Scrabble Hijacks Captcha


Captcha. You know it. You hate it. Well, organizers of a Scrabble tournament did something to alleviate Captcha hatred all while promoting the 21st Annual Gulf Scrabble Championship. The brand replaced the Captcha portion of Scrabble-related sites with a Scrabble game. Instead of trying to read illegible letters, people would unscrabble a word. Those who did were then presented with an ad for the Championship. Nifty. And it worked delivering 70 times the CTR of banners.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-30-12    
Topic: Online

Condom Brand Helps Sluts Unite Against Rush Limbaugh


With a new campaign that unapologetically leverages the Rush Limbaugh situation, Sir Richard's Condoms offers support for the "Sex-Positive movement" in the form of an online "Slut's Oath" and 24 slutty, free-for-the-taking avatars. The campaign is created by advertising agency TDA_Boulder, Boulder, Colo.

Visitors to the are invited to take and to tweet the five-part oath:

- "I believe that sex represents more than just the creation of children.
- "I believe it is an enjoyable, healthy and a profound part of the human experience.
- "I believe that the responsible use of birth control is an essential component of a mature, civilized society.
- "And if these beliefs make me a slut in some people's eyes, so be it.
- "I will stand united with my fellow sluts, now and always."

They can also select as their own any of 24 ready-made avatars, such as "In Sluts We Trust," "My Dad Is A Slut," "Slut Is My Co-Pilot," "Lil' Slut," and "I Think Therefore I Slut."

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-12    
Topic: Brands, Online, Political, Racy

Possibly the Best Ad For A Newspaper Ever


Adscam's George Parker brings to our attention an amazing ad for The Guardian created by BBH, London. The ad tells the well known story of the Three Little Pigs but with a modern twist. As the story unfolds, we see how it changes and how readers become intimately involved with the story through social media.

Parker writes, "A beautifully executed illustration of the power and interaction possible between traditional and digital media, and how this can rapidly and decisively change the public's perception and interpretation of the story."

Indeed. The ad truly captures how media works now and positions the paper (yea, an old school newspaper) as an important element in both telling the story and enabling other angles of the story to arise.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-12    
Topic: Commercials, Newspaper, Online

Ladies, We Have the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift For Your Man


Ladies, stumped for ideas on what to get your man for Valentine's Day? Yea, yea, yea. We know it's really your day and us guys are supposed to shower you with flowers, chocolates, dinner and the best sex you've had all year but the man in your life deserves something too, right?

Well, if you're feeling so inclined, check out Kirin's Beer Bro-Quet, a bouquet of, yes, beer. Created by Y&R Singapore for Kirin Mini Beer, this lovely bouquet will ceetainly put your man in good spirits and, perhaps, actually give you the best sex you've had all year rather than just phoning it in.

by Steve Hall    Feb-13-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Online, Specialty, Strange

Ten Steps to Effective Email Marketing


Email marketing. It makes you yawn, right? Creating and watching Super Bowl commercial is way more fun, right? But just how much trackable business can you expect from a Super Bowl commercial? Especially since most of you don't have $3.5 million to blow on a Super Bowl commercial.

Are you still yawning? You shouldn't be. Email marketing might be boring but it's cheap (ok, inexpensive) and it works. And you know when it works. And you know how it works. And you know why it worked. Can you say that about a Super Bowl commercial?

But it's just more fun to make a TV ad, right? It might be. But ask yourself this; are you in this business to have fun or to make money? Yea, yea, yea, it should be both but the bottom line is that you're doing it to make money for your company, your client's company and for yourself.

So if you hate email marketing and think it's boring that's OK. You're just going to be left behind by others that realize how well it works. But don't worry. Our white paper series is here to help. Check out Aprimo's Ten Steps to Effective Email Marketing. Ok? We good?

by Steve Hall    Feb- 7-12    
Topic: Online, Research

Google Map App Calls Attention to Seeing Eye Dogs


The Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation has launched a Google Maps app that calls attention to the importance of guide dogs. Using Google Maps technology, one can search for directions use the guide dog button. Basically the app provides directions but paints everything but the route black.

It's an interesting approach. Visually representing what a blind person sees and, at the same time, calling attention to the focus a seeing eye dog can provide.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 3-12    
Topic: Online

Icon Offers Graceful Entry to Spanish Language Section of Websites


More and more sites are offering their content in Spanish and other languages. Attempting to bring some guidelines and iconography to how the link is made to Spanish content, one agency has come up with what it thinks is a good solution. Working with their client the University of Texas, Cultural Strategies developed an icon that incorporates the enie, the symbol placed over the letter N in most Spanish words.

Of the development, Cultural Strategies CEO Juan Torne wrote, "We have been working on a way to clearly, but un-intrusively, provide access to our client's online Spanish content. The "En Español" button or hyperlink is simply boring (and it disenfranchises a percentage of the site's visitors), the Flag - be it from Spain or Mexico - even though helpful, to a certain degree leaves out people from other nationalities/heritages."

So he came up with the enie icon. We think it works. What do you think?

by Steve Hall    Dec-22-11    
Topic: Online

Search for 'Let It Snow' on Google: Link Bait of the Day


Wait, what? Us? Link bait? Hey, if Mashable can routinely post the same story three different times looking or Google Juice then so can we. Want to know what currently drives the most traffic to Adrants? People who go to Google and search for "do a barrel roll." Why? Because when you perform that search, the site actually does a barrel roll an, well, apparently a lot of people want to see Google do a barrel roll.

Now the latest bit of fun over at Google can be had by typing "Let it snow." Do that and it will start snowing on the site.

OK. Blatant link baiting complete

by Steve Hall    Dec-19-11    
Topic: Online

SEO Is For Tail Chasers. Brand Awareness Is For Pack Leaders


Here's an interesting take on SEO versus branding that's sure to stir debate from guest contributor marketing executive Andy Havard.

Search Engine Optimization has been like a marketing drug over the past few years, with businesses, brands and organisations cramming every resource into climbing up the search engine rankings. In fact SEO isn't so much a marketing drug, as a marketing placebo, and not very good one at that.

Focusing on SEO is a sure-fire way to make your brand disappear. It's little more than a strategy that makes marketing moguls chase their tails around every day in the office. Now brand awareness on the other hand is a marketing strategy that separates the tail chasers from the industry pack leaders and the following article explains why.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-14-11    
Topic: Online, Opinion

The Shocking Truth About Old Spice's Isaiah Mustafa


Have we got some news for you! All along we thought Isaiah Mustafa was just a snarky spokesperson for Old Spice. Ripe with banter and witticisms, Mustafa can twist a phrase like no other. But Mustafa has a secret. And it's a big one!


He's a bomber. That's right. He blows shit up on the side. In between YouTube takes. Check it out here.

by Steve Hall    Dec-12-11    
Topic: Brands, Online