For Beautiful Skin, It's Good to Swallow


This witty little bit of word play in a storefront for Singapore-based skin care pill Imedeen featuring spokesmodel Zoe Tay found its way to our Inbox today and we couldn't help but snicker at the copy, "My secret to beautiful skin? I swallow."

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Good, Poster

New Airport Security Puts Fun (And Nudity) Back Into Flying


Ariel tells us RyanAir is getting sassy and points to a Boing Boing piece which discusses a lawsuit the airline filed against the UK government in response to its increased airport security measures. Apparently, it's all a bit much for the airline which placed on its website an image of a crowd of naked people standing by their clothes with the tagline, "New Airport Security Procedures Put Fun Back Into Flying."

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Policy, Strange

'Prison Break' Promoted With Wanted Posters


Adrants reader Sanj sends us an image of wanted poster wild postings which promote the beginning of the second season of the FOX series Prison Break. It's actually a really good show.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Television

Krystal Square Off Live on Burger Cam


Burger chain Krystal has launched its World Hamburger Eating Championship contest the prelims of which will be viewable via webcasts from the Krystal Suare Off site. The finals will be televised on ESPN on October 28 with the grand prize winner receiving $30,000. Hungry? Like to eat? This is your thing.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Cable, Good, Online, Promotions

We Like Advertising Age's Ad Campaign, Want One For Adrants


Apparently, it's just us but we really like that house campaign Advertising Age is running which features media planner Nicole Lee who babbles on endlessly in that typical valley girlish accent about her inebriated night with some creative at Nobu. To hear it you have to visit Adverting Age and reload a few times to get the banner to appear. If any Adrants reader thinks they can create an equally interesting or even more entertaining ad that centers on why people read Adrants, we wouldn't dissuade you from sending it in and perhaps running it on the site. Or if your feeling witty, create a spoof of the Advertising Age campaign and we'll have fun with that too.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online

Cleavage Is A Phone's Best Friend

cell_between boobs.jpg

It seems the marketers of this Asian-based cell phone maker have been looking at a lot of goofy MySpace, Flickr and Webshots images where goofy girls like to stick all sorts of things between their breasts. Somehow this ad is supposed to demonstrate the phone's small size. Personally, we prefer phones that require far more ample storage room. Oh be quiet! We have to make idiotic jokes like that or else everyone will go read Advertising Age.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

The Elephant In The Room Is AIDS


Everyone loves an elephant. Or at least it seems everyone who works in advertising loves elephants. Skippy does. GE does. Bombay Saphire does.And now VH1 and The Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria do. A new PSA produced by Post Millenium features sports commentator and television personality John Salley and an elephant named Sally who takes on the roll of "elephant in the room" or, more exactly, AIDS. The goal of the spot, of course, is to take the elephant out of the room and into the workplace and get people talking about AIDS.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Stripping Flirt Vodka Girl Has Bra Clasp Difficulties


Yawn. Yet another ad that uses a hot babe in lingerie stripping to sell something. When will people tire of this ineffective dreck? Oh wait. Damn! This is hot! Oops. Excuse us. We lost our strictly non-bias approach to sex-laced advertising there for a minute. As you long-time readers know, Adrants content never resembles the droolings of a male ad slut. Sorry. Anyway, this is how Flirt vodka convinces people to buy their stuff.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Tobacco Companies Get 1,742 Page Ass Whooping

The tobacco industry was dealt a big blow yesterday in a 1,742 page document by a federal court judge who said tobacco companies have engaged in racketeering and has banned the sale of light and ultralight cigarettes as reported in Advertising Age. Among the edicts in the judgement"

-the use of the terms "low tar," "light," "ultra light," "mild" and "natural" are banned;
-for two years, big tobacco is required to buy full-page corrective advertising monthly in the Sunday editions of more than two dozen major newspapers with the schedule alternated so the ads appear at least weekly;
-major tobacco makers are ordered to run 15-second corrective TV spots once a week during prime time for a year;
-packaging and in-store signs must carry new corrective advertising.

If we ran a tobacco company today, we'd be pretty close to saying, "Fuck it. This sucks. Let's go sell paper clips. That sounds like less of a hassle."

by Steve Hall    Aug-18-06    
Topic: Good, Policy

Cure Cancer, Create Your Own Cock


As a follow up to the testicular cancer-focused Notice Your Nuts, the humorously-named London agency Poke London has created another fun little time-waster called Cock-A-Doodle. As the name implies, it does have to to with cocks. Short ones, fat ones, long ones, soft ones, hard ones, hairy ones and one's you can create all by yourself. And yes, it all somehow has do do with helping to end male cancer.

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange