These Boobs Were Made For iPod Support


Warning! Warning! Attention, accuracy police. Attention those who expect only boring, serious news here on Adrants and nothing to actually lighten up the day. This is not, repeat, not a real ad for the Apple iPod Shuffle. Neither is this. These are the fake machinations of some Flickr person having fun with their cleavage and panties for the amusement of others, you included. So just look. Enjoy. And don't over analyze.

by Steve Hall    Oct-11-06    
Topic: Online, Racy, Spoofs

XM Launches Campaign, Stern Launches Campaign, Bosch Bushed


- XM is launching a Lowe New York-created Q4 Holiday ad campaign which will include television, cable, print, DM and interactive.

- In Demand Networks is launching a $1 million campaign to promote its 24/7 Howard Stern subscription TV channel.

- And just or fun, Brooke Hogan. They really can make anyone look good on a magazine cover.

- A Bosch bush moons an old guy next door for, well, we have no idea. Probably some sort of turbocharged hedge trimmer.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-10-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Direct, Magazine, Online, Television

Marriott Spring Hill Suites Wants Bad Dancers


Marriott Spring Hill Suites has chosen to highlight the Seinfeldian Elaine-like dancing abilities out there with More Room to Move, a dance-o-matic game thingy that somehow aligns bad footwork with the need for bigger hotel rooms. Cheese at its finest.

by Steve Hall    Oct-10-06    
Topic: Games, Online, Strange

Berthold Has Grotesk Akzident in HP Video


With a riff on typefaces, HP's Imaging and Printing Group have released their first virally-intended video, called Berthold's Grotesk Zkzident, which features two graphic designers working together, one of whom freaks out when the printer breaks and ends up trashing the office unintentionally. Oh, and bike messenger that shows up at the end? No idea. Weird. But in a strangely good way. Created by Publicis Dialog.

by Steve Hall    Oct-10-06    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video, Viral

Pepsi Zero A Nonenitity, Wind Does Blow, Sky Bursts


- It seems Pepsi can't quite come to terms with the fact Zero is a nonentity and, in fact, would like us to refer to its product as a nonenitity.

- Yea, yea, yea. Pamela Anderson is in a Virgin Mobile commercial with veiled references to what...penis size? Yawn.

- Nissan's 7 Days in A Sentra bombs according to some.

- Western Wind Energy, which we earlier mentioned was hosting a viral video contest, is nearing completion. As expected, all the submisions suck as much as the original video did. But, hey, at least people are participating, right?

- While we're sure this new Candystand game called Life Savers Splosions Skyburts is a whole lot of fun, the need to install a plugin and confusing directions out us off. Then again, we never play online games so don't listen to us. Check it out for yourselves.

- Liquor advertisers don't like under aged girls as much as FHM readers do.

by Steve Hall    Oct-10-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Games, Online, Outdoor

All Your Video Are Belong to Google


In confirming its $1.65 billion stock purchase of YouTube, Google promise the site will run independently for the foreseeable future but Google will ad its AdWords adverting program to the site. Google lawyers were mum on the prospect of getting the crap sued out of them for all those un-copyrighted videos infesting YouTube. It's unclear at this point whether or not Google Video and YouTube will become one in the future.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 9-06    
Topic: Online, Video

'Pulse' DVD Release Promoted With Cryptic Belgian Site


Today, we received a cryptic email directing is to a Belgian website called Unknown Frequencies which delivered explosive, full screen imagery that made it look like your computer was being attacked by some sort or killer virus. It then delivered an onslaught of IM windows in quantity only the likes of girls with naked pictures on their profiles would ever receive. After a few more ominous messages, the site said to check our email October 11 for more information. We don't need to wait. We already figured it out.

Strangely, as soon as this full screen takeover begin, it reminded us very much of a movie review we had read back in August for the Kristen Bell film, Pulse. And, sure enough, after spending a bit more time with the site, seeing a directory tree with flash by early on and following that link, we were redirected to

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by Steve Hall    Oct- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Viral

United Nations Hires LonelyGirl15 For Poverty PSA


Yes, it's come full circle. An entity with seemingly no purpose has been hired by one which has a very important purpose, the United Nations. Y&R, which works on the United Nations' Millennium campaign, contacted Greg Goodfried, one of the guys being the 40-video LonelyGirl15 series to see if LonelyGirl15 herself, Jessica Lee Rose, wold be interested in fronting a PSA. The deal was made and the video is now on YouTube for all to see.

While the marriage of LonelyGirl15 with the United Nations might, at first, seem odd, we're thinking it's kinda brilliant. With her following, a generation raised in a world of media vastly different than that of just five years ago, the move shows someone behind this effort truly understands social media and why tonnage television buys aren't always the best thing for getting the word out.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 9-06    
Topic: Best, Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Trends and Culture, Video

Woman, Bed, Laptop, Hot Guy, Suction Shill 'Meet Or Delete'


To promote its new online and mobile dating show, Meet or Delete, this virally intended video features a woman on her bed transfixed by a guy she's checking out online. Her desires to be with him do come to fruition but, sadly, not for too long.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Strange, Video

Young Guns Probes Fresh Meat

youngguns anal probe.JPG

To promote their ad contest for the practitioners of tomorrow, Young Guns releases Worth the Pain, which straddles the fine balance between educational and entertaining in a satisfyingly dark way. We dig the sense of despair dripping from the guy holding his head in his hands. What's got him so down? Is it the pressure that comes with competing for attention in a cutthroat industry, or is it the anal thermometer that explodes in hearts and rainbows? Come on, we all have to pay our dues. -Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct- 9-06    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online, Racy