Finally, a Blog Devoted to Calling Out Realtor Ads!


Keepin' It Realtor, a blog devoted to rewarding realtors for being true ground-floor creatives, is objectively awesome, if only because you've sat one too many times on the face of a grinning stranger who's plastered himself all over your park bench.

I used to be partial to the "great wings" guy, but Mr. Lamb at left really takes all. Wondering whether realtor ads grow more conservative -- or just more insane -- as the economy whirls down the porcelain funnel.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Opinion, Outdoor

Because Handsets Should Reflect Your Brand Loyalty


Vans partnered with FunMobility to disseminate all kinds of "Off the Wall" crap for your phone. Most of it is free, because all of it is an elaborate ploy to get your cell phone number, zip code and gender.


by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Mobile/Wireless, Online

Ford Fiesta Aims to Be Millennial Age's Judy Blume


I don't know about you, but as a wee lass I yearned for the hip style advice that only Ford (the car company, not the modeling firm) could give me.

Responding to these dormant desires, Ford Fiesta is launching an e-zine called Neon Candy, "an uber-cool digital magazine set to feature the latest trends in music, style, movies and culture every young woman should know."

But will it teach me how to put on a menstrual belt?

The 'zine includes a web drama profiling the fictional Jen, a journalist desperate to ride the cutting edge of pop culture. Wait, isn't that the plot to Almost Famous -- and every essay ever written by Chuck Klosterman?

Neon Candy is UK-based and, confusingly, comes fast on the heels of Tango at the Tower, when Fiesta strained to associate itself with love.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

Doritos Whores for Entries (Again), Dinosaurs Explain Facebook, Advertising's Trojan Horse, Shilling American Foreign Policy


- Doritos is holding another CGM contest for the Super Bowl. Ooh, but there's a twist: win $1 million if your spot becomes the FIRST EVAR! consumer-generated ad to take No. 1 in USA Today's Ad Meter. (Here's what won last year.) Entries welcome 'til November 16.

- Given that people and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time,* it's totally probable dinosaurs caught the social media bug from its Homo sapien homies. Isn't Facebook, like, 200 million years old or something?

- Bill Gates in a condom ad! No, not really, but that penis makes a resonant impression.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-08    
Topic: Commercials, Online, Opinion, Strange, Video

Gauge Your Stress Level as an Undercover Cop!


The UK's Hallmark Channel and agency Ralph are promoting series nine of Law & Order: SVU with an online stress test. (Not to be confused with any such test you might have taken on a subway.)

Find out what it's like to operate as an undercover cop. You'll have something like five seconds to memorize a criminal profile, then you have to watch clips -- on which you'll be tested -- while pushing Space Bar to the sound of a pulse.

We were groggy when we did it, which I guess is no excuse; we fared horribly and are utterly unqualified to bust rapists for a living. Well, there goes my back-up career.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions Helping Young Americans Do Their Business


There's something appealing about "Time for a Change,"'s first stab at online video marketing. Positioned like a political ad, it offers "gas relief" and bi-potty-san support to frustrated Americans.

After walking the talk with some discount codes, a voiceover grandly concludes, "Your doodie is our duty" as the Stars and Stripes hover in the background.

Aww. Finally, something a hockey mom can really get behind.

The ad went live at Parents for Change. Users click straight into the site, where they can put their discount codes to good use. Good, simple stuff by The Ad Store.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Video

Nokia Understands Your Phone Knows Everything About You


Tapping into the truism that one's phone is, in a sense, one's life, Nokia is out with an interesting online promotion for what appears to be a new phone. Two playful videos (Anna, Luca) do the montage thing to illustrate the lives of Anna, Jade and Luca, all of whom, of course, have accompanying Facebook pages.

On the promotional site, somebodyelsesphone, where the symbiotic relationship between a person and their phone is further explored, people can sign up to be notified via email when the phone will be other words, released.

Or, or,'s not a promotion for a new phone, rather, a playful promotion that attempts to make everyone love Nokia even more. Or hate their friends for even thinking about stealing a person's little secrets out of their phone. In 5.5 days, we will know. W+K London created the work.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 7-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Video

Doritos Adds Haunted Hotel to Virtual Universe


Just in time for Halloween, Doritos launches Hotel 626, a haunted virtual hotel that's only open between 6pm and 6am. (You'll literally have to make a reservation if you try to penetrate it before then.)

Users are encouraged to visit the site in the dark with headphones, a camera and a microphone, which can be used to complete challenges. The hotel is 13 rooms big, including a morgue and a dark room (like, for developing photos?).

Part of Doritos' sponsor-heavy online universe, Snack Strong Productions, the effort will be promoted on specially marked bags of Doritos. By Goodby, Silverstein & Partners.

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 7-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions Dolla Make You Holla!, Political A-Listers, Blogging sans Byline, Gyro's Self-Aggrandizing Promotional Oeuvre


- A handful of rich-ass celebrities use reverse psychology to cajole MySpace users into voting. What, does Jennifer Aniston not do it for you? Maybe Leonardo DiCaprio's poverty-ridden excuse for a blog will.

- The wife of David Warthen, founder of, is facing tax evasion charges on money she made while working as a hooker to pay for law school.

- Three thought-provoking reasons not to blog anonymously if you're gonna blog at all.

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'Sarah Palin's Glasses are a Maverick'


The Swift Kids for Truth, a group of weebies that can't form complete sentences without lisping adorably, take the piss out of Sarah Palin in a video called "Maverick." The description's about as infantile as the content: "The kids are in awe of that lady who looks like their Mommy when she's mad."

Palin's status as "maverick," the munchkins argue with subtle irony, doesn't go much deeper than the frameless glasses on her nose.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct- 6-08    
Topic: Bad, Online, Political, Video