Bikinied Girl-on-Girl Action Lifts Interest For Vegas Hard Rock Rehab


If your thing is perfect bodied hotties in tiny black bikinis, frolicking in the tropics (and come on, whose isn't?), you'll love this promotional site for Vegas Hard Rock Hotel's weekend pool party Rehab. The site's got all the usual goodies including a girl-on-girl fight game, a widget to bring the goodness to your own site, poolside concert info and a dose of celebrity.

Hey, it's raining in New York City today so a trip to this site just might put you in a better mood.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Racy

Take Care Down There...Even if You Don't Spew


a series of videos from Planned Parenthood that advocate the need to "take care down there." With comical videos that debate the whether or not one must spew in order to pass on a STD, the benefits of masturbation, the importance of communication or how to apply a squirt skirt, Planned Parenthood gets its message across without seeming too heavy handed or overly creepy. OK, well the teacher dude is pretty creepy but he seems to have all the answers.

by Steve Hall    Apr-29-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Video

Children's Hospital Campaign Gets Personal


The Akron Children's Hospital , with help from Cleveland's Marcus Thomas, is running a new campaign made up of video portraits highlighting the lives of two patients staying in the hospital. Nick and Roxanne, both 15, are seen in two commercials (1, 2) as well as several other videos hosted on the hospital's site. Along with videos from many other patients, the dour aspects childhood cancer are left behind in favor of the upside: the fact life goes on, one can live with cancer and one cab even beat cancer.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-29-08    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good, Online, Television, Video

What Ho, a New Orbitz Game!


This one is called "Bing Bing." It's as sucky as the last one we played, but "Bing Bing" has comedic value: In lieu of traditional arcade sounds, a goofy recorded voice goes "Bing ... bing!" every time you smack into something.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-29-08    
Topic: Brands, Games, Online, Worst

Schizophrenic NBA Ads Take Up Residence on MySpace


The MySpace homepage has been invaded by concurrently-running banner ads for the NBA. Each features two different basketball players whose faces are cut down the middle and mashed together. Each player is repeating the same speech about fear and slowly ... sloooowly ... driving me mad.

The banners drive users to, which tells you nothing about the ads themselves. Too bad; I actually wanted to know, but not enough to dig through all that other crap.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-28-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Sponsorship

Creative Zone Immortalizes Your Big Contribution to Society


However douchey you say rich media is, you know in truth that you love those interactive executions. If you could, you'd splatter them across the four edges of Internet so everyone can experience the scope of your cool.

Don't be ashamed; Eyeblaster loves them too. To ensure your life's work will never be forgotten, it launched the Creative Zone: a gallery of Precious Moments in Rich Media.

Heaven help your grandkids if this is the scrapbook you plan to bust out with at teatime.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-28-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Strange

Because the Germans Are Experts on What the People Want


Volkswagen has broadened its talk show host campaign, featuring Max the talking '64 veedub, with the debut of What the People Want.

The site lets people submit simple yes-or-no polls. When you respond to one, you get to see how many people want what you voted for. Stuff we've learned: 66 percent of the people want free candy and endless sunshine. 93 percent want cars to run on something other than gas. 42 percent want to live forever.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-28-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online

Comments on Fake Campaign Become Young Lions Promotion


Abusing those who make a living commenting on advertising, the Leo Burnett Brazil campaign that gave us that cockroach on the bottom of a pizza box has been extended to further abuse. By highlighting comments made on a set of fake print ads, the agency extended the campaign adding the tagline, "Advertising needs more doers than talkers." Nice. Kick the shit out of the people you are trying to woo.

It doesn't really matter though because the whole thing is for some shitty ass awards shows called Cannes Young Lions:-)

by Steve Hall    Apr-28-08    
Topic: Bad, Good, Industry Events, Magazine, Online

National Lampoon Democratizes Whores, One Diamond at a Time


For the Spitzer in all of us, National Lampoon debuts Whore Diamonds, a Hot or Not-type site that uses the Emperors Club "diamond" rating system to, well, rate whores. Whore Diamonds joins the Drunk University Network.

Most images and videos are strays from Eros-Vegas and Adult Friend Finder. The pressie says the site "will expand into a forum for breaking news and daily biting commentary on the underground world of politics, pop culture, and entertainment."

Two cents from Sam Elhag, head of strategy for Drunk University Network: "We don't feel that only politicians and Emperors Club members should have an exclusive on rating today's generation of working girls. This opens up the process to the masses. Who knows, a 'five diamond' girl to a Spitzer may only be a 'three diamond' to the rest of the world."

How noble.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-28-08    
Topic: Brands, Online, Racy, Specialty

Dykes Like Ike, Vespa Users Headless, Soulless Businesses Sing, Feminine Mystique for Sale


- Senior exec Alan Cohen of Interpublic was named US CEO of OMD. Cohen has worked at 20th Century Fox, ABC and NBC.

- Rock stars aren't made. They're mothafuckin' born.

- Here's a Vespa campaign where people's heads are replaced with Vespa S headlights and handlebars. BlotTO gets philosophical about it. And for some reason, we're thinking East London decapitator meets hipster Terminator.

- Think political smear campaigns are bad now? You clearly haven't lived that long. Our favourite: "Millard" is a pussy name. Followed closely by Dykes like Ike. (Look at that smile. How could they not?)

- EPM Comm has published a very expensive brochure to teach marketers about women. Because come on, it's not like you know any real ones.

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