- Here's a couple (1, 2) of new ads for Brine Lacrosse featuring lacrosse athletes who, in their own words, tell stories about how they became the person they are today. If would could read the copy, we'd tell you if they were good or not.
- Pigeons staged a protest in Toronto's Queen's Park to voice their jealously over not being part of the Toronto Zoo animal country club. Protest images here and here.
- To call attention to the Charlie Higson Young Bond series of books which focus on the life of a young James Bond, Cake has created an engaging microsite with book features, forums, games, downloads and a newsletter.
- George Parker says Niel French should step in and takeover for departing Cannes Lions CEO Penny Reid.
- Oh, and we're just not gonna write about that stupid Emily and Steve fake billboard/blog thing because, well, we don't feel like guessing and we're just gonna wait until all is revealed.
- But, we will write about this cool, twisted lamp post in Antwerp featured on CoozOr which promotes Superman Returns because, well, because there's booty in the shot and we haven't fulfilled our booty quotient yet today.
- Copyranter points to a couple campaigns that seem to require those who purchase a condo to be at least as tall as the condo tower and those who want to work at Radio Shack must be extremely overjoyed.
Adrants reader James Baldiga sends us this decidedly weird promotion for sleep drug Rozerem which features Abraham Lincoln, a talking beaver and a guy who can't sleep. The three explain healthy sleep and how the company's drug can put you to sleep when you can't do so yourself. Drug ads are boring. Sleeping pills are mundane. The combination of Abraham Lincoln, a talking beaver, a guy who can't sleep and a drug company promoting its sleeping pill are not.
Bud Light has created this Aborigine-like guy called Zagar and featured him on his own website and blog written by his "roommate," Steve. Videos on the site follow the the Crocodile Dundee-like, fish-out-of-water antics that come with cultural transplantation. Some of its funny. Some of its lame. The site has all the usual wallpapers, AIM icons and downloads and there's also a Flickr page and the very bloggy blog written by Steve which has all the required bloggy blog bells and whistles. So far, there are three posts that point to the three videos on the site. One wonders how long Bud Light will go to the expense of creating videos to foster blog content given that they are TV commercial quality.
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Seriously. No, seriously. Ignore that rollerbabe because this one's for the ladies. This is not another gratuitous attempt from a marketer to turn humans into receptacles for lust just to sell a product. Nope. This site, created by UK agency Outside Line we're told, is special. It doesn't feature the phallic-shaped product every time a page loads. It doesn't slather on the saucy language and offer cutesy teasing advice, it doesn't have a game with crappy navigation that makes sure the whole notion of teasing is reinforced and it doesn't have a section that features beefy, not completely clothed hunks as eye candy.
We've never seen VH1's Flavor of Love before but our three seconds worth of research tells us it's probobly TV you can miss which is why VH1 has released on YouTube teaser clips for the second season which feature trash talking women whose only redeeming quality seems to be the tantalizing size of their ass. Anyway, it forced us to give them publicity. The show premieres August 6.
Slathered in self adoration and needlessly explaining its creation, this Nike site that captures Tiger Wood's golf swing while providing links to the products he's using would be a far better experience if it didn't take over 30 seconds explaining how it was created in a remote (somehow better than a non-remote) sound studio using a military defense camera that shoots 4,000 digital stills per second. Crap. Just film the fucker with a video camera and be done with it. And leave the preening self-glorification and self-congratulatory back slaps for those all important "concepting" session while playing foosball and trying to pick up this week's hot intern.
Public relations firm Idea Grove interviewed Fark Founder Drew Curtis who, like us, has a few things to say about the idiocy of most advertising. First, he doesn't understand the counterproductive approach most online advertisers take, saying, "The whole advertising industry confuses me sometimes. Advertisers for some reason really, really want to buy ads that annoy the shit out of the consumer. They want to buy ads that block you from seeing content, that shout at you when you hit the page, that stay on the computer desktop when you leave the site. You know why ads on the right sidebar get better clickthrough rates? Because people are trying to scroll down with their mouse and miss the damn bar, accidentally generating a click. Most popup ad clicks are generated by people missing the X to close the thing out." He may be right. Someone should do a study on the whole frustrated/missed click thing.
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Here's a collection of promotional clips for Studio Artois Live, a Stella Artois-sponsored UK outdoor film festival to be held July 22-23 in Greewich, amp up the film geek factor by filming people calling out continuity errors in movies such as Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Kill Bill. Some are funny. Some are not.
Crispin is at it again with those Burger King microsites. Campbell Mithun has created a site for Burger King that lets you select particular dance moves for a puppet King to make, watch it and send it to a friend. That's it. Nothing more. Simple. Straightforward. Not sure if it's going to sell any hamburgers but, then again, it's just a fun time waster. It's nice to see a less scary version of the King here.
AdFreak tells us Sony, as a follow up to its Bravia Bouncing Balls ad, is letting the public in on the filming of the ad's sequel which will debut online sometime in September. Sony's agency Fallon will detail the shoot and production of the sequel ad along with interviews and video clips on the Bravia-Advert site. Hmm. It's sort of a Snakes On A Plane kind of thing.