Oh Look: Another Well-to-Do, Trash-Talking Fashion Nazi


MySpace is pushing a promotion for Bravo's series premier of Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, which looks like Tim Gunn's sad attempt to become the fashion world's version of the UK's Brian Sewell, who travels the world to say nasty things about everyone else's ancient oeuvres.

We are not convinced by his "fashion therapy" approach, but maybe it's only because he hasn't got an accent.

If a niche authority were a piece of American real estate, his or her value could increase by at least $2-$4,000 with proper use of an accent alone. Call it the personality variant of flying buttresses or vaulted ceilings.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-27-07    
Topic: Bad, Online, Promotions

Finally There's a Real Candidate in the '08 Election: Bauer for President!


Speaking of Jack Bauer, guess who's running for President? Maybe God is indeed with him more than with most.

The site reports that season 7 of 24, which essentially put Bauer on the map, will be taking place in Washington, DC.

We'd pass judgment on this whole thing now but it would probably be too rash before we've seen the Bauer variation of the Obama/Guiliani/Clinton/Romney girls.

Even the nobodies in this election know they've got better chances at making PotUS if they've got ass-shakers behind them. Talk about spectacle.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-27-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Promotions

It's Official: The Cool Train Has Left the MySpace Station


Looking to leverage public disdain for Michael Vick? You probably can't do it any better than this triage of veterinary clinics in Ontario, Canada, which is inviting Facebook users to donate unwanted Vick paraphernalia for reuse as cage lining.

Sufficiently slashed jerseys will then be burned in some sort of ceremony. We're touched. The point is, marketers are riding Facebook like it's a new breed of horse. We'll see how long this lasts before co-eds say "fuck it" and move onto the next high.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Trends and Culture

'Book of Spam' Invites Us to Further Spam-Out our Desktops


Spam gets an increasingly bad rap - it's hard to remember that some aspects of it are nice. When it's on toast, for example.

To remind us of its merits, check out The Book of Spam, which suggestively pulsates when you hover your mouse over it. Enjoy all the necessary accoutrements of a big Spam fan, including wallpapers and videos.

And to prevent the persistent from laying more abuse on this most versatile of non-meats, ruminate instead over a new artery- and inbox-clogging buzzword: bacn.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions

Best Buy Runs Dorm Makeover Video Challenge that Looks Like Every Other Video Challenge


So Best Buy's got this contest running called TechUOut. Upload a video about why your dorm room needs some techie refurbishing, and you could win $15,000 for a Best Buy shopping spree. So yeah, imagine nailing that new iPod, humoring yourself over HDTV and indulging your lust for Molly Ringwald films all in one big fat wad-blow.

Not all entries are a waste of infinite tube space, though. We liked this one, which just goes to show there's still plenty of audience creativity to milk in the vast universe of CGM.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-24-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Online, Promotions, Video

Adidas Represents, Airline Hides, Pepsi Yawns, PSFK Does LA


- EVB has put together MLS Represents for Adidas. Each MLS U.S. soccer team has been paired with 13 originally created anthems which can also be turned into music videos by fans.

- Seemingly to protect its brand, China Airlines, following the crash of one of its planes, concealed the plane's logo by painting over it.

- All those Diet Pepsi Max yawning sounds are now conveniently available on Wake Up People. Oddly, if you stuck the word "white" in there, you'd instantly have Daniel Carver's catchphrase.

- On September 18, the PSFK Conference Series will hit LA. Held at the Pacific Design Center, the conference will examine innovation and change in the areas of creative, media, marketing and advertising.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-07    
Topic: Brands, Industry Events, Online

Got $10.5M to Burn on a Phone? Come On, Sprint's Got a Private Island for You


For the elite (or just the super-boughie), Sprint is running a deal on a $10.5 million Blackberry smartphone that comes with a private island. See ad here.

Very convincing.

Would-be island takers are invited to enter their Billionaire Identification Numbers to initiate a money transfer. Meanwhile, poorer users are admonished to settle for the $199 (plus $100 rebate) offer instead.

Those curious about finding out whether the company's really giving away a free island are severely guilt-tripped by a pop-up stating that you better have the assets if you're going to screw around, because if you were really on top of the world you wouldn't be impersonating a rich guy, would you?

The offer sports Sprint's new "Sprint ahead" tagline, but operates with a tone significantly different from its psychedelic last effort. Maybe the slogan should be "Sprint in all directions."

by Angela Natividad    Aug-23-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

You Mean Ad Guys Can Make Music Videos? For 'Stronger,' Kanye Says Yes


Our favorite prima donna and McFly activist, Kan the Louis Vuitton Don, slated rhinofx to help create his music video for "Stronger," a song with a -- what? -- Daft Punk sample.

We usually roll our eyes when traditionally ad-oriented firms get into music videos or movies - mainly because these arenas seem like every self-deluded creative's wet dream - but the result for "Stronger" is a neat mash-up of Asian pop, hip-hop culture, sci-fi and animation. Say anything you want about Kanye, he always shoots for an interesting angle in his videos. Good call on rhinofx.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-23-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Online, Video

In a World Ruled by Renegade Creatives, Ahmadinejad Puts Funyuns Over Hezbollah


For shits and giggles, some time ago Harry Woods and Gill Witt put together this would-be ad for a less funded project of Frito Lay's - namely, Funyuns. (We used to eat them. They are completely unnatural and completely amazing.)

The result, Ahmadinejad Loves Funyuns!, is not really super-funny. In fact, it seems like something a little kid playing cut-and-paste-current-affairs would do. And it only gets less funny as it progresses. Maybe you just have to be high.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-23-07    
Topic: Bad, Online, Spoofs, Video

Mountain Dew, Prohibition, Rednecks Go Hand-in-Hand


For Mountain Dew, it's not far-reaching enough to be down with street culture. Apparently it wants to be in with the Dirty South too.

A firm called Mirrorball.com has sent us a weird new take on the Green Label Project for Mountain Dew.

Meet Willy the Hillybilly, the face of the drink pre-dating the '60s. One-time tagline "Zero Proof Moonshine" also harks back to Prohibition, which is when the catchy Mountain Dew song in the ad was written.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-23-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Strange