Mountain Dew Gets All Tatted Out with Sexy New Bottles


How much do you love your carbonated sperm-killing cola of choice?

Enough to turn it into body art? Mountain Dew and agency Seed Gives Life hope so.

By implication, anyway. A new campaign called Green Label Art is promoting a series of limited-edition Mountain Dew bottles, inspired by tat culture. See video.

Rumour has it a local burger joint whose name escapes us conducted a campaign in which people were invited to tattoo their logo somewhere on their bodies in exchange for free food for life. In just a few months so many people called the bluff that the campaign had to end.

Sucks for those who didn't cash in. Well, a memory's worth a thousand ice-breaking conversations, isn't it?

by Angela Natividad    May-17-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Packaging, Trends and Culture

Chris Angel is a Mind Freak and Knows Who You Are!


Every marketer's got one of those personalized, send to a friend video thingamabobbers that's all the rage these days and that "miraculously" arrives in your friends inbox "miraculously" personalized with information no one but you could possibly know. Yawn.

Now, if you really want to have fun with your friends, check out this Chris Angel Mind Freak promotion. It's not that this promotion uses any new technology or amazing wizardry but it does present itself in a way that manages freak you out a bit. At least it did us. Anyway, take a look at it. We can't even show you an example because the created video can only be used once. Probably a good thing since it contains identifying information. Send one to yourself as an example.

by Steve Hall    May-17-07    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video, Viral

McKinney Offers (Virtual) One Show Pencils to Losers


If you feel like hanging with One Club Chairman McKinney Executive Creative Director David Baldwin, you can have the pleasure of his company during a chat session this afternoon from 4 - 4:30P EST on a site, Virtual Ad Partner, his agency developed in tandem with a print an run in ONE Magazine. Apparently. McKinney wants to share its One Show award winning creative directors with the rest of the industry providing them a platform to impart One Show Pencil winning strategies to the rest of us losers whose work failed to deliver. Since everyone can't have a real Pencil, McKinney will offer "every struggling copywriter and art director a chance to win their very own (digital) Pencil."

Come on. You know you'll be there. You'll do anything for an award of any kind, right? We're all sick like that and you know it.

by Steve Hall    May-17-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Industry Events, Online

Lynx Mynxes Select Ultimate Lynx Player Finalists


Back in April, Lynx launched its Bom Chicka Wah Wah Rally flirting contest which asked guys to send in videos displaying their best flirting techniques. Well, the finalists have been selected by a team of Lynx Mynx Girls and you can view them here. It's no wonder most guys still can't get a date.

by Steve Hall    May-17-07    
Topic: Bad, Consumer Created, Good, Online, Video

gluelondon Listens, Improves Initially Disappointing Work


Occasionally we see work from agencies that falls short and disappoints. Earlier this week, we took a look at the work gluelondon did for the Royal Navy. It was a site that let visitors send naval-themed personalized messages to their friends which would be delivered via email or mobile. Well, let's just say the site was a bit kludgey and took forever to load even loading several times in the middle of its presentations. Usually this work just lives on continuing to cause disappointment without a care from either the client or the agency. Not this time.

more »

by Steve Hall    May-17-07    
Topic: Agencies, Creative Commentary, Good, Online

Change Advertising Forever Has Really Familiar Business Model


Remember AdCandy, where companies could pitch consumers and consumers could throw together campaigns for a pittance?

Change Advertising Forever takes that same idea and infuses it with drama.

We're with Shedwa on this one.

by Angela Natividad    May-17-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Trends and Culture

Cows Have Emotions. Feeling Like a Palio Yet?


Oh, awesome. Again for its Palio model, Fiat succeeds in confusing us more than it did yesterday.

Got two minutes? Watch an old man throw knives at a cow. Then hit the campaign website, where you can watch all sorts of other bizarre Brazilian fare.

by Angela Natividad    May-17-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Strange

Elave Goes Bare to Push Purity


Because it has nothing to hide (no nasty chemicals or cancer-causing agents), skincare brand Elave pitches product in the buff.

We've never seen so many different types of naked people doing all sorts of really ... well, mundane stuff. Where do we apply?

by Angela Natividad    May-17-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online

Drugs, Big Eyeball Inspire Mattress Purchase


How do you sell an overpriced Sleep Number bed? With drugs, of course, and a gigantic eyeball, which we're beginning to suspect is a more effective marketing tool than we thought. Or at least a more popular one, anyway.

Wakey'z Drug Mall, which hopes through pretty pink pills to demonstrate people need fewer artificial means of finding rest, was created by McKinney, Durham. We're not quite convinced but reserve our judgment to see what else they do with the bloodshot drug-peddling cartoon character.

by Angela Natividad    May-16-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Online

Dance Responsibly, or the Vodka-Buzzed Dance Cops Will Get You


Meet HI NRG, a vodka-based energy drink whose campaign site Dance Responsibly features three videos that have captured violations of our sensory rights.

Inspired by the self-policing "drink responsibly" sash alcohol brands are so fond of wearing, HI NRG claims to give you so much energy that it too must be had responsibly. Lest you diverge, the stern dance police will (you hope, we're sure) whip you back into shape.

And because it wouldn't be a legit marketing strategy without one, the site also features a CGM campaign for $3,000, almost a third lower than the going bedroom-dancing rate of $10,000, a figure that seems to fall out of CGM coffers like candy out of a big fat pinata.

Because neither the pleather-porting sex kitten cops nor the dance-themed campaign were enough of a back-decade rip-off, the drink had to call itself HI NRG too.

The campaign was put together by Kojo Interactive. We really can't think of a more devastating attempt to manifest the 90s. Wait, Alicia Silverstone just turned the corner.

by Angela Natividad    May-16-07    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Online, Packaging