking the sluggish scenic route to the same destination.
So, fingertips at the ready, we watched "Couple" with the full intention of taking the piss out of it. And get this: we couldn't. Because it moved us.
Yeah, we're embarrassed too.
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In the continuing saga of Carlos Mandelbaum and his insightful take on the state of marketing today, his latest outing examines the fantasy life of corporate managers. Mandelbaum ponders the penchant of corporate managers to fantasize they are warriors or mystics or...students getting all philosophical and intellectual by enjoying mind-expanding lectures by really cool the dude that did those weird UPS whiteboard ads.
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As we have come to expect from Agent Provocateur, weird is normal. So, in this new commercial, it makes perfect sense a lingerie-clad woman in ironing on the front porch of a mountain cabin while the strangest of music plays in the background.
And that she then goes inside to go all S&M the guy laying in bed.
Yes. Agent Provocateur.
Except there's no Coke, and lots of Domos.
"Jump Rope" -- chock full of delicious images and noises -- was put together for client Nike by AKQA. Creativity Online pegged its position "the escapism of exercise." Well-said.
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You know how old people always dance to, well, old music? That's because it's the music they grew up with. They didn't have rock, hip-hop, trance, disco, new age and they certainly didn't have Jumpstyle.
According to this Duval Guillaume-created commercial for the Agricultural Marketing Board of Flanders, "People always dance to music from their youth." We see a loving old couple dancing to some old tune and then...quick two dudes doing Jumpstyle with the tag, "So you know what's awaiting you. Start drinking milk."
Did we or did we not tell you eight months ago this dance craze would soon appear in an ad? Oh yes we did, brotha!
Angela and I learned Jumpstyle today. If you're lucky, you'll get to see us do it at the next ad conference. It should be good for a laugh.
When Fort Collins-based New Belgium Brewing Co. was offered a package of urban Denver billboards, pro bono, for a pro-biking ad campaign, it quickly accepted, and assigned its agency, Denver-based Cultivator Advertising & Design to create the outdoor messages. And that's when serendipity stepped in and flooded the billboard placement Gods with good karma.
The headline, "Work to Bike More," was inspired by the priorities of several New Belgium employees who may well be more passionate about cycling than about gainful employment. The billboard promotes New Belgium's Team Wonderbike, which encourages both New Belgium employees and the general public to trade in their cars for a bike. The placement above PT Motor's "Cash for Cars" sign, at I-76 and North Federal Blvd., Denver, was...oh yea...serendipitous.
Uh Oh. The Wimpy Swimmers of America cause group is about to get their undies in a twist. As will, no doubt, Bob Garfield. Yes, after its Speedwalker ad offended gays (and Bob Garfield), which we never quite understood, Snickers is out with another Mr. T ad which takes on wimpy "toe dippers" who cower at the thought of swimming in water that isn't a perfect 85 degrees.
"You makin' me mad, sucka!"
"It's time to get in the pool, fool!"
"Take that, toe dipper!"
"I hate flying so this better be the last time I hear you crying!"
"Get some nuts!"
Yea, baby! Classic Mr. T.
Who knew Doritos had so many uses? They can help get a guy whacked in the balls. They can provide the power to rip a girl's clothes off. And now they can function as the latest fashion on the beaches this summer.
Or at least in a Peruvian ad that imagines such a scenario
If you've seen one Sony Bravia ad, you've got the blueprint for all of them: seize upon the easiest way to illustrate a product's raison d'etre, then magnify, until the crowd whose attention you so wistfully coveted has been submerged by your idea.
"Zoetrope" is no different -- and just as compelling as its predecessors. (See "Bunnies," see "Thread," see "Bubbles.")
For Sony's Motionflow Bravia TV, Fallon/London built the world's largest zoetrope: a rotating montage of static images viewed through small slits. (See? More fodder for Guinness.)
We got teaser material for the work last December. It was filmed a month prior in Venaria, near Italy's Turin. View the spit-shined final product below.
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