By Gad -- It's a Chocolate Carseat!


YES Essentials carseats are impervious to a fondue bath.

Compelling. But will they stand the test of DIP?

by Angela Natividad    Feb-17-08    
Topic: Brands, Online, Video

Jason's Loyal to Sweaters. Why Wouldn't Hub Be Loyal to You?


The cats at Hub Strategy asked us to check out the new introductory video on their website. (You can't miss it.) The goal was to give potential clients a warm fuzzy feeling that would invite them to dig deeper.

From what we can tell, it looks like some dudes talking about Jason and his thing for sweaters. It took us awhile to work out who Jason was, because we couldn't take our eyes off that porcelain monkey in a state of shock.

What a bizarre table ornament.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-17-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Video

CD-Turned-Author Self-Promotes without Spending. Much.


CD and president Kelly Simmons of bubble, Philadelphia is sharpening her ad chops by promoting her own book, Standing Still. Released by Simon & Schuster, it's about a mom who exchanges her life for her kidnapped daughter's.

Publicity includes $200,000 of online, sweepstakes, broadcast, direct mail and guerilla efforts, allegedly all bartered.

The effort includes promotional postcards ("The ultimate beach read") stuffed in women's swimsuit orders, courtesy of Miracle Suit. A radio campaign will air on B101 FM, an indie station.

And when it rains, ziplocked flyers (via Tri-County Printers) promoting the book as "the perfect read for a stormy night" will appear on parked car windshields.

Check out Simmons' e-zine, You could win a Tiffany's bracelet that matches the one worn by the protagonist (product placement! Nice touch).

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Converse and Dr. J? No Way. (Okay, YES Way.)


For some brands, deep association with a celebrity isn't enough. Air Jordans and Jordan, and Simmons and Phat Farm, only come around once in a ... whenever.

Watch closely while Converse tries hard to invite a comparison between itself and Dr. J. (The firm responsible: Anomaly.) At best, you'll wish out loud for a return to the glory days of b-ball. At worst, you'll feel a little fragmented.

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by Angela Natividad    Feb-15-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Celebrity, Online, Video

Virgin Islands Tries Triggering Wanderlust with Music


To drive tourist cash to the US Virgin Islands, JWT Atlanta and What What Films produced a promotional music video for PrimalScream's "Meant to Be."

The pop song is less primal, more bland, and ornamented with shots of the artist dancing on beaches and snapping pictures of turtles.

A ticker runs independent-looking ads that incidentally refer to the scenery: "Deals for US Virgin Islands," "St. Thomas Luxury Homes" (like, while she's in one), and "Wedding Photography" (preceding a shot where the whole video turns into a scrapbook).

We haven't yet whipped out our passports, but we are suffering from severe karaoke nostalgia. And that's a feeling you never want to have.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-15-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Video

Taco Bell, Sports Illustrated Toss Aspiring Photographers a Bone


Want to photograph models like Daniella Sarahyba for a living? Go for it -- just not for money -- courtesy of Taco Bell and Sports Illustrated. Pick the location and plan her moves based on a series of options. She'll say things like, "Oh, are you the new photographer?" and play the spoilsport when it's too windy.

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by Angela Natividad    Feb-15-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Online, Product Placement

Virgin Active Health Clubs Encourage Destruction of Your Couch


Is there anything Richard Branson doesn't do? Apparently he's now into health clubs with Virgin Active. And to promote the 70 clubs that exist in the UK, we've got Sofa Bash, and fun little game that lets you destroy a sofa with various weapons such as a chainsaw, a shotgun, a cleaver, an axe and others. It's all to get you in the mood to proverbially destroy your own couch, get off your ass and head over to a Virgin Active health club.

Oh how we do love games that let us beat the shit out of stuff. Must be some latent childhood horror we experienced. Mom? Dad?

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-08    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

If 'Precious Moments' Had an Adorable Death Frolic, This Would Be It


Here's a happy Valentine's day message from Psyop. It all started cavity-sweet until the back-shaving, tooth-pulling, organ-dissembling and decapitating happened.

And what's going on with the gaunt stranger giving away razorblades, candy and saws of varying strength?

Wait a second ... we get it now! This is based on "The Gift of the Magi," isn't it? You know, the story where that couple buys gifts for each other at the expense of something they love, and the things they get directly relate to the stuff they give away, so neither can use their gift, and they're both miserably poor, so all they have left at the end is each other?

Wow. Brutal interpretation, Psyop. But hey, the ending is less pathetic (and way more literal) than O. Henry's version.

Oh, and for those dying to know, the song is by VHS or BETA and it is called "Love in My Pocket," which now we won't be able to listen to without thinking of ... scissors.

Anyway, we went ahead and sent the message to everybody we love.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-14-08    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online

Thirsty for a Mother's Love? Hit a Mother's Milk Bank


Advanta Bank Corp's ideablob, which awards cash to entrepreneurs with great small business ideas, just handed Naomi Bar-Yam $10,000 for her business.

Bar-Yam is the co-founder of Boston's Mother's Milk Bank of New England.

*canned laughter*

The world probably laughed at blood banks, too. And sperm banks!

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by Angela Natividad    Feb-14-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Specialty

Don't Just Love the Puppies; Spread Puppy Love in Puppy Tongue


Remember that Talking Pets campaign for Purina? Probably not -- unless you're from Canada, or just way into the idea of communion with your furriest chums.

Anyway, for Valentine's Day you can send a Valentine in dog language.

We're not really sure what to say about that, so we'll go with the generic "...awww."

by Angela Natividad    Feb-14-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Strange