Because Can You Honestly Say You Don't Want a Copy of 'Hey There, Sugar Britches'?


No ad industry holiday is complete without a lovable mood-setting douchebag. This year Tom Fellow is ours.

The guy had us from "felice navidado" and now we can't stop listening to his Christmas standards and watching him open presents while growling.

Lavish in the Fellow aesthetic or watch with glee while Twitter catches on. Big THANKEE to @pjbfcp.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec-23-08    
Topic: Best, Online, Spoofs, Strange

JWT's 'Albert' May Finally Leave the Pole this Year


Last year JWT sent us a holiday card featuring Albert, an animated tool whose tongue's been attached to the same pole for a year, I guess.

Albert's back. Try to free him without overtaxing his pain threshold. Pulling him back and letting go has proven somewhat amusing. Also, JWT promises there's a way to detach him this time. (But why would you?)

by Angela Natividad    Dec-23-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online

This is Brew Creative's Message of Hope.


This holiday, Brew Creative decided to forego that "we're donating to charity!" crap that other agencies are doing and cut right to the good stuff. Here's a mash-up of all the depressing political soundbytes we were all subjected to this year.

If nothing else, let this knowledge fill your heart: our government makes so many warped promises that our interests are bound to be met at least some of the time, so keep right on coasting along and eating bacon.

Probably the best thing about this effort is the ability to sift through a broad array of disconnected soundbytes and make your own "message of hope." Politico quotables are divided between "Phrases" and "Connecting words." Good times.

Mashup features provided with help from Sevnthsin.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-23-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Political, Trends and Culture, Video

Charity Holiday, Enemy Gameplay, More Than Words with Alex B.


- Top 10 virals of '08, courtesy of the guys that brought you this.

- Digitas Health donates to charity for the holidays, as does RAZ PR (which told us via paper card). Meanwhile, comScore pledges trees.

- "Unprecedented economic waters" (nice euphemism!) means no FedEx retardation during '09's Super Bowl. One less thing to look forward to. Honestly, anything involving Burt Reynolds makes us happier people.

- Remember that crazy/beautiful, semi-schizophrenic media orgy titled Game, Game, Game and Again Game? The sequel is called I Made This. You Play This. We Are Enemies. Creator Jason Nelson promises "More strange hand drawn creatures, with screen shot anchored levels and all the poetic bits known." And then we kissed him.

- Crowdsourcing horror.

- Beancasting Steve and Bill. Among other things, they talk online video marketing, Pepsi suicide ads and diversity (lack of?) in the industry.

- Learn to shred with CP+B. "But yeah, the biggest thing people will go after is Alex giving lessons on how to play Extreme's More Than Words." Sounds like a winner to me.

'Rumble in the Jingle' a 'Trailer Crashers' Sequel (Hmm, That Rhymed)


Oh look, It's Trailer Crashers with new clothes on. Yes, Samsung is out with Rumble in the Jingle, a Christmas-themed, make-your-own-movie-trailer thing to"awareness of the company's Blu Ray offerings."

Gotta love how the three star's "headgear" kind floats awkwardly above their faces. The (intended?) cheesiness succeeds (sort of).

by Steve Hall    Dec-22-08    
Topic: Online, Video, Viral

What is it About this Holiday Season that Just Screams 'RODEO'?


Riffing off an idea first presented to us by Lucky Brand Jeans, agency Bernstein-Rein gives us the Reindeer Rodeo, yet another holiday game where the objective is to keep a skittish elf on a bucking...

...well, I'd hate to ruin the surprise.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Games, Online

Learn from Davo: Slow Down, Stupid.


@dirkthecow introduced us to What Davo Loves, a responsible-driving initiative for Queensland Transport, Australia.

The site's put together like a generic profile page for a dude called Davo. At right is a montage of people he loves, and at left is a video of him fondling his new car, lamely named "Rex."

All frothy fun, right? That is, until the car careens out of the video frame and slams into his collage of friends, fracturing their faces like so much cheap glass.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec-22-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online

Healthy Choice Makes Awful Choice With 'Asian Inspired' Dinners


Uh Oh. Once again, a less than clued in marketer has rankled sensibilities by using tired stereotypes to promote product. A new site from ConAgra has been created for the brand's Asian Inspired Health Choice. It's lame. Truly lame. But we're going to give the floor to our reader who had this to say about that:

"Where do I begin? The ad people who came up with the 'lonely fortune writer' idea should be fired. The brand manager that approved the concept and execution should be fired. Anyone who approved this work should re-evaluate their values.

Not only is the work insulting to Chinese/Asians and Chinese/Asian Americans (what with the awful accent, broken English, and idiot like antics), but it also completely degrades the brand and product.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-19-08    
Topic: Brands, Online, Strange, Worst

Ad Banner Catches Text on Fire


Here's an inventive online (and offline) creative implementation to promote heating device maker Gaz Metro. On the internet, the text surrounding Gaz Metro banners turns red when it the mouse is rolled over.

Offline in newspaper, ads at the bottom of the page were integrated with editorial so that text, as it was online, is altered to, in one case, turn red and, in another, blur as if heat were rising from the banner.

The agency, Touche PHD, tells us the altered text in the newspapers was part of the actual editorial rather than it being either a fake story or greeked.

by Steve Hall    Dec-19-08    
Topic: Good, Newspaper, Online

PETA Takes Fur Hags in Virtual Snowfight


In its ongoing mission to condition otherwise-normal citizens into forming violent knee-jerk reactions toward people that wear fur or (le gasp!) eat animals, PETA's created this holiday snowball game.

It's sorta like hitting groundhogs with a hammer, except you're pitching snow at "fur hags" like Madonna (10 points), Donna Karan (+25) and the Olsen Twins (+50!). But watch out for Grandma and Generic Blonde! Hitting either of them could cost you 50 points apiece.

Idle good times. Just wish my mouse moved faster. Oh, and while the game is characterized as a "snow fight," nobody else throws snow back at you, which I thought was funny, because, you know, zealous institutions always see antagonists where none exist.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-08    
Topic: Cause, Games, Online