EarthJustice is conducting a poll for the biggest eco-Grinch of '07. Contenders for a lump of (virtual) coal include Bush's climate change negotiators, Earl Watkins of Sunflower Electric, Shell, and a couple of governors who hate wolves. (Well, they weren't our favorite fairy tale character either.)
Once you've voted, you can send virtual lumps of coal to anybody you happen to dislike.
Or you can do like we do, and just leave a burning paper bag of shit on their porch.
...we give you a menagerie of holiday games, courtesy of Miniclip -- the same people who brought us presidential paintball.
What do you give the person who's got everything? A snowflake full of hope, courtesy of Digitas Health.
The Hope Lodge is a campaign to bring holiday cheer and free shelter (at 22 different locations) to people undergoing cancer treatment.
[16:55] meeboguest722271: Hi there.
[16:56] meeboguest722271: I'm trying to get the word out about a great site redesign I stumbled across and as an avid reader I thought this would be a great place to start. How do you recommend I do that? The site is
Why do people do this? Do they think we are dumb? Are we to believe someone actually "stumbled across" the website of a tiny little company called Snapple? By accident? Do they think we are so stupid as to not see through their lame promotional efforts? Is it so hard to simply say "we were involved in the redesign of" or "we are helping promote" Snapple's new site and we'd love to take a look at it."
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We've had fun over the years enjoying the pitfalls of stock photography and the seeming inability of those using it to, when warranted, sign for exclusive use. So it is with great pleasure we bring you yet another stock photography goof courtesy of Publicis Macedonia...or BlueStepStudio which had a hand in developing the Publicis site...or Ultralase, the laser eye treatment company that used the same photo.
Yesterday, we were tipped to the striking resemblance (um, identical match) of a model used in an Ultralase ad found on an AOL UK page and another used as the background image of the Publicis Macedonia homepage. Yup, there she is. Looming large, peering out from behind a frame created by her fingers akin to a film director framing a shot.
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While it took us about ten tries, "I slept with my friend's wife" finally got Harley Davidson's Subservient Chicken-style Biker Clause to award us a place on the Naughty list. It's slow, not very smart but it's Harley so I guess we have to like it.
There also a Holiday Album recored by Hype client BWN that brings a biker rock, eighties hair band style of music to the MySpace page audio player. Yes, this whole thing's hosted on a MySpace page. And here we thought marketer's use of MySpace had gone the way of Second Life.
But don't listen to us. Despite what we may say about MySpace, it's still the big boy in the social networking neighborhood so it must be doing something right and marketers who see value in that must be at least sort of smart.
Wandering ever deeper into a tangly forest of camp, Lucky gives us Karate Cop, courtesy of Night Agency.
The ad says that in December when you buy a pair of jeans at Lucky Brand, you can get something of equal or lesser value for 50 percent off. Neato. Provided some plainclothes cop doesn't elbow you in the neck on your way out of the store. (But hey, seeing shag-heads in sweatbands generates that reaction in us, too.)
What's going on with the flannel?
- This is just weird. A little Trans Siberian Orchestra. A little Santa Claus playing guitar. And a beard that won't stay on.
- The NBA has announced it will broadcast replays of memorable games on Joost.
- Working Tailgate Technologies, Paramount Vantage has launched a banner campaign for The Kite Runner which allows people to go through the entire ticket purchase process inside the banner. Check out one of the banners here.
- Rubicon Project CEO Frank Addante explains why Silicon Valley isn't the only place where dot com business occurs and why LA is carries just as much weight.
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A group called Holiday Cover Up is encouraging us to celebrate every day of the year by revealing holidays we don't know about.
The logic: holidays were parsed out by greeting card companies in order to encourage productivity. "Calendars are propaganda!" snarls founder and author Kevin Goodson.
See video here. We think it's pretty good. Plus, you gotta love the idea behind Pi Approximation Day.
We also got a new word for the Ad-Jive dictionary: "holidology"!
Feeling festive? Get Holiday-a-Day widgets and other web 2.0 crap. If you're lazy like us, you can just celebrate your unbirthday, which takes place 364 days a year. Thank goodness the Mad Hatter and the March Hare weren't holiday perfectionists.
We smell something fishy behind the eBillme Confessions contest.
The $20,000 grand prize winner for eBillme Confessions was a girl who bought her boyfriend a Plasma TV so he'd give her an engagement ring.
Is it just us or does her boyfriend look suspiciously like this dude, who won $1,000 just weeks ago?
Adrants declares shenanigans!