Trojan Gets Orwellian on Our Asses


While other condom-pushers go voodoo and the French go ... French, Trojan has decided to Evolve - a new campaign that takes on an uncharacteristically serious tack to turn condoms into a de facto aspect of the casual encounter.

The ad takes an Animal Farm kinda twist, except in reverse, depicting boys as pigs until one buys a condom and turns into a yummy hipster man-thing.

It does strike us as a little lopsided, though. Men out there probably couldn't even count on one hand how often a woman has said, "I don't like how it feels with a condom on..."

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions

NBCU Goes Whor- er, Networking to Push Cheadle


These days it's not enough to appear on a social networking site; you have to be, like, married to one.

On that note, NBC Universal has inked an agreement with to promote Talk to Me, a new Don Cheadle film.

And like all online community courtships, the hope is to build a loyal network of people that will hopefully lift their asses off their ergonomic computer chairs and schmooze at prearranged promotional gatherings in cities like New York, Boston and San Francisco.

But unlike MingleNow, which is pretty loyal to Anheuser-Busch, is a promiscuous bedfellow. Le gasp.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Social

Make Fastrack to Fuck Buddies with Furry Four-Legged Friends

match_thumb.jpg has this incredible knack for drawing our attention - mainly because they can't hold together a consistent ad campaign, as evidenced here and here and here and here and here. Here they even try being somebody else for awhile.

Anyway, we recently came across this banner ad that uses the pun "Heavy petting" to invite users to enter their pet preferences for a different take on the whole matching thing. We were later brought to this puppy love landing page.

Animal humor always weirds us out when it's too closely related to the topic of hooking up. But more importantly, didn't True already pull out the pet prattle?

by Angela Natividad    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Online

Pringles: Make a Hero Out of Chips, Win Movie Tickets


Riding the coattails of Spiderman III,, London has put together this weird video contest for Pringles. The idea is to throw together a video with Pringles as the star. We'd call it a stretch to make a hero out of potato chips, but it can't be any less off-putting than getting rescued by a spider suffering from involuntary costume changes.

Entries made thus far are pretty broad. This one is like America's Funniest Home Videos, except without Bob Saget. And for some reason that we're failing to wrap our brains around, this one involves a crab. (The animation's pretty awesome, though.)

Winners get 12 months unlimited Cineworld passes, valid at all UK theatres and at Cineworld Dublin - not a bad deal.

Pringles last did the CGM thing in March, when they were courting new jingles. Guess Spiderman's not the only one suffering from an identity crisis.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-24-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Arnold's Cannes't Explores Life After Dove Evolution With Creators


For it's fourth outing, Arnold's Cannes't team found Ogilvey's Nancy Vonk and Janet Kestin who spoke about their work on Grand Prix contender Dove Evolution and how it has affected their work for other clients. In a nutshell, many clients eye's were opened by the work and have become more willing to explore similar, non-traditional approaches to their advertising.

Also explored in the video is Cannes night life. mostly a montage of joyful advertising bodies happy to be away from the office for a week, the segment does a nice job encapsulating the non-awards portion of Cannes. We still don't know about the tattoo or where Meredeth went.

Alas, it was R/GA's Nike + iPod which won the coveted Cyber Lion.

by Steve Hall    Jun-22-07    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Online

Site Asks 'What Good is Your Old Phone?'


MindComet is behind this What Good is Your Old Phone effort which encourages people to submit videos of them trashing their old cell phones because, of course, on June 29, everyone is going to run out and buy the iPhone making all existing cell phones useless.

by Steve Hall    Jun-22-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Idiots Illustrate Need For BMW Driving School


Hmm. Now here's something that's never been done before; highlight and make fun of a bunch of idiots in order to make the viewer feel superior. Oh but wait. In the case of this BMW Driving School promotion, this approach works perfectly. After all, most drivers are a bunch of idiots who think their way of driving is the only way to drive.

BMW wants us to know that, unfortunately, most, if not all, we've been taught about driving is wrong and that their way, above all others, is the best way. No doubt you'll find someone you know quite well among the nine idiots in this video promotion if not someone closely resembling yourself.

by Steve Hall    Jun-22-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Video

Agency Wants to Get Into Your Pants


Purportedly, this was created to sell something. What, we have no idea. Created by Traction and called Institute for Practical Underpants, the site goes the route of institutional professor as expert and has goofy little characters which introduce you to various styles of underpants.

After an elaborate tour of the underwear making process, the underwear-faced cartoon dude sums up saying the purpose of underwear is to "cover your ass and make your package look good...kind of like advertising." All of which, yes - this does promote something - points to Traction's website which proudly states it wants to get into your pants. In terms of agency new business effort, we have to admit, we've never seen anything like this before and we actually like it.

by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Promotions, Strange

Man Sells Non-Personally Identifiable Information to Marketers on eBay

One could look at this eBay auction promising a marketer complete access to this person's non-personally identifiable information for a 30 day period so as to razor target the marketer's advertising as a joke or one could realize this is exactly what the future holds: people divulging detailed information about themselves and selling it to the highest bidding marketers in return for a promise to view all their advertising.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jun-18-07    
Topic: Direct, Online, Opinion, Research, Trends and Culture

Cannes LeFreaque'd, Pepsi Planetized, Cannes Shortlisted, Adobe Awards


- During the Cannes Festival, AdWeek's AdFreak will be publishing LeFreaque, a blog written by jury members and general delegates who will share their experiences with readers.

- Davis Freeberg questions Forbes' and Business Week's acceptance of ads promoting a questionable penny stock.

- Pepsi shareholder launches Pepsi Planet, a site on which can find, or no apparent reason, a gallery of hot/sweet/beautiful/cute women , some posing with a Pepsi can or bottle.

- If you simply can't stand it and absolutely must know the Cannes shortlists - which are far from short - for direct, promotional, media, press, outdoor and radio, they are here.

- Win fame and publicity with Adobe's "Take Creative License" contest which will award publication in the September issue of Graphic Design USA for the designer who creates the best mash up from the Adobe Stock Photos library.

by Steve Hall    Jun-17-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Magazine, Online, Policy, Strange, Weblogs