38DDs Pushed Up, YouTube Ups Ads, Asses Baldwin'd


- Wipe your ass with. Oh wait, we wrote that story already. Anyway, here's a new one. Now you can wipe your ass with Alec Baldwin.

- There aren't a lot of women who are 38DD and want a push up bra. But for those woman who are, Victoria's Secret has them covered (barely).

- YouTube is out with two new ad units; overlay ads in YouTube partner videos and Adsense-style sponsored videos which appear on the right hand side of search results pages.

- Um. Bearded Ladyboarding. Whatev.

- Åsk Wäppling has found an ad that does a perfect job illustrating how painful the first week of breastfeeding can be.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Online, Video

Carb-Loving Americans Get Relief From Tooheys Beer


Hmm. In what appears to be both a relief effort and a back handed slap at American's love for carbohydrates, Tooheys has launched (yes, a few weeks ago. we're late to this) Carb Relief, part of its For the Love of Beer campaign.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-14-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Video

Wonderglen Brings Back Glory Days of Viral Wonderment


What happens when your highly elaborate, intricately planned, deeply seeded viral accomplishes nothing but rack up less than 6,000 views on YouTube and a handful of mentions on obscure sites? You send an email to Adrants, of course! It's been a long time since we've seen one of these good old fashioned viral wannabe things so here we go. Here's the email:

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by Steve Hall    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Opinion, Video, Viral

Shocker! First Female Polygamist Revealed!


So Australia promotes itself with "Where the bloody hell are you?" and mini cinematic masterpieces by Baz Luhrmann. How do the "cool capitals" of Europe do it? With CoolCapitals.com, of course. The site highlights Amsterdamn, Antwerp, Valencia, Vienna and Zurich. Sounds boring, right?

Not really. The site is...um...cool. Nice navigation. Informative videos. Pretty pictures. And lots of deals. All good but what makes this offering from the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions really cool is the promotional video that gets one to the site.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online, Video

It's the World's Cuddliest Healthcare Site!


To encourage Greenville, South Carolina-based users to explore the Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Brains on Fire and Grow Interactive created Happy in Greenville, a deliciously simple information site.

"City secrets" enables users to click on an animated rendition of the city and read more about its sights -- farmer's market, Greenville Zoo, things like that. Hold your mouse down on the hot-air balloon to watch it shoot up and up.

To get down to business, read about St. Francis or find a doctor. Wherever your mouse may meander, the animation and overall experience are diligent and immersive, never too wordy -- like flipping through a really useful Richard Scarry book.

Good choice of background music, too: adds to the feel-good effect but you totally forget it's there.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online

Honeyshed: The Tech Diva's QVC.


"You can wear this to a club, you can wear this while you get jiggy ... you can wear this just to have a latte!" gushes an Alexander McQueen Puma sneaker promoter on the revamped Honeyshed, which hopes to give QVC's bauble-loving enthusiasts a run for their money.

Also, product models aren't 65 pounds overweight ... and sometimes they breakdance. You know you want those Alexander McQueen velcro shoes now.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Dear War Veteran: You Are Not Alone


A new campaign from BBDO and the Ad Council for the Irag and Afghanistan Veterans of America reminds people the one percent of Americans who put their life in harm's way for the other 99 percent should not be left alone when they finally come home.

The campaign includes television, print and a social networking site which offers returning veterans the chance to connect with fellow soldiers and work towards re-entering society.

by Steve Hall    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Online, Social, Television

Microsoft Does 'I'm a PC' UGC Mash-Up Thing.


"I'm a PC ... and I love the slimming effect of a purple striped shirt."

That's the profound kick-off to "Real PC," one of the :30 TV spots being cobbled together with clips from Microsoft's Upload Your Own 'I'm a PC' Ad! campaign. I saw one last night and winced; what is it about this effort that rings so painfully desperate? See more here.

These user-generated variants manage to be just as quirky and random as the originals, with a little amateur-vid spice tossed in. One guy at ad:tech's Millennial panel said he finds these ads more "democratic" than Apple's snarky but irresistible "Mac vs. PC" spots. He's not wrong; they definitely reek of The People's OS. For whatever that's worth.

Let's just hope Crispin didn't produce them on a Mac this time.

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Rats Flung from Helis, Obama's Facebook Push, SocNet-Addicted Mommy Bloggers


- Be a GAMER. Made of steel. Video game school will show you how.

- The US Army is using webcasts by overseas soldiers to bait new recruits. The series is called -- wait for it! -- "Straight from Iraq." Soldiers are ready to take your questions.

- Keep up with Advergirl's social manifesto on how companies are using social media. It's illustrated!

- To remind us all how with-it and un-stodgy it is, Microsoft (I guess?) sends rats skydiving. Sick 'em, PETA.

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Eyeblaster Recognizes Top Rich Media Titans


Last Wednesday after ad:tech, Eyeblaster recognized six agencies for the best digital ad campaigns of 2008.

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by Angela Natividad    Nov-11-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events, Online