To bribe -- oops, drive -- people to, a campaign subsite for Bongo gift coupons, Duval Guillaume gives us "There are better ways to be remembered!"
Here's a taste. Back at the subsite, users can upload humiliating videos of their own design. For best results, dub it with your own lame narrative. Painfully depressed host not included.
Does anyone read the DrudgeReport anymore? Apparently they do because Mediabistro's FishbowlNY called our attention to an ad that appeared on the front page of Drudge Sunday, December 30. Viewing the screenshot FishbowlNY took you might ask "what ad?" Your query would make perfect sense since the ad looks exactly like an editorial entry.
The ad, promoting a Portfolio magazine article, does carry a disclaimer of sorts which reads, "Support The DrudgeReport; Visit Our Advertisers." Nice, but the disclaimer doesn't specifically point out the editorial just above it is, seemingly, a paid placement. Display ads have appeared before with the disclaimer but ads created to look exactly like an editorial piece begin to straddle the line (if there still is one) between advertising and editorial.
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Nothing like the threat of a rising new economy to get the blood flowing (thanks, Vlad!). Internet-wise, there's a lot happening in Russia: became its first billion-dollar online company, Blackberries plan to invade, LiveJournal was sold to a Russian firm that aspires to go global -- starting with the US, and in September Russia led total growth in European internet adoption.
The Quintura blog put together a short list of significant deals that occurred in December amongst Russian internet companies.
Russia's urban middle class has expensive taste and money to spare. Time to start thinking eastward, da?
If hanging out with the warm-blooded doesn't get you all aglow, build an Exorobot that dances to Daft Punk.
Check out the hula skirt on our fancy new friend.
Courtesy of the strange and magical folk at Exopolis.
Blondie is long gone, so it's rare nowadays that we get asked to ring somebody's bell.
Perceiving our growing sense of injustice, VML invited us to ring its bells with Handbell Hero. It's kind of like Guitar Hero -- WITH BELLS!
This was way funner than that ornery virtual account manager that Burns left us (to die!) with.
Ever consider funding the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation?
If you haven't, watching a man dressed like balls get slammed into a window might convince you to. And even if it doesn't, you might wander into a bathroom to check your 'nads, which is almost as good.
(Sidenote on the video: Giant pubes on the ice! Giant pubes ON THE ICE!)
See more videos by agency Struck at Carpe Testes (aww, cute URL).
Looking for a cheap and easy way to poach talent worldwide? Look no further than BootB, a "creative marketplace" for doing just that.
Register on BootB and publish your "creative needs" and budget on the site. Your brief is translated into 12 languages and pushed across the globe. You buy the idea you like, and BootB guarantees payment to your contractors.
The company's got a short testimonial list that, nonetheless, includes execs from Peugeot and LEO. But why listen to us harp on? Learn about BootB from the horse's mouth.
If it's any indication if its quality, BootB's got a pretty spiffy website.
If you're on the hunt for creepy new fables, find out how the Christmas tree fairy came to be. It's twisted.
Don't you just love online ads that appear out of nowhere, blocking the content you are trying to read and distracting you with sound? Of course you do which is why you'll love this Innovate Ads overlay ad appearing on 25 radio station websites featuring Trace Adkins hyping his new album and single, Love Doctor. Could the dude droll on the country shtick any thicker? I guess you just might also have to love country to love this ad.
Remember that YouTube video of the college kid getting repeatedly Tased for hassling John Kerry? His repeated cry, "Don't Tase me, bro!" has become the most memorable quote of '07.
Editor Fred Shapiro of the Yale Book of Quotations calls it a "symbol of pop culture success," beating out Imus' "nappy-headed hos" comment.
Can you guess what the second-most-memorable quote on the list was? We'll give you a hint: "I personally believe..."