Just when you think there couldn't possibly be yet another flavorized Doritos line extension, the funny bunch over at Frito-Lay come up with even more. But this time, rather than creating new flavors, because, like, they've already done them all, they mix two flavors together and call it something new.
To promote this flavorific fusion, Doritos (in the UK) has launched the Doritos Collision campaign, a series of videos that pit flavor mascots against one another wrestling ring-style. There's Feathered Fury, The Griller, Tenacious T and El Zesto.
In addition to the videos, the brand has teamed with Bebo and Endamol's The Gap Year, a web series. Oh, and there's all kinds of social media goodness as well.
Adrants contributor Krista Neher of Photrade attended the opening ad:tech Chicago keynote and submitted this article:
Ad:tech kicked off with a great start! ad:tech Chair Dew Ianni introduced the keynote speaker and shared some key info on the state of the industry. A few key pieces of information:
- Online Advertising is growing - from $25B to $50B in 2012
- IAB reported $6.8B in Q1 with growth of 18% (not bad for a slowing economy)
- Key Trend - Consolidation: 300 "networks" to a few dozen by 2010
- $$ still flowing to innovators: Apps/Widgets, Social, Mobile, Niche
- With the state of the economy, ad budgets are tightening, however digital and online continue to show growth
The stage was set with an optimistic outlook for digital marketing, and keynote speaker Google Industry Development Director Kevin Kells kicked it off by asking the audience: "What comes to mind when you think of performance and brand building?" After a short silence (probably because the coffee hasn't kicked in yet), the audience threw out some suggestions:
- Search
- Increased Sales
- Growth
According to Kevin, growth comes largely from being more relevant to the marketplace. There are two things that are really driving this: 1) Gathering and using better insights from the people that matter to you the most and 2) Telling more stories more often to people who matter to you.
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Newsforce's Dana Todd isn't a fan of the Holiday Inn Meat you Maker banner campiagn currently running on Slate. He writes:
"Ok, I'm frustrated with this. See attached ad, running on Slate right now. Note the potential misspelling "Meat your maker". Hmm, puzzling. Mousing over to expand the rich ad got me no more info about meat or what it had to do w/this professor guy. Clicked the link, sat through ridiculous talking head, still no meat."
Todd goes on, writing, "Can they just not spell, or is there some mystery being unfolded regarding meat or mastery or anything of any consequence? Driving me nuts. I'll probably have to take a valium tonight ;-)"
Yes, after watching, we might need a Valium as well. But, we're still a fan of Philip Baker Hall.
Before we get into this story, let's make sure everyone is on the same page regarding User-Generated Content. Thanks to Brickfish, which just launched a User-Generated Content campaign for Family Circle and eBay, we have this handy explanation.
"The campaign relies on User-Generated Content [get that??? USER-GENERATED CONTENT!] to reach women across the Web. Brickfish campaigns are designed to spark the creation of brand-focused UGC [that's USER-GENERATED CONTENT, by the way] such as blogs, images, video and audio. Brickfish's content sharing tools enable anyone to view and review submissions, vote on their favorites, and share them with friends and peers using email, Instant Message and postings on hundreds of social networking sites including Facebook, MySpace and many more [get that" MANY MORE!!!]. Brickfish campaigns become extremely viral [that's VIRAL, people! VIRAL! VIRAL is cool!] using a peer-to-peer marketing approach."
Isn't USER-GENERATED CONTENT cool? Neat, huh?
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- The New York Times wrote a SEVEN PAGE STORY about /b/ and online trolls: people that make a satisfying career out of hurting your widdo feewings.
- Campaign.com decided voting is a superpower.
- Cuil turns quantum researchers into gay porn stars. Hur-raaaay.
- The Center for Public Integrity launched a new blog called Papertrail. It promises to be "the hard-hitting, investigative blog that Washington is missing." Also, there's poetry and music.
- The Gay List Daily is promoting the Details Mens Style Manual, which teaches you how to be a flawlessly-dressed man. If you're not a man, or are already quite flawless, learn how to market to one. And if you can do that too, then shucks, you must be God. In cashmere.
- Every heel and toe of Cole Haan's sassy new Air Donovan dress shoes has the power of many Michael Jordans behind it.
For every beehive lost, a b-boy somewhere goes up in smoke.
Put together by Feed Company for client Haagen-Dazs, which hopes to raise awareness about the high rate of honey bee deaths. (The shorthand: honey bees are dying in increasing numbers. We depend on them for one-third of our food supply, so if they all die, well ... let's just say no more ice cream for you.)
Visit Help the Honey Bees to read more. Cute site. Sad how the little bee just falls into the grass and dies, though. Kinda reminded me of this.
Luckily (maybe?) for future bees, the breakdancing bee video is generating steam from breaker fans. See YouTube comments. Then hey, go buy ice cream. (Chocolate peanut butter is smooooth.)
And by "understanding," that is to say "We'll buy your ad space, you write us up nice and pretty."
A funner statistic: one in five senior-level marketers admit their organizations have purchased advertising in exchange for an online news story, likely even favorable. These figures are up slightly from last year (17 percent versus this year's 19 percent), when five percent admitted to either paying editors or giving them gifts in exchange for upbeat coverage. It's all here, sugar booger.
And just so you know? Yeah, presents, particularly of a monetary or vice-oriented variety, work a lot better than lengthy pitches that start with "I am such a fan!" Products work too. That's what's called "market research."*
Image credit: Delightful Deliveries, which has yet to surprise us with gift-wrapped gratitude in exchange for pushing its logo in this piece.
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Entries for this contest is the only way Saturn's Astra is getting any love. Not to say people aren't getting Warholian with it.
Like all hopeful online efforts, the effort also sports a pretty sparse Facebook app. I tried running a search for it on Facebook and got "Did you mean: kiss my ass?" alongside results that ironically do feature a lot of car-smooching, just not the Astra kind.
You gotta love skinny models. They wear clothes well, improve sales, make other women feel bad. The best part? They don't eat. Think of the savings!
A survey of 194 female college students, aged 18-24, found women feel uglier after seeing thin models. They are also more likely to buy products held in a gamine's claw than from ads with "regular-size models." (Here's a secret: none of us enjoy being characterized as "regular." It's like being called "homely" -- a big fat fucking slap in the face.)
Seeing thin models also made women less likely to accept a snack pack of Oreo cookies offered as a thank-you for their participation in the study. Well, no shit.
You know what a woman does want to do after seeing all those runway waifs? (Second to shopping, that is.) Drink. A lot. And that's why we're so keen on Gawker's coverage of the same survey. It's right next to a banner ad for Sobieski vodka. That's targeting to win!
Your mission: visit King of Cubicles. Play nice with balding man sporting poor choice of tie and dated Mac. The objective? Get him to hire you as the King of Cubicles.
After weaving your way through a sleep-inducing and earnestly uncomfortable interview process, you may or may not be made King. The perks? A car, a salary and a Nintendo Wii. A video resume proving your worthlessness can help turn the tide in your favor.
Put together by R/West for The Game Factory. I'm sure in another universe this site's a wild ride.