Random Culture points to a site called bit unfair, a gameshow-style site created for Oxfam to call attention to the unfair treatment of the poor in the world. In the game, if you label yourself rich, you always win. If you label yourself poor, you always lose. At the end of the game, you are told, "if you give a damn, give us your name." The site's not asking for money but simply trying to gather a collective voice they can take to the world's governments asking them to "change their policies towards people in extreme poverty." Draft London did the work.
Well it's about time. We're sick of asking kids if they've ever heard of Bazooka bubble gum and having them stare back at us like we just let loose some sick epileptic fit while simultaneously coughing and sneezing. Now, thanks to Topps Co.'s plans to spend $4 million to rejuvenate the brand after a ten year marketing drought, Bazooka and anyone over 30 can regain a sliver of cool amongst the youngsters. Duval Guillaume New York has come to the rescue and will guide the brand's return with a kid-focused TV campaign beginning July along with online and public relations efforts.
Continuing its "God is Still Speaking" Campaign, the United Church of Christ (congregational) has launched a continuation of its campaign with a spot called Rejected that highlights the church's open acceptance of all lifestyles. This campaign also calls attention to the Church's dissatisfaction with ABC for rejecting its past ads and the network's seeming bias towards right-wing religious leaders such as Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and Pat Robertson and its exclusion of mainline religious voices. The campiagn points to a petition letter that will be sent to ABC asking the network to reconsider its stance on religious content and advertising. And, yes, they are advertising right here on Adrants.
88Slide is a short, daily video a trivia challenge that poses multiple choice question which are answered in the next day's video. Winners receive various gift certificates as prizes. 88Slide, hosted by Rachel, can be subscribed to through iTunes or received daily via cell phone. There's also a blog, an RSS feed and humorous outtakes.
To promote its teeth whitening White gum, Orbit has launched a kooky, new age site called Friends of Bright which is full of cult-like phrases such as "A dim brain is understandable but a dim smile is unforgivable, "He who lives in a dark house should chew more Orbit White" and "Brightness in not a destination, it is a way of life." There's a folksy sing-along, weird videos, ringtones and a section to sign up and become a member complete with photo uploader and profile creator. It's just weird enough to be effective in our humble opinion. The site was created by EVB, creators of the Old Spice When She's Hot and the very, very cool Winterfresh Cool Breath Power.
Guys, and we do mean guys, this is painful. Very painful. But, very funny as well. To promote the Swedish teen film, originally called Hip Hip Hora, a movie that follows a 13 year old girl to a party where she does the usual teen things like get drunk and get hit on by older, 14-year-old boys, a microsite, under the new name of the film, The Ketchup Effect, was launched which contains a video caused us to mention the word "pain." It's not exactly the kind of teaser you see emanating from the U.S. which, of course, is why it's so good. Give the teaser a look.
AdFreak thinks it's ho-hum and perhaps an overuse of the company's apparent theme song, Groove Armada's I See You Baby, Shakin' That Ass used in ads and pissing off parents since 2003, but we love it. Perhaps it's the chance to grab some ass. Perhaps it's the infectious song. We don't know. We don't care. After all, it's just a fun little ad to introduce Renault's new 2006 Megane.
In a deal with Yahoo, CBS will, this fall, make available 60 Minutes video for free, presumably ad-supported. Content will be available on Yahoo's news, sports and entertainment sites as well as a dedicated microsite. CBS says the move is an attempt to bring quality news to younger people.
Following each Sunday broadcast of the news magazine, the microsite will be updated with two news packages. One package will expand on a segment featured that week on the television broadcast of 60 Minutes. The second will be based on a topical news theme for that particular week. Both offerings will include previously un-aired 60 Minutes video footage, as well as interactive elements such as maps, a reporter's notebook, blogs and photo galleries.
Yet another ad for a Poker site that uses sex. Yawn.
To give its pre-Bratz Doll crowd something to do, MGA Entertainment has launch Yummi-Land, a cartoony site featuring the company's Soda Pop Girls Amanda Appletina, Belinda Banana Ana, Gaby Grapelina and Susie Strawbella. Are you overcome yet by the sicky sweetness of it all? Well, wait, there's more. Each girl has a little pet; Paris Peaches Pug, Kimi Kiwi Calico, Mimi Mango Calico and Cha-Cha Chocolate Chihuahua. Oh, and there's games and downloads and ecards and videos and shopping and contests and product and gumball machines and, OMG, secret messages! And, like, that music!! There's gotta be a Saturday morning cartoon hiding somewhere too.