Danger Mouse Charges Ridic CD Rate; Shouts 'Pirate Away!'


Piracy's looking pretty good these days, and a handful of popular artists have done what they can to demonstrate they don't support the act of suing music fans that also happen to be flagrant file-sharers.

Radiohead gave away In Rainbows online in '07 on a pay-as-you-wish basis, followed by Saul Williams, whose Rise and Fall of Niggy Tardust gave you the option of paying a $5 support donation. Just recently, Del the Funky Homosapien opted to give Funk Man out at no charge, jokingly dubbing it his "stimulus package."

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by Angela Natividad    May-19-09    
Topic: Good, Packaging, Promotions, Trends and Culture

World's Longest Burp An Oxfam Commercial


This is absolutely the most hilarious and disgusting (at the same time) thing we've seen in forever. And it's an ad! For a cause group no less. So remember the guy who used to do huge burps in high school? Of course you do. Every school has one. This guy is that guy.

And as the teacher always used to say to that Olympic High School Burper, so says this ad, "Do something better with your name."

And who said juvenile burping couldn't be put to good use?

by Steve Hall    May-19-09    
Topic: Cause, Good, Strange, Video

Douchebags All Across the Club Make Me...Puke In My Mouth


Rosie Siman points us to a hilarious sequel to the SNL skit Jizz in my Pants. This one's called Puke in my Mouth and it's from MsTaken which sells fake engagement rings. So what makes the oh so familiar actress (oh, it's Michelle Nunes) in this video puke in her mouth?

Jizz, of course. Inner thigh perms. Facebook wall posts. Tub farts. Jeans. Bananas. Tom Cruise. And more. Give it a watch.

The work was created by comedy video production group, Pantless Knights. About 1.1 million views after a couple of weeks isn't bad but it's no where near the 50 million or so the original got.

by Steve Hall    May-19-09    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Wrath of Cannes Powers into Third Year


And it's crass as ever. (Be sure to watch the Firing Squad videos.)

For the unfortunate ad cogs that won't be making Cannes this year (cannes't!), there's always the Woods Witt Dealy & Sons' Wrath of Cannes.

Unlike last year, when we were shocked it even lasted two events, Wrath of Cannes is full steam ahead for the third: fueled by layoffs, budget cuts, more conservative advertising and all-around creative rage. Nice pink slip wallpaper, guys!

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by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Events, Good, Industry Events

Waging War Hurts the Wagers, Says Peace Coalition


The Global Coalition for Peace wraps its convictions around telephone poles and street lamps with "What Goes Around Comes Around."

Each piece features soldiers whose weapons stretch so far around the medium that the barrels ultimately aim back at the bearers.

"Stop the Iraq War," the prints proclaim. NICE.

by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Cause, Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Poster

Oh My God! You Are Huge!


Yea, You wish. We're talking about hands here, people. Helping hands. Volunteering hands. Enter the Charity Parody. Enter the V Inspired Awards, an organization which creates and celebrates "new and innovative volunteering opportunities for 16-25 year olds in England.

To promote the organization its awards program, The 7th Chamber is seeding a video that spoofs all those "We Are the World" - style music videos that are, at the same time, nauseating as well as emotionally uplifting.

And the Oh My God, You Are Huge thing? Check out the helping hands in the video.

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Cause, Good, Video

Beer Site Creates Customized Contemporary Mash Ups


Before we've even looked at this work, we hate it. Why? Cuz we hate all websites that pop open full screen windows full of slow loading Flashturbation. Aside from that, this Zoogami Beer site from Saatchi & Saatchi isn't all that bad.

Zoogami's Contemporary Beer aims to position the brand as "a modern product that follows the evolutions of the world in which we live." Apart from the gag-inducing buzzwords, the site is pretty cool. if you have time to wait for it to load.

After it loads, you are asked to enter what you think is contemporary. The site then goes out and searches for images, audio and video matching the term and brings it all back to you in a mashed up format. It's workable enough.

OK, so I guess we don't totally hate it after all.

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Good, Online

Cadbury Enlists Canadians to Build Bicycles for Africa


"The Bicycle Factory" is an uplifting piece about the many uses of bicycles in Africa. Under the weight of a single enterprising pedaler, one bike can deliver food and water, or play the roles of ambulance and school bus.

Put together by The Hive/Toronto for Cadbury Canada, which is raising funds to send 5000 bicycles to Africa. Whenever users enter a Cadbury UPC at thebicyclefactory.ca, they're adding a bicycle part to somebody's spiffy new ride. 100 UPCs build a complete bicycle.

Nice way to add a hands-on dynamic to a good cause. Here's hoping Cadbury gets the 500,000 UPC entries it needs to meet its goal, because boy, that's a helluva lot of Fruit & Nut bars.

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by Angela Natividad    May-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Good, Online, Social, Video

Lee Clow Battles Gary Vaynerchuk For Future of Advertising


Mullen Chief Creative Officer Edward Boches, with ten round, blow-by-blow coverage, pits two great marketing forces, Lee Clow against Gary Vaynerchuk, against one another in a battle of the past versus the future. Examining each contender's claim to fame, approach to marketing, book publishing efforts, awards, Google juice, Twitter followers and other qualities, the fight ends in a draw.

Regarding Twitter follwers, Boches writes, "Lee Clow: Zero. Lee Clow's Beard, 19. He's a legend; he doesn't need Twitter. Gary Vaynerchuk: 540,000. You can argue who cares, but round nine goes to Gary."

Regarding quotability, Boches writes, "Lee Clow: "We're not in the advertising business, we're in the media arts business. We're using all forms of media to tell a brand story-and the media is everything a brand does." Huh? Gary Vaynerchuk: "People are always talking about what you're doing now... To me, it's not what you're doing now, it's about where you're going." Round ten goes to Gary."

So which will it be? Good old-fashioned, time-tested advertising or this new-fangled social media shit?

by Steve Hall    May-14-09    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Strange, Trends and Culture

Lost Tribe Craves Fry; Five-Second Rule Blocks Bounty


Two guys are in a car. The passenger, who's inconsiderately grubbing, mistakenly drops a McDonald's french fry between the seats, compelling the driver to turn to him with a short, harsh "Dude" -- shorthand for "You better pick that shit up and fast."

If you've ever wondered what happens to the stuff lost in motor vehicle ether, here's your chance. Spare change, ballpen caps and -- yes, mislaid fries -- become window trimmings in a universe composed of lost souls, toiling for the pleasure of a crazed, invisible god.

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by Angela Natividad    May-12-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange, Television