In a clever bit of marketing, SanDisk has launched a site called iDon't to promote its new Sansea e200 MP3 player. The approach is a snipe at the ubiquitous iPod and features links to other anti-iPod sites as well as schwag, posters, templates and chat icons, all of which carry the iDon't anti-iPod message. Of course, to be complete, there's a weblog on which Da Sheep Herder will continue to spread the iDon't propaganda. No that anything's going to knock the iPod out of its top spot but this is, by far, the best marketing effort to have taken on the iPod. The site must be making the rounds because it just became unavailable. Perhaps it's on the receiving end of come Boing Boing, Digg, Fark, Slashdot action.
When it comes to promoting Coke Light in Brussels, they don't sign some random pop star to perform canned dance moves, they go out and film real people doing real dance moves and let others create their own dance moves on a website that collects all these dance moves. On the sitem you can watch dance clips or upload your photo onto a random body and create your own dance clip. Predictably. most are amateurishly bad but, then again, people love to see themselves on camera and send them to their friends so I guess this could work.
Ever sit around on your couch slapping flies as they buzz around you? We didn't think so but McAfee thinks there's an analogy here between pesky flying bugs and the pesky kind of computer bugs its software can eradicate. Anyway, this little game allows you to slap bugs as they fly about your head while you hopefully make the connection between real bugs and computer bugs.
It seems the Texas heat is causing people to get it all the time in Austin. The Austin-Statesman is running a promotional campaign with the tagline "How Do You Get It?" to promote the Austin newspaper and its online properties. One women gets it from her assistant, Ricky, on her desk. One basketball player gets it in the locker room. One student gets it from her guidance counselor. Hmm. One guy gets it from his dog. Yuck. One hottie got it her first week of college. One dude got it from his best friend's Mom. Uh, no thank you. Anyway, it's one of those campaigns that does cause you to go "hmm" and pay attention for at least a few more seconds than you normally would.
In a natural move, Nikon, as part of its Stunning campaign - the one which recently featured Kate Moss - has entered into a deal with photo site Flickr whereby any picture taken with a Nikon camera and uploaded to Flicker will display a small Nikon log next to the information section on individual photo pages. Also, photos tagged "nikonstunninggallery" will be featured on Nikon's NikonStunningGallery website and a prominent link to Nikon's site is featured on Flickr's homepage. If ever there were an appropriate campain to appear on Flickr, this would be it.
- Unilever in Brazil is promoting its Rexona Sportfan deodorant with a site containing an amusing Atari game, a manifesto and videos.
- Sean Ganann points to an article in Australian Creative magazine by Glue Society's Jonathan Kneebone that says creatives shouldn't waste their time working in advertising but go out and do something really creative.
- Alan Taylor Communications, in the second of its Communicast podcasts, interviews Xbox Live Group Marketing Director Aaron Greenberg and how he's marketing Xbox Live.
- If you're into the whole Web 2.0 thing and don't want to miss any conference on the topic, Eric Weaver has put together a nice list of upcoming events.
- Starbucks "We Built This City" parody gets video.
The Minnesota State Lottery wanted to create a place where people could feel at home playing the lottery to they, with help from Colle+McVoy, created an entire town where residents can live in a land where it rains money and the flowers are made out of dollar bills. OK, so they didn't create an actual town but they did create a website for the town of Lucky MN where those who want to play the state lottery can do so with ease.
Symantec has released the second video in its Safety Town series that follows the travels of a man who had a fraudulent charge made to his credit card. In this episide, the man, Steve, tracks down the store where the fraudulent charge was made and gets a lead on where the card user may have gone. Oh, and he gets rid of the ugly yellow bathrobe. Night Agency created the work.
In a move far more effective that a typical "All gets your clothes cleaner" before/after :30, All Detergent is staging a promotion in New York over the next two weeks that has two buses, draped with dirty laundry roaming the streets of the city. People who see the bus can text message All and enter a sweepstakes to win $200 and a $5,000 grand prize for a shopping spree. A website accompanies the promotion and has videos, product info and a bus route map to make it easier to spot the vehicle.
Behavioral online ad network TACODA, will begin screening the content that appears adjacent to the ads served through its 3,500 site network for inappropriate content and then determine whether or not to serve an ad. It's being done through a partnership with content filtering firm ContentWatch which will flag questionable content for review and filtering. TACODA President and COO Curt Viebranz says the move is an effort to offer adverisers a "clean, we-lit environment." Now if only the contextual folks could keep the credit card sharks away from the real sharks. Actuially, one company can. Check out Mochila.