Mitchum Promotes Deodorant With Mitchum Man Website

Launched on April 8th in conjunction with an offline campaign, the Mitchum Man website which posits important man-isms such as "If you’ve spent hours arguing real vs. fake, you're a Mitchum Man" and "If Menage A Trois is the only French you know, you’re a Mitchum Man." features a site of the day, content that aligns with the Mitchum image, and the Mitchum Man-O-Log, a collection of items that every man needs such as a 5 gallon bucket, a stuffed buck head, a gigantic remote, tube socks and economy frozen hamburgers. Whatev.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-05    
Topic: Online Launches Virtual Bartender II

Following up on its Virtual bartender, has launched Virtual Bartender II which features not one but two hot babes, Trisha and Lisa, reacting to your (almost) every command and teasing you until you just have to...well...visit another website. We don't know if this promotes's cause but it's sure to increase the time spent viewing numbers for its website.

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-05    
Topic: Online

Cover Up: Online Publishing Success Cannibalizing Offline Operations

Long time New York PR professional Lois Whitman, who started her career in 1966 as a "copy girl" for Fairchild Publications and followed the activities of Jackie O, Lana Turner, Kim Novak and Liz Taylor, lends experiential insight to the notion more and more publishers are deriving revenue from their online properties than their print properties. Eluding to the notion publisher's offline efforts are increasingly being supported by their online efforts, Whitman posits this trend is being buried by the media for fear of accelerating the death of their many print publications.

It's not an entirely radical, nor new notion but when it comes from the lips (fingers?) of one so steeped in the pre-Internet world, it's a bit more alarming. More so than when it comes from a dot com wannabe.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-05    
Topic: Online