Mountain Dew Makes Geriatric Splash in YouTube Mash-Up Campaign


Senior citizen Sue Teller draws the attention of not-so-golden eyes with this little clip about mash-ups. It's got Mountain Dew's twisted tongue-in-cheek style all over it but the Dew's staying mum about its involvement with the aging, crunk-loving album ripper.

Kevin at PR Blog thinks it's Super Bowl related which makes sense to us as businesses traditionally go out on a limb to get noticed on the coveted meathead spots. Interestingly, the demographic that few besides convalescent homes pay attention to may contain the golden key.

Oxygen took this a step further some years ago and actually gave Sue Johansen, who's got to be pushing 85 from what we can tell, a sex show complete with a trunk full of pleasure tools. That definitely got the attention of creeped-out but fascinated high school girls for a hot minute. Is Dew tearing a page out of the femme-friendly network for the young and 'net-savvy? We'll find out.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 8-07    
Topic: Best, Brands, Online

Blatherific Agency Founder Gets YouTube Spoofing


Cahan Associates Founder Bill Cahan who, in a video on his agency's site and on YouTube, says he's concerned about the video featuring just him but them proceeds to feature just himself in the video. In oh-so-tired, oh-so-overdone close crop, shaky camera, ego-centric style, the video goes on in wondrously blatherific style explaining how the agency wants people/clients whose hearts beat a little faster, whose palms are sweaty and who are not quite sure what they are going to get. Now that sounds like a smart client doesn't it? Anyway, Cahan says he's not going to use buzzwords and then, yes, proceeds to use them.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Spoofs, Video

Penis Photos, Oddly Placed Ads, Body Manipulation


Reverse Cowgirl directs us to a weird series of photos involving penises dolled up like faces to showcase KSUBI sunglasses. What struck us was not the penises but the other ads that appeared on the Papermag blog.

This Zune ad at the top of the page uses the same idea, manipulating elements of hands and fingers to create faces and features. Cool juxtaposition.

And we couldn't help smiling at the Dewar's ad whose tagline, "The quality of the article should be its greatest advertisement," was just too funny alongside the penis shots.

Oh, man. Can somebody please write a book or at least some kind of blog on the delicate feng shui involved in web ad placement?

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Opinion

Perez Promotes, McLennan Fires, Brides Brided


- The networks never saw a meme they didn't want to jump on so it is without surprise they're all slapping ads for their shows up on celeb site PerezHilton.

- Dammit, online customers are good for the music business!

- This Fall, New York City taxi cabs will begin showing NBC programming. Come on! We don't want to be distracted from the city's eye candy now do we?

- Anyone with the name Hamish McLennan is bound to attract attention and the Hamish McLennan that is the CEO of Y$R did just that with the terse firing of the agency's vp world creative director Michael Patti who was said to be under delivering.

- Conde Nast is going after brides-to-be on MySpace with a page offering video and photo content.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Outdoor, Television

Draft FCB Does Cookies Right, Still Can't Stop Thinking About Lions


Under the tagline "Milk's favorite cookie," Draft FCB orchestrates a playful set of Oreo prints that illustrate "the dunk aspect of the Oreo twist, lick and dunk ritual and showcases the simple fun that dunking Oreo cookies in milk can bring," says Laurie Guzzinati of Kraft.

Okay. We can't fault Draft for saying "twist, lick and dunk" considering that's exactly what we do when we have the occasional Oreo. But after that lions-fucking insanity, which comes to mind every time we type out "Draft FCB," we just can't keep a straight face.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Online, Poster

Celebrity Pubic Hair Collected to Aid Charity


No doubt, this is some marketers cheeky idea of a promotion but we're going to have to wait a while before we find out who's behind it. But let's not let details get in the way of celebrating the collection of celebrity pubic hairs which, when mounted and autographed, are sold...all to make money to donate to charity. Locks of Love? Screw that. With everyone body grooming these days, there ought to be a whole lot more pubes to donate than head hair. So when you celeb Shave Everywhere, don't just let it all go down the drain. Use your god given attributes to help those in need! Besides, you drain won't clog and it'll be much nicer on your house cleaner.

Oh, there's a countdown clock on the site insuring we check back to see what this is all about on January 15. Hmm. Philips? Yea, we think so.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Promotions, Spoofs, Strange

3 Big-Ass Brands Get Print-Pwned by Bentley


We're not sure if these are real and have a strong suspicion they're not, but the idea that they could be makes us happy. And even if they aren't, the strength virals have in consumer-generated media makes them just as legit WOM-wise for the respective companies involved. Just look at the arguments they generate.

To wrap up the whole car-wars thing, the super-short synopsis: BMW gets snarky with Audi. Audi bitches them out. Subaru jumps in. Bentley pwns all. In fact we think we've just been sold on it. Why couldn't the Pepsi/Coke wars have ended like this?

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Best, Consumer Created, Online, Poster, Spoofs

'Truth in Advertising' Begets 'Truth in Sales'


If you work in advertising, you've certainly seen the hilarious but extremely truthful parody Truth in Advertising. It was only a matter of time before the classic got an update and, today, it got a big one. This parody of the parody, called The Truth in Ad Sales does a great job uncovering what really happens between a media agency and a media seller and how the final sales pitch makes it to the conference room for presentation. It's British so it's be funny even if it isn't but it is so it's worth watching. It's got all your favorite Wanker and Bugger All commentary complete with mention of social media and "MyTube." Hmm, MyTube. Now there's a possibility. Oh wait. Silly us. The porn industry has already jumped on that one.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online, Spoofs, Strange, Video

To Combat, Unleashes the Cleavage


Over the past few months, Copyranter has been diligently following the ever increasing cup size and revealing cleavage of models who force you to stare at them every time you log into your MySpace page. Now, it seems, stodgy has had enough and has instructed its creative folks to unleash its own D+ cup cleavage upon us to attract eyeballs just as does.

Copyranter notes the model in the ad is said to be an actual member (as opposed to's hired models) but also questions the validity of her "Brody100" profile and posits she's a employee or a "paid plant." Who cares. Cleavage is cleavage after all so we're not going to be picky. What's that saying? "Bigger is better?"

UPDATE: We have been assured by's PR agency that Brody100 is, indeed, the real deal. She, along with 25 other members are featured in the company's just launched campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online, Racy

Domino's Knocks Off Lonelygirl with Spoiled Adolescent Brat


An Adrants reader points us to Mackenzieheartsu, a boring but strangely watchable spoiled rich girl whose travails over her father's choice of car colour culminate in her getting what she wants and selling the old car for $9.99 on Ebay.

The last video drops a link to Anything Goes Deal, the latest Domino's promotion, a less-than-subtle hint likely to fly over the heads of everyone involved. Nobody in her comments section seems the wiser, anyway.

The campaign ran a couple weeks in December and looks over, which is too bad because we thought Mackenzie more convincing than LonelyGirl15 (who had suspiciously clean production skills). The comments she received indicate she made a vivid impression with people riding the Laguna Beach and OC waves.

Our favourite comment was "I hope your father sells you on Ebay in $9.90 and some poor Norwegian baker family buy you to bake fish bread whole of your life." We're not sure what fish bread is, but it sounds uncute and we have serious doubts Mackenzie would like its shade. It might not match anything in her room.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 5-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Online, Promotions, Video