Discovery Channel Thinks Katrina Was Comedic


You've got to wonder what those media buyers are thinking when they place and write Goofle AdWords ad. Take, for example, this ad that appears on a Fox Interactive exec's Linked in page that promotes "Surviving Katrina," a Discovery Channel documentary. The headline for the ad? Comedy. Yes, Katrina was fucking hilarious don't you think? Click the thumbnail to see the humor.

by Steve Hall    Aug-26-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Strange

Internet Celebs Star In Wacky Net Neutrality Videos


What would you get if you collected all the Internet celebrities like the Subservient Chicken, Leslie Hall, Tron Guy, Peter Pan. the dancing baby and put them all in one place? You'd get the hilariously kooky We Are the Web. The Barbarian Group's Eva mcClosky sent us this gem in which the celebs are there to support net neutrality, the movement to stop big business from tiering Internet access. It's a hot political potato but the site's a deliciously quirky delight.

by Steve Hall    Aug-25-06    
Topic: Best, Online, Strange

Ad Seeks Replacement Bridesmaid


We never thought it a tragic emergency if a member of the bridemaid party couldn't make it to the wedding for some reason but, it seems, someone does have a big probllem with that has, as AdPunch points out, placed this ad on Craigslist looking for a stand in bridesmaid. A portion of the ad reads, "Have you always wanted to be in a wedding but keep getting passed over for the role of bridesmaid? Are you often referred to as the life of the party? Does your smile light up a room? Can you fake tears?!" The ad also states the size of the bridesmaids dress that needs to be filled and, apparently, a busty body style is required. Humorously, the ad also states who should not reply to this ad including WWE wrestlers, home wreckers, sexual predators and MILFs.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

New Airport Security Puts Fun (And Nudity) Back Into Flying


Ariel tells us RyanAir is getting sassy and points to a Boing Boing piece which discusses a lawsuit the airline filed against the UK government in response to its increased airport security measures. Apparently, it's all a bit much for the airline which placed on its website an image of a crowd of naked people standing by their clothes with the tagline, "New Airport Security Procedures Put Fun Back Into Flying."

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Policy, Strange

Robots Replace Cat Fights In Beer Ads


Like a bunch of ten year old boys playing with the circuit breaker in the basement, Brewtron, Defender of Beer was created by some guys as the perfect drinking buddy. Oh, and to rebrand Icehouse beer to 21-35 year old men because 36 year olds don't drink beer and would rather play with a woman than a robot. But anyway, Dennis Digital created the site for this Icehouse/ partnership. If you're tired of catfight style beer ads, you might like this one.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Commercials, Online, Video

Krystal Square Off Live on Burger Cam


Burger chain Krystal has launched its World Hamburger Eating Championship contest the prelims of which will be viewable via webcasts from the Krystal Suare Off site. The finals will be televised on ESPN on October 28 with the grand prize winner receiving $30,000. Hungry? Like to eat? This is your thing.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Cable, Good, Online, Promotions

Dilbert Does Advertising, Ad Sex Is Too Design-Laced


- Announcer Roy Coffman sends us this Dilbert comic strip in which Mom analyzes her son's advertising abilities.

- Like a marketer who can't wait to put put up a MySpace page, Scion has jumped into the Second Life. Time to move on to the Third Life.

- Ariel wonders why MK12 and other marketers are always asking her to "find my spot color or to uncoat my pantone" and why the use of sex in advertising "is so design-laced."

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Online, Opinion

We Like Advertising Age's Ad Campaign, Want One For Adrants


Apparently, it's just us but we really like that house campaign Advertising Age is running which features media planner Nicole Lee who babbles on endlessly in that typical valley girlish accent about her inebriated night with some creative at Nobu. To hear it you have to visit Adverting Age and reload a few times to get the banner to appear. If any Adrants reader thinks they can create an equally interesting or even more entertaining ad that centers on why people read Adrants, we wouldn't dissuade you from sending it in and perhaps running it on the site. Or if your feeling witty, create a spoof of the Advertising Age campaign and we'll have fun with that too.

by Steve Hall    Aug-22-06    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online

Chevrolet Wants Your Spare Time, Where Time Comes From A Mystery


That new mirror pic ad babe, Ariel, isn't too pleased with Chevrolet's second foray into the whole consumer generated media thing. oh wait. Sorry. She doesn't like being called an ad babe. Besides, that's rude and inconsiderate. WTF were we to think. Our most sincere aplogies, Ariel. Anyway, enough with our Neanderthal mentality. Let's talk about Chevy.

Chevy's new promotion, called reduceuruse, is, we guess, a follow up to its Chevy Tahoe roll-your-own commercial thing which through a dumb-ish commercial featuring a guy with a bucket on his head getting smacked by baseballs launched from a pitching machine, asks people to submit a video showing what they'd do with all the time they'd gain by using E85 fuel. As far as we know, E85 doesn't magically appear in one's gas tanked and still has to be pumped so we're not sure where all this saved time is coming from. Perhaps someone can enlighten us. Perhaps someone can enlighten Chevrolet too. The reduceuruse site doesn't exactly do a great job explaining what it wants. Oh, and the Alternative Fuels link takes you to a page that features the much crapped on Tahoe. Perhaps they could have featured a different vehicle. After all, GM says E85 fuel works in a lot more vehicles than the Tahoe. And what's up with that freakishly odd dancing couple?

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Bad, Consumer Created, Online

Stupid Stoners Steal Fake Weed, Net Puts Surveillance Video on YouTube


Because it's hard to believe anyone would be stupid enough to think a sandwich bag filled with fake weed was real on a Prime TV billboard in New Zealand promoting the Showtime series Weeds and try to steal it, this "surveillance" video released on YouTube just seems like another planned social media promotion. Not that that's a bad thing but we just wonder about the intelligence of those in this video. The video shows people trying to pull weed-like substance out of the big bag affixed to the board and ends with "$429 Reward. To the stoner who ruined our Weeds Billboard: please call 021 682526 to return the missing buds. Please." Oh wait, those stupid people are paid social media actors. Silly us. How could we have thought otherwise? Oh wait again. This is supposed to be funny. OK, now we're laughing.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-06    
Topic: Guerilla, Online, Strange, Television, Video